How concerned are you right now about affording your next order of T1D supplies?
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Whether you can afford shoelaces or not, the T1D experience is like an Olympic marathon event.
And in order to qualify you must win every single 50-yard dash along the way. ─=≡Σ(͡> ʖ ͡<)
Translation of equation please!
They have us jumping hoops also
It’s suppose to be a person dashing away. Guess, the equals sign honks it up
Now that I am on Medicare and Medtronic, after a year, has finally got their sensor act together, I am paying nothing. Well the $233 deductible but I spent $9,000 on medical stuff last year. Finally I am getting what every other T1D in the world gets just for being alive.
Larry try to get on Anthem plan F everything covered if you are on the pump all goes under part B DME no deductsble. Higher premium but no co pays for anything. I’ve been on the plan for 10 years now it’s up to 297 a month
I was frequently concerned with affording my T1D supplies when I lived in the USA. I left the USA 13 years ago and it’s no longer a worry of mine. Healthcare and the exact same products/medications are much more affordable in other parts of the world.
I know, medical care in the USA is just too expensive. Other countries that have national health care provide their citizens with much better healthcare.
My insurance pays 80%. 20% is nothing compared to what I’d be paying without insurance. Grateful for the insurance .
I said somewhat concerned because had to order my freestyle Libre supplies blind. No one can tell me copay with my new insurance. Never heard such a thing. Was 0 copay on former insurance but they charged a fortune for insulin pens. So I switched but now other things have copays that bad m not used to paying. Will really look into insurance plans next year.
I am a federal employee, although now retired due to Covid-19, so I have very good health insurance. I will loose this health insurance when I turn 65 because I am then eligible for Medicare. Very concerned about that.
Not concerned since my insurance pays 100 percent of my supplies!! I’m very fortunate.
Right now, I have Medicaid that covers all of my supplies. But in May, I graduate from graduate school and will be starting a new job. I am worried about what comes next insurance wise.
I pay 100% until my $3500 deductible and then pay $0. My plan has an HSA, so I save up that first $3500 tax-free the year before.
I’m not at all concerned as I live in the UK (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) where ALL of my diabetes supplies are paid for by our NHS (National Health Service), which is funded by direct taxation from all working people.
I am thankful not to be concerned about diabetic supplies which come in the mail right to my door. However, when I watch the darkness in our world, I always wonder what is happening to the T1Ds in Ukraine and Afghanistan or to the people in our own country who cannot afford their supplies?
The concern is not about the money, but having the prescriptions refilled. As someone diagnosed at age 48, this has been an ongoing battle, mainly because of misinformation and erroneous beliefs held by health care professionals: that T1 equals little kids, that the kind older people is just a matter of diet and exercise and can be reversed. So my CGM paperwork gets ignored and my insulin prescription isn’t renewed unless I spend weeks on the phone.
The myth that this is a child-only disease is crazy. I hope you at least have a T1 diagnoses. Children with T1 eventually become adults so there’s nothing unusual about an adult with T1.
So frustrating!
You should make sure that your doctors have the correct diagnosis in your file. If they have you as a Type 2 it needs to be changed.
Right now my finances are ok. It’s next year when my pension drops by $1500.00 a mth that I’ll have great concern.
At the moment very concerned. My primary insurance is thru my spouse’s employment. Last month that insurance suddenly doubled the deductible and out-of-pocket and increased the DME co-pay to 30%. The third-party DME supplier was insisting I pay before they would ship. I told them they would have to file claims with both my primary and secondary (Medicare) before payment. I received a call from their billing dept. with the amt. I owed reduced to less than $50 for both pump and CGM supplies. This month I haven’t received notification of monthly CGM shipment and don’t know what to expect with the increased deductible and co-pay. Increased living expenses are very much a concern.
Fortunately, at this time we are able to pay for what insurance doesn’t cover.
Still have my “I Love O’Bama Care” sticker on my 18 year old Mini. Don’t know where I’d be without the insurance, but know it could be improved greatly. Is Big Pharma listening?
“Big Pharma”! Yes. I know what you mean. I bought a bottle of OneTouch Ultra 2 test strips in September (without insurance – long story as to why). It was $40.
I just went to buy another bottle and it was $172. I had to walk away.
Big Pharma are just greedy bloodsuckers, IMO.
Not concerned this year but my Medicare Supplemental insurance cost goes up every single year; I have to adjust my overall spending to continue with that important and necessary coverage.
Medicare original, Part “B” for my Insulin Pump/CGM, DEX supplies, including Insulin with nothing out of pocket. Just for some information, an Insulin Pump is considered a Durable Medical Product, along with all the other support equipment.
i said very concerned, mostly because I need to get to my deductible
Insurance in the US is almost a requirement for Type 1s.
I also replied to pru barry with this but, I just went to the pharmacy to get a backup OneTouch test strip (not using insurance – long story why). In September 2021, the bottle was $40. On Monday of last week, one bottle was $172. Oy! Guess I need to jump some hoops and hope my insurance will cover two different meters in addition to the CGM.
More concern at the beginning of the year because my deductible is $6000. The accounting won’t hurt so much after about April or May. =:o ;p
I have an off-topic question for Dexcom G6 users: Has anyone else had trouble with pain relievers? I only took one Naproxen Sodium (not the allowed two pills) and my G6 is going mad (saying I have a 43 blood sugar when it is really closer to 163.) I know acetaminophen is not recommended either.
Are there pain relievers that work better than others with the G6?
I have my endo in a couple of weeks, so I can ask her, too, but wanted to get real-life users answers if at all possible.
I use Arnica. It’s a natural pain reliever. I can’t use acetaminophen due to inaccurate readings. And no NSAIDS due to kidneys
Hi Karen Maffucci!
Thank you SO much!! (My hip says thank you, too.) I will give it a try.
My pump supplies are covered under a special diabetes category, not DME or Pharmacy, so it’s a straight co-pay. My deductible does not come into play with anything diabetes related, unless it causes me to be hospitalized or need any kind of special testing. But the insulin, test strips, pump supplies etc are just co-pays.
Very!!! because have had problems in past so always expect more from UHC..
I’m currently living in a developing country where I can afford the insulin out of pocket and will submit to my insurance for reimbursement. I fear that the locals though can not afford it unless they are part of the countries 1%. Their minimum wage is a range of $1-$1.50. A vial of humalog at the value pharmacy is $55.