Happy New Year! Do you have any diabetes-related goals for 2023? Tell us in the comments!
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Increase time in range and exercise more.
Lower my A1C to 6.0 & raise my TIR to 80% or even higher.
Start my hybrid pump so I can get a relief.
Increasing TIR with goal of hitting 100% at least a once! My range is 70-130 so I’ll be happy with a 80% TIR for most days.
Your TIR limits are more ambitious than most. I think I will adopt your settings this year. You show that it can be done, and that kind of illustration is a great motivator for me.
Keep my Time in Range >80% consistently
I want to be much more serious in my control. My dog and I both need to shed some pounds.
Lose a few pounds and lower my a1C.
My goals include increasing my strength and fitness, avoiding extreme lows/highs, and building relationships with others which studies show this reduces stress.
Increase my time in range.
I always have the typical lose weight – but then getting my ballerina- body back is kinda impossible (I’ve been retired for a long time from the ballet world). But I do have a goal: I want to gain respect for me – and the other patients with D (of any type) from the HCP’s at the practice I have to use due to insurance. They have an attitude that I find offensive – that we should ”
settle” for an A1C of 7. Why can’t we aim – and achieve for many of us an A1C closer to the non-D range?
Why must they assume that patients are not engaged and working to manage their T1D? A Dx of T1D (or, in my mind any type of D) doesn’t require a Dx of 3 co-morbidities: stupidity, laziness and a propensity to lie (in response to things like what did you eat? why did you have that high/low bg? Why aren’t you doing meal boluses? – my response to that is I believe you need to eat something to warrant a meal bolus -etc).
Yes, I can be cranky – but sometimes you have to be cranky to advocate for good care and treatment.
I commend that goal. That attitude is not ok for any provider, It is unfortunate that that clinic is your only option – aargh!
In 2023, I have 2 goals: I will participate in one T1D study and track/limit the amount of fat I eat.
My HB will be 1 most of the year
What is “HB?”
I would love to increase my time in range even though my doctor is satisfied with 80%. I plan to be more aware of my diet and avoid too much junk food.
To stay the course of being in control of this thing called T1D to the best of my abilities. Cheers……..🍷🍷 and yes only red wine will be included in this equation. 😊
June 21 will be my 49th diaverseray. My goamvtis year? Get to 50
I’ll hit #48 in 2023, and my goal is also to reach #50!
Weight loss land improved kidney function
Keep up my TIR of > 90% and allowing myself a bit more freedom with eating and exercise.
Really the same goal as every year and that’s to stay in range as much as possible without getting upset that perfection is never going to happen in this area.
Keep myself heathy
Finding a Cure for T1D rather than “just living with it”. That’s my goal.
I like that. Good luck to all of us in that.
Decrease my VERY low blood glucoses. I’ve had too many of them, especially recently. Try to use more extended boluses, and take my insulin a little closer to my meal time.
I’ve injured my back and have not been able to run. Currently, I’m riding my bike and walking. But, I need to get my back straightened out, or find another aerobic exercise that I can to without going to the gym (covid restrictions).
Also, my recent blood test had a cholesterol over 200. I think it is tied to my lack of aerobic exercise. I already eat a low cholesterol diet, but I’ll have to pay closer attention to my fat meat and fat intake.
Lawrence, when I had a broken hip I got some physical therapy exercises to maintain strength and flexibility. When I was healed enough, I got a pedaling machine that I could use while seated in a chair. It had a readout of calories, expended, time, and total number of cycles in a workout. Doctors encouraged me to exercise, exercise, exercise! I started with a walker in my house, then ventured onto the lawn, then across the street, then 1/2 block, then 1 block, finally around the block…step by step, day by day, gradual incremental progress. I had help from generous neighbors (immigrants). I used the walker and accessible county buses equipped with retractable ramps, often used for wheelchairs, to get around. Finally I just needed a cane, then not even that. Then I alternated seated rowing machine with elliptical and stationary bike plus weights and yoga at local Y: this was pre-Covid. Hope to get back to gym during days and periods of least clients. Like early early morning or mid-morning or mid-afternoon? Have you tried swimming laps? Or doing yoga in a swimming pool?
Healthy fats are avocados, walnuts, almonds, seeds, nut butter, seed butter, olive oil. I even eat eggs, yoghurt and cheese. Fats help me feel satiated. I avoid hydrogenated fats often present in margarines, and any product with palm oil. Seldom eat red meats and deep fat cooked foods. Grass-fed beef w/o nitrates or nitrites or added hormones are supposedly safer. But wild-caught salmon and sardines are rich in heathy omega-3 fats. I avoid yoghurts with corn syrup, honey, “fruit,” etc.
