Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
4-year old has T1D for about 1.5 years. We typically see 60s, especially right before or while eating / after pre-bolus. Sometimes while she’s running around or swimming, we’ll go low too.
I go below 70 at least several times each day. Usually just before I eat a meal. Often while working around the house, and working out in the gym or running. I’m not concerned about going below 70, as long as I’m aware of it and can take action to increase my blood glucose levels.
Using Control IQ and going to t:connect / reports / 1 week / logbook I see 2.
I love these strings of ideological banana peels laid out in front of us as reports . . . It seems with enough generous and self-serving metrics, a T1D can do anything. 🥇
Are you asking for data via Cgm or fs? My son has several Cgm readings of 67,68,69. Typically, if we check via fs, he may be as high as 82, in which case, we take no action.
Lawrence, FS is finger sticks with glucose meter..
Joan, I set my CGM to alarm at 70.. Then acording to how I feel I may eat something [food or candy] or check with a FS .. If it happens during sleep hours, I just eat candy and go back to sleep.. I am T1D for 71 years and using a CGM [G6] only for 2 1/2 years now.. Am 91 years OLD..
Five or more over the past week, but below 70 mg/dl isn’t a problem. Currently trying to arrive at the correct amt of thyroid medication and that’s effecting everything else. I consider numbers at or below 60 lows that require correction.
Using a CGM I’m able to react to lower glucose levels, the xdrip+ app has predictive alarms allowing me plenty of time. I’ll go hours in the 70’s, feeling fine. If I see a trend below that magical “70” or feel discomfort will pop a tablet or 2 (or sip a high sugared drink). Not using an insulin pump I’m unable to adjust the basals so I use sugar intake for that “minute” adjustment. But it’s not unheard of NONdiabetics to go below 70 (considering there’s an accepted 15-20% error range for glucose meters and CGMs), the variable is injecting man-made insulin (and once injected can’t be adjusted…)
I agree with most of the other comments. 60’s are just fine unless I’m dropping. I’ll often sit around 65 for hours on end perfectly happily. When I’m dropping from there I’ll treat, but I see 60s daily as that’s how I (and my doctor) are comfortable with my controlling my diabetes.
If I have zero insulin on board and I’m hanging around the house, having a BG between 60 and 70 is great. However, if I am going to go exercise, I need to treat to raise my BG to about 100-120, so that’s 2 tabs.
Last week I have no written record of below 70 bg, but it was so hot that I got much less exercise. Usually I have 2, maybe 3 readings below 70 in a week,
Control-IQ has helped incredibly.
I keep my numbers pretty tight. Being in 60’s not a problem. Will correct but feel fine.
Same for me, it’s part of keeping myself in range.
4 days
4-year old has T1D for about 1.5 years. We typically see 60s, especially right before or while eating / after pre-bolus. Sometimes while she’s running around or swimming, we’ll go low too.
I go below 70 at least several times each day. Usually just before I eat a meal. Often while working around the house, and working out in the gym or running. I’m not concerned about going below 70, as long as I’m aware of it and can take action to increase my blood glucose levels.
Sounds good to me!!!.. Age ?? Years T1D ???
69yr, 11mos.. young
T1D for 46 yrs.
Using Control IQ and going to t:connect / reports / 1 week / logbook I see 2.
I love these strings of ideological banana peels laid out in front of us as reports . . . It seems with enough generous and self-serving metrics, a T1D can do anything. 🥇
Are you asking for data via Cgm or fs? My son has several Cgm readings of 67,68,69. Typically, if we check via fs, he may be as high as 82, in which case, we take no action.
what are “f’s” ?
Lawrence, FS is finger sticks with glucose meter..
Joan, I set my CGM to alarm at 70.. Then acording to how I feel I may eat something [food or candy] or check with a FS .. If it happens during sleep hours, I just eat candy and go back to sleep.. I am T1D for 71 years and using a CGM [G6] only for 2 1/2 years now.. Am 91 years OLD..
Five or more over the past week, but below 70 mg/dl isn’t a problem. Currently trying to arrive at the correct amt of thyroid medication and that’s effecting everything else. I consider numbers at or below 60 lows that require correction.
My issue— my BG may not be < 70 but my CGM can report 4 days of less than 70
Using a CGM I’m able to react to lower glucose levels, the xdrip+ app has predictive alarms allowing me plenty of time. I’ll go hours in the 70’s, feeling fine. If I see a trend below that magical “70” or feel discomfort will pop a tablet or 2 (or sip a high sugared drink). Not using an insulin pump I’m unable to adjust the basals so I use sugar intake for that “minute” adjustment. But it’s not unheard of NONdiabetics to go below 70 (considering there’s an accepted 15-20% error range for glucose meters and CGMs), the variable is injecting man-made insulin (and once injected can’t be adjusted…)
I agree with most of the other comments. 60’s are just fine unless I’m dropping. I’ll often sit around 65 for hours on end perfectly happily. When I’m dropping from there I’ll treat, but I see 60s daily as that’s how I (and my doctor) are comfortable with my controlling my diabetes.
If I have zero insulin on board and I’m hanging around the house, having a BG between 60 and 70 is great. However, if I am going to go exercise, I need to treat to raise my BG to about 100-120, so that’s 2 tabs.
Last week I have no written record of below 70 bg, but it was so hot that I got much less exercise. Usually I have 2, maybe 3 readings below 70 in a week,
I try not to go below 70 but sometimes even if I correct with carbs at a higher number, my sugar may still drop below 70.
Just 3 barely below 70 (69, 67, 68)