Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
Me too. As others have pointed out, in the summer heat, I sweat with even a minimum amount of activity. I sweat a lot.
I try to limit it to 6 or 7 per day. What goes in and it all comes out one way or another.
8 oz collagen 1am
10 oz fiber drink 6am
10 oz coffee 7am
10 oz coffee 8am
8 oz beef bouillon 10am
8 oz beef bouillon 11am
12 oz coconut water 12pm
7 oz Fresca 3pm
10 oz fiber drink 5pm
6 oz red wine 8pm
4 oz H2O 10pm
Sum = ~ 93 oz per day
**Maybe 20-30 oz more if working / exercising outside in (#$*% heat.
What counts as water? I drink alot of sugar free electrolyte drinks. Live in South Florida hotter it gets the more I sweat and drink. Gotta stay hydrated. As for plain water I seldom drink it.
I have heard from nutrition professionals that for every cup of coffee or caffeinated beverage you drink to drink twice as much water or a neutral beverage because excess caffeine dehydrates fluid in the cells.
I have to stay well hydrated (only pure water is necessary, not salts) in order to avoid terrible leg cramps at night. It was leg cramps that brought me to the doctor at age 56 in 2002, leading to my Type I diagnosis. This was long before I discovered that I could avoid night leg cramps by simply drinking water, a problem that has become worse as I get older. The effect of drinking water on cramps already in progress takes place within seconds of drinking — something no doctor has been able to explain to me so far but that I find scientifically fascinating and worthy of study. Such a rapid response must be neuronal and not a consequence of the actual absorption of the water I have so recently drunk.
It depends. If I’m not playing tennis or running outside, then I’m drinking about 6 or 7. If I am, then I drink as much to replenish the liquids and my electrolytes.
I drink a variety of liquids throughout the day. The amount and variety depending on my activities and the weather. My intake of water, filtered if at home, is limited.
I drink around a quart (about 1 liter) (32 ounces) minimum, but usually 48 oz. I carry water or tea or coffee when I leave home. Yearly kidney tests always normal.
I drink about 12ish cups of liquid per day. No water, though. When I awoke from a coma a few years ago, I couldn’t stand the taste of it. Haven’t drank any of the stuff in just over 3 years.
I drink a lot of fluids, Gatorade and water combined 20-30 cups but spend a lot of time outside (yardwork, gardening, with dogs at the HumaneSociety) in the Alabama heat. The effects of caffeine as a diuretic doesn’t seem as troublesome as was assumed, so my mugs of ice tea counts too.
Some studies have shown too much fluids we risk losing nutrients so guess like everything in a balance?
16 cups per day is quite a lot, but I don’t drink anything else except black coffee in the AM. After 53 years with T1D, my kidneys show no wear. Water helps I believe. I will have a nice IPA sometimes before dinner
Depends on the day and activities I do.
Me too. As others have pointed out, in the summer heat, I sweat with even a minimum amount of activity. I sweat a lot.
I try to limit it to 6 or 7 per day. What goes in and it all comes out one way or another.
8 oz collagen 1am
10 oz fiber drink 6am
10 oz coffee 7am
10 oz coffee 8am
8 oz beef bouillon 10am
8 oz beef bouillon 11am
12 oz coconut water 12pm
7 oz Fresca 3pm
10 oz fiber drink 5pm
6 oz red wine 8pm
4 oz H2O 10pm
Sum = ~ 93 oz per day
**Maybe 20-30 oz more if working / exercising outside in (#$*% heat.
I’m not American and don’t think in ounces, so this is hard to answer!
40 oz of water with electrolytes plus coffee and other liquids. I pay careful attention as I get awful leg cramps if dehydrated.
I drink about 5 glasses of 500 ml, which is about 10 if I did my conversion right
What counts as water? I drink alot of sugar free electrolyte drinks. Live in South Florida hotter it gets the more I sweat and drink. Gotta stay hydrated. As for plain water I seldom drink it.
6-7 at the least. Often more
Does coffee count?
🙂 My thoughts exactly!
I have heard from nutrition professionals that for every cup of coffee or caffeinated beverage you drink to drink twice as much water or a neutral beverage because excess caffeine dehydrates fluid in the cells.
I drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day, tea, coffee, soup, sparkling water, etc.
I have to stay well hydrated (only pure water is necessary, not salts) in order to avoid terrible leg cramps at night. It was leg cramps that brought me to the doctor at age 56 in 2002, leading to my Type I diagnosis. This was long before I discovered that I could avoid night leg cramps by simply drinking water, a problem that has become worse as I get older. The effect of drinking water on cramps already in progress takes place within seconds of drinking — something no doctor has been able to explain to me so far but that I find scientifically fascinating and worthy of study. Such a rapid response must be neuronal and not a consequence of the actual absorption of the water I have so recently drunk.
Leg cramps were also one of my initial T1D symptoms too. I assumed it was related to dehydration.
It depends. If I’m not playing tennis or running outside, then I’m drinking about 6 or 7. If I am, then I drink as much to replenish the liquids and my electrolytes.
I drink a variety of liquids throughout the day. The amount and variety depending on my activities and the weather. My intake of water, filtered if at home, is limited.
.I drink 8 ounces
I drink around a quart (about 1 liter) (32 ounces) minimum, but usually 48 oz. I carry water or tea or coffee when I leave home. Yearly kidney tests always normal.
I drink about 12ish cups of liquid per day. No water, though. When I awoke from a coma a few years ago, I couldn’t stand the taste of it. Haven’t drank any of the stuff in just over 3 years.
Depends on the day. On average 4-5, but other days I fill up a 32 oz cup 2x.
I drink a lot of fluids, Gatorade and water combined 20-30 cups but spend a lot of time outside (yardwork, gardening, with dogs at the HumaneSociety) in the Alabama heat. The effects of caffeine as a diuretic doesn’t seem as troublesome as was assumed, so my mugs of ice tea counts too.
Some studies have shown too much fluids we risk losing nutrients so guess like everything in a balance?
16 cups per day is quite a lot, but I don’t drink anything else except black coffee in the AM. After 53 years with T1D, my kidneys show no wear. Water helps I believe. I will have a nice IPA sometimes before dinner