I had responded to your two comments directly from my email. I hope you got them.
Thank you so much for the time and thought you put into your reply. I appreciate it. I will certainly incorporate some of your ideas. Thank you.
Yes, bike riding does not raise my heart rate enough, unless I stand up and pump as hard as I can for as long as I can. But, I have damaged my bike doing that. That’s my problem, I push myself beyond my limits.
But, we must keep on moving forward and doing what we can to improve our lives.
Best wishes,
/As usual, I plan to keep my BS more stable. First step is to ask end about Symlin.
Symlin can work very well for so many! I hope it works well for you. One if its creators was my Endo for years. I didn’t have luck with it, though I tried for a year – it was too inconsistent of a response for me.
Yes, my goal is to keep my A1Cs 5.8-6.3.
I would like to request a goal for all of us T1D Exchange users. Could we try to use less acronyms when we are writing. Many times I have no idea what a person is talking about because I don’t understand the abbreviations they use. I enjoy reading your comments, but I would like to understand what you are talking about. Thanks.
T1D = Type One Diabetes
BG = Blood Glucose
BS = Blood Sugar
TIR = Time in Range
A1c = Glycated hemoglobin
CGM = continuous glucose monitor
MDI = Multiple daily injections
That’s all I can think of right now. I hope this helps.
Gary Taylor,
Thanks for your input, but , what I am referring to are the uncommon acronyms that come up. Usually, there are one or two different ones that are used daily. Also, please be aware that there are always people new to the site, and new to diabetes. Thanks, again.
this year will be 20 with T1D!
keep A1C under 6
keep TIR above 90%
assuming the knuckleheads at Freestyle can manufacture enough sensors, get on the Libre3
Stay alive and functional!
I want to decrease the amount of time I spend under 70. I hate highs so as a result I spend too much time in the lower range.
Survive another year
To get results for the ongoing studies of my “A typical diabetes “
At least 75% time in range.
Work to reduce the shaming and stigmatising language around diabetes that is used by my colleagues
Just to keep going without problems
For 2023, I would like to keep my time in range 75 or better (better diet and exercise)
Improve my fitness and balance. I notice that many of my friends who are long-term tid seem to have problems with balance, as well. Proprioception may be yet another casualty of tid.
So nw I add this to my list of aspirations.
My goal is to keep on keepin’ on.
Enjoying the new Generation 5 Omnipod that connects to my Dexcom G6. In the few days that I have had it I can tell it will allow me much better sleep keeping the chart on a flat line. My HbA1c goal is to keep it in the 5.7-6.2 range where it has been during the last year.
Any 2023 accomplishment will be dependent upon good diabetes control, so every goal is diabetes-related! I do plan to bike 100 miles in a JDRF destination ride this year, after a 3-year layoff.
Improve my A1c.
Improve my average BG readings with less standard deviations.
Would like a steady blood sugar. I have been seeing my endocrinologist monthly so let’s hope it happens.
1. Maintain my TIR, and A1C <5.5%
2. More advocacy for T1D rights and cure research.
Keep A1c near a 6.0 or lower.
Like many others have said I too would like to increase my time in range and avoid problems with low blood sugar events.
Get the Dexcom G7!
All I want to do is get back in my “diabetes groove”, by which I mean Pods/boluses work as expected so that I am not having to correct and “catch up” as often. On a more positive note, I signed up for a meditation class run by and for T1Ds.
When I pointed out to my endocrinologist that A1c lab results above 5.7 are marked with red exclamation points by default, and our goal.should be to get A1c below 5.7, she said she “understood my confusion,” BUT….
Arguing with her & my dietitian just increases my stress hormones. 🙁
Odd. My Endocrinologists have wanted me to keep my A1C’s a bit higher to avoid low blood sugars.
I always try for better blood sugars/A1C each new year. This year, I am adding Time in Range!
Lose weight and lower my A1C
To get healthier, all around, inside and out. Also to stop rebounds of high and low.
My goal is to do the best I can! I would love to lose a few pounds and learn more of how to bolus to keep my after-meal numbers level.
Still hoping for a cure after having T1D for 64 years. I never hear anything about a cure anymore, or new research findings on a cure.
Make it to 2024 …. and beyond
Experimenting with my diet to keep my glucose levels straight and not spiky
Eating healthier and getting more exercise
I want to make sure I do Control My Blood Sugars a lot better than I have been. Lose more weight and exercise more.