For pump users: In the past 3 months, have you had issues with insulin delivery due to a bent cannula or occlusion?
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In the last 3 months – No
In the last 12 months – Yes
I switched to the vari soft metal infusion set so no more bent cannulas
I haven’t used plastic cannulas for over a decade to eliminate that problem.
Before using the omnipod my meditronic definitely gave me headaches
Especially the cannula would break inside me or bend for no reason at all.
Not in the last 3 months, but yes in the past. It usually happens when I try to use a site that has built up scarring from overuse.
I had one occlusion in the last three months, a total blockage. This is only the second time in the last five years. The only fix I could think of was. To change the infusion set.
Now since I answered NO I will have one tomorrow. Isn’t that always the way!!
I haven’t had any occlusion problems since I started using the Insulet Omnipod system years ago. Being that this system is tubeless, no occlusions!
I’ve been using Omnipod for 5 or 6 years and have only had maybe 4 or 5 times when I got an alarm for no insulin delivery. I assume those were because of the two issues you listed.
Biggest problem I have experienced has been bubbles in the tubing.
Does an insertion site getting infected count? Never had it happen in 10yrs + pumping, but the site I was using about a week ago swelled and became painfully inflamed deep under the skin after I switched to my next site. Didn’t exactly occlude but didn’t help any with absorption. Worst is that I’ve probably lost that location for good, and after a couple of abdominal surgeries my real estate is getting scarce!
Try using your upper thighs and the lower back, that has given me more real estate to work with in my site rotatations
I feel your pain about losing the abdominal real estate.
I use Medtronic’s “sure-t” infusion sets which avoids this. . .
I use tru steel
I had 4 bent cannulas in a row. Nothing changed in terms of site placement, procedure, etc.. seems like maybe a lot issue? VERY annoying though, my blood sugar went skyrocketing and by the time you realize what’s going on it’s hard to get things back in range.
Just once, with the insulin not going in. That should always be checked.
My issue was air bubbles.
I was having a lot of alarms about insulin flow being blocked in the previous 2 years. I switched to a different set and no longer get those alarms, probably because I can use many more new sites with these sets. My problem is for the first 6-8 hours after I insert a new set it takes the insulin forever to work. Once the site starts absorbing it’s fine, but I hate going high on set change day.
This is why I no longer use a pump
I use TruSteel so no bent cannulas
No occlusions or bent cannulas since switching to Tandem Trusteel. Very reliable.
Only one, 2 at most in past 3 months.
Not actually bent cannula but it had worked partially out. Tape came loose as well.
Once in the last three months.
No bent cannula for me! I use TruSteel, no inclusions either.
I don’t have problems with bent cannulas with the Omnipod. Sometimes, if I see blood on the tape in the area of the insertion, my insulin doesn’t seem to be absorbing properly by day two. The other problems I have had have been with the pods getting knocked off or coming loose after getting wet. Still haven’t found a way to go swimming with the Omnipod. No matter what I use to try and keep it secure, it comes off. Anyway, these have been my problems. Don’t remember which have happened in the last three months. 😬
Yes, I had a problem, but not with the normal Diabetes stuff, it was the Tamdem Insulin Cartridge that had an occlusion, that stopped delivering Insulin. Very unusual. occurrence.
I have had a few occlusions, which cleared up when I changed infusion sets. They tend to happen within the last 6 hours of wearing a set. (I change every 2 days.) But my worst problem was a steadily rising blood sugar on an airplane to England. I could not change sets on the plane. I could have used one of the syringes I use to fill the Tandem cartridge to give myself an injection. But I finally had a “lightbulb” moment and theorized maybe my tight seatbelt was keeping insulin from getting through the tubing. I put my pump in my bra so the tubing would not have to go under the seatbelt, and like magic, all was well. I used to fly all the time. So I do not know why it happened this time. But from now on, when I am on long trips in the car or on an airplane, I will make sure the tubing is not under my seatbelt!
Yes, the first time in year, or there about.
Yes! It seemed to be one whole box of insets, but also happened again. I’m glad you asked this question, could it possibly be scar tissue that is bending the cannulas?
Never thought of “occlusion” as a concern, something to consider. My problem is with my job I have to climb into attics, crawl in “crawlspaces,” maneuver furniture. Snagged the tubing and pulled out or partially, I’m sure I must have damaged something slithering around, at times I’ve changed the insert the same day I placed because after a job it just hurt (not the cute little “discomfort,” I’d rather have highs than that pain).
Several times a month by the pump is definitely better than MDIs.
Just once! First time in years! The cannula was not bent, but I did get an occlusion alarm. I have a lot of scar tissue after 33 years of injections and 22 years on pumps.
I put yes, but I clicked too fast. I should have said I don’t know. I very often get a message of an occlusion but only when I bolus. I never get occlusions any other time. And to top it off, there is nothing blocking my tubing, so I am not sure why I get those messages. I never have bent cannulas since using tru-steel cannulas. They are the only reason I can use a pump as those flexible cannulas bent so often.
I was having bent cannula issues recently – but only because my hip clip had lost its ability to stay put on my waistband. The pump trying to go to ground would yank downward on the tiny plastic tube and leave it bent – but only sometimes. No way to tell unless BGs started to rise.
Issue resolved by going back to a Tslim case. Not my favorite, but you do what you have to.