Do you use any diabetes-related smartphone apps (e.g., glucose tracking, bolus calculations, data sharing, etc.)? Share your favorites in the comments!
Home > LC Polls > Do you use any diabetes-related smartphone apps (e.g., glucose tracking, bolus calculations, data sharing, etc.)? Share your favorites in the comments!
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I answered “Yes”. But, the real answer is “No”. Last year I bought a Samsung A71 5g phone specifically so I could use the Dexcom G6 app. Turned out that the app or phone kept interfering with the signals from the transmitter. I spent months changing sensors, transmitters, and even my pump. When I stopped using the phone Dexcom G6 app, everything cleared up. I have not used it since.
I’m an analog guy in a digital world. I have my G6 linked to my Tandem t:slim x2. I only use T:connect to send data to Endo. Lately T:connect has had issues.
NightScout, Sugarmate, and Nightguard (iWatch companion app for NightScout). NightScout displayed on tablets around the house for quick glancing BG easily.
I use T-Connect (on my PC) for the reports and to send data to the Endo. I upload very month – more for my personal analysis than anything else. Don’t have any T1D stuff on my phone. After many years of being on a “short leash” (pagers, PDA’s, smart phones) for work, I enjoy being as device-less as possible. I love the fact that my Dexcom G6 and Tandem X2 pup are integrated, but am happiest when my phone is at home charging!
I use the Dexcom G6 mobile app, the Tandem t:connect mobile app and the Glooko mobile app. Glooko has great reporting for number crunching, a food library for carb counting where you can store your favorites and a log for tracking 7 different data points plus a notes field. My endo has access to my data from Dexcom and Tandem but only Glooko allows me to provide the context by using the data tracking for meals, snacks, exercise or notes describing what’s going on like bad sensor, bad site or under estimated the carbs on a new food. There are a boatload of variables in play that affect our T1D management and tracking the ones we know about is a good start to understanding the algorithm that is you.
I use Dreamed Diary as part of a study. It’s been my only experience with all of the above. Currently it is available only to those participating in the study, but I hope it will become more broadly available.
Had a Dexcom and an Apple Watch. So has a lot of data. Now have FSL. Hope the new FSL3 has more features. Tried the MiaoMiao but could never get it to communicate. So big waste of money for me.
I use Sugarmate, though I have to have the Dexcom app up to feed it; it tracks BG, insulin, carbs, Dexcom sensor changes, Omnipod changes. Also use MyNetDiary(D) version for calculating carbs for meals. Would love to have one app that effectively does it all in one. Yes, I know each of the apps has the capability to track the items, but some are rudimentary at best. How about surveying what people like about each and why, then building one app that meets the common needs?
I use Tandem t:connect app on my iMac and Samsung A51 phone. Waiting for Tandem’s new, improved mobile app to be approved for additional Samsung models before upgrading.
I use all of the Dexcom apps, T connect, sugar mate, calorie king. My iPhone is old and needs to be replaced but I’m waiting to find out which phones the new T connect app will work with as you will be able to Bullis from the updated app that will hopefully be released this summer for all Tandem pump users.
SugarMate is a lifesaver as it will wake me when I’m asleep by calling me! Dexcom Follow is how my “sugar babies” keep up with me and then I’ve just downloaded NightScout and need to figure it out. I also use t:connect
I primarily use the Tandem app, as it includes my insulin/bolus info, basal suspension, etc, addition to Dexcom info.
I also love having the Sugarmate app, as it connects with my laptop, and shows my BG number and trend at the top of my screen. Super helpful when I’m waiting before a meal for the initial drop of BG before eating. It’s always there, so I’m not checking my phone screen every 5 minutes!
I like the tConnect app, too. So much easier than having to upload when I have a question or an appointment with my endocrinologist, since it is automatically synced.
I use Nightscout for all my Loop data. My endo goes on Tidepool when I see her. My latest is called Cockpit and I am beta testing it for the developer. I really like it.
I am also a compulsive eater (arrested) so I need to log my foods not just for my carb info, to ensure that I am sticking with my nutritionist agreed to food plan.
