Does your diabetes care provider discuss/bring up goals from a previous discussion/visit?
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But I wonder if some physicians don’t sort of group patients into the 3 parts of the bell shaped curve: 1) this guy’s got it down pat (17%), 2) the majority can do a little better (66%), and 3) this one doesn’t have a prayer (17%).
My long-term/short-term goal is to survive another 6 months by continuing to have access to insulin and our CGM (or an adequate quantity of teststrips) and to avoid things that might jeopardize my survival or make things worse.
I said, “not sure”, The discussion of goals is a vague concept. It’s more about discussing blood test results, A1c, how am I feeling. Sometimes we may reference previous problems, and are they still a problem. I think that is more often brought up by me.
My numbers are pretty steady every three months. Except for my TSH. Thyroid still out of range even on medication. Was a little concerned about A1c because I just had steroid therapy and also went to Italy but was pleased it was 5.6. Being a little OCD can be a good thing.
My provider is part of an internal medicine practice so we discuss a wide range of health issues as needed (in addition to diabetes concerns).
Yes, but sometimes misses and I have to remind
The “goal” is relative. Range is now the focus as well as overall health, mood, vital signs, kidney function and weight. My team is focused on minimizing lows which not surprisingly results in realistic ranges and quality of life. Careful not to let the goals blind us to how we actually feel. Call it existential care. Hope all are well. You are an extraordinary group of folks managing an insidious disease with courage, grace and fellowship.
Sometimes but usually only in terms of dosages, carb to insulin ratio.
Sometimes they bring it up, sometimes I need to. Nowadays it is all documented in the electronic records, although not always accurately (which is sometimes why I need to bring it up to get it discussed).
My diabetes “goals” are A1c below 7 and >70% TIR. I’ve hit those each appointment for the past 4-5 years. What other goals might someone have?
I bring up ideas and he’ll generally agree but than again I’m sure like most “here” I’m proactive and read a lot on diabetes.
But… as a general practitioner he sends all his TYPE 1 to a clinic, and his “out of control” TYPE2. He compliments on my control and improvements (last two a1C were 6.3 and 6.0 (again I’ll admit I’m his only patient he sees as a TYPE 1, and using a pump/CGM.