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My Grandfather’s sister this was back in the 20’s
My grandfather’s cousin’s son (my 2nd cousin once removed) and two of his children (my 3rd cousins) have type 1. Otherwise it’s just me
Interesting to see that most of the people responding report a relative with Type1
One niece, one nephew, one child of a niece.
My husband was one of the longest living diabetics in the country with juvenile diabetes, living to be 85 years of age. I became diabetic T1D with LADA, and one son became T1D juvenile. So there were 3 of us under the same roof. I also had 2 cousins with T1D. My brother is a type 2 later in his life too.
Both my son and I are the only T1D in the family. Strangely he became a T1D very close to the age I was. He was 7 and I was 8.
My middle brother, his oldest daughter (my niece), 1 Uncle, Great Grandmother (Uncles Grandmother), other relatives on that side of the family that on different branches that lead back to my Great Grandmother.
I’m the only one (aren’t I special!) back several generations (lots of medical professionals in the family – great records) No T2D or gestational either.
My two youngest children are both T1Ds, diagnosed just 3 months and 4 days apart when my son was 6 and my daughter was 11. I am a MODY T1D.
My 1st cousin’s daughter, other than that not a one, out of probably 100 relatives at that degree of kinship.
My maternal grandfather had T1D. There’s a history of auto-immune disease on both sides of my family. I have a second cousin on my father’s side living with T1D.
My maternal great grandmother although she got it later in life so there is some thoughts it might have been type 2 that advanced to needing insulin. My mother remembered watching her boil her syringes. Many on my fathers side with type 2 including himself and his mom.
T1D is Life in my family, my dad had it (diagnosed at age 18 months), I have it diagnosed at age 18 months), two out three younger brothers have it Dx’ed at ages 3 and 4), my eldest of three sons has T1D (dx’ed at 8 months old) and his only daughter has it (Dx’ed at 18 months). She is the first girl in the lineage to get it. There is no history on her mother’s side or my wife’s side.
Autoimmune conditions run on my mother’s side of the family, thyroid, lupus, MS, Addison’s, …. I am on the only one with T1D.
My brother was diagnosed when I was five (in 1971). I was diagnosed when I was forty-three (in 2009). It didn’t occur to me that it might be Type 1, though.
I was diagnosed 55 years ago at age 10, my brother was diagnosed at age 7 in 1956; two first cousins (brother and sister) maternal side; and my uncle on maternal side; all type 1.
A grandmother (maternal side) waa insulin diabetic in the ’50s. While there was probably no distinction of TYPE 1 or 2 back than, she was slender and almost blind but lived to her 60’s. A younger brother was diagnosed TYPE 1 a few months prior to my TYPE 2 diagnosis (magically changed to 1 several years later). However there were glucose concerns in both parents as they aged but at some point the the body does slow down. Another brother was diagnosed TYPE 2 but he says a1C is good, being my brother l have to trust/hope he’s doing well. An adopted cousin it’s a long term TYPE 1 with some complications, we’ve become closer through the years, even if my part of the family was the “black sheep.” BUT the
Father developed T2 late in life (late 70s). His father was diabetic. He was born in 1892 and died in 1957 of a heart attack. Don’t know anything about his diabetes. I am T1 due to a pancreatic infection. Diagnosed in 2008 at age 51. I don’t really know wether I would have developed the disease or not. The infection was the fruit of a gallstone pancreatitis. So who knows.