I use my dexcom app for me and the Dexcom Clarity app for my endo. I also use my Fitness Pal, it helps me track my food, helps me remember what I have eaten and best of all it makes it easy for me to figure the carbs in my food at home and when going out to eat.
Dexcom and Clarity on my iPhone; Fitbit Flex 2 on my iPad to track exercise, sleep and weight; and for a while I used My Fitness Pal to track diet on my iPad.
Just Tandem CIQ X2 on my pump for data downloads to my endo, and to review my TIR. I loathe being tethered to my phone for anything other than phone calls, or to text message someone, or to google a quick answer to something.
I use Medtronic’s app which allows me to see my sensor data on my phone and it also sends the data to Carelink. I use a third party app which retrieves the information from Carelink and lets me see it on my Apple watch.
I use the DexcomG6 app on my Apple phone. I got an Apple watch so that I could see my glucose numbers on my wrist instead of pulling out my phone all of the time, but my blood sugar number rarely shows on my Apple watch.. It will show a number though when the number is out of range. I’m glad my watch vibrates when my sugar goes low, but it would be nice if I could see the blood sugar number all of the time so I could prevent the low in the first place.
I have tried apps for a pump and a glucose monitor, but the graphs and such were of no use. I do better with a logbook. I can see patterns there easily. For example, graphs of blood sugars never showed me that on the day I changed infusion sets, I would always have lower blood sugars than on other days. They didn’t show sugars categorized by how recently an infusion set was changed! But I figured this out myself and what to do. My phone also loses too much battery if I start using apps.
I love SugarMate! I also loved InPen prior to getting on a pump. Prior to using a CGM and pump, I relied heavily on MyNetDiary to manage my readings, food, exercise and insulin as my iPhone would share most of those datapoints directly into the app.
I use a Tandem TConnect app for my pump/CGM info and Dexcom CGM for sensor management. BEST EVER is the Siri “what’s my glucose” ability on the Dexcom app. Because it is linked to Siri, I pair my phone to my car and with a push of a steering wheel button, I verbally can hear my SG and the trend arrow. VERY VALUABLE. Both apps provide alerts, so I only use TConnect for alerts, but I like the Dexcom Clarity app Sensor trends and data analysis reporting on the most recent readings.
Do you use any diabetes-related smartphone apps (e.g., glucose tracking, bolus calculations, data sharing, etc.)? Share your favorites in the comments! Cancel reply
I answered “Yes”. But, the real answer is “No”. Last year I bought a Samsung A71 5g phone specifically so I could use the Dexcom G6 app. Turned out that the app or phone kept interfering with the signals from the transmitter. I spent months changing sensors, transmitters, and even my pump. When I stopped using the phone Dexcom G6 app, everything cleared up. I have not used it since.
Good to know. I’m about to buy a smart phone. Which one best for Dexcom/Tandem/clarity/T-connect
iPhone seems to get the most attention and be the most stable device for diabetes related apps and care.
Tandem and Dexcom apps.
I use xDrip+, it is far better than the Dexcom app and works with other CGM senors too.
I used Dexcom G6, Clarity, and the Tandem: tConnect
I’m an analog guy in a digital world. I have my G6 linked to my Tandem t:slim x2. I only use T:connect to send data to Endo. Lately T:connect has had issues.
DexCom G6 and DexCom Clarity
All Tandem and dexcom apps, also use Sugarmate and Happy Bob.
CGM Clarity
Can’t go without my medtronic carelink app
NightScout, Sugarmate, and Nightguard (iWatch companion app for NightScout). NightScout displayed on tablets around the house for quick glancing BG easily.
I use T-Connect (on my PC) for the reports and to send data to the Endo. I upload very month – more for my personal analysis than anything else. Don’t have any T1D stuff on my phone. After many years of being on a “short leash” (pagers, PDA’s, smart phones) for work, I enjoy being as device-less as possible. I love the fact that my Dexcom G6 and Tandem X2 pup are integrated, but am happiest when my phone is at home charging!
Hallelujah for phones and all other electronic devices staying at home, recharging, and behaving themselves. Preferably 400 miles away.
Clarity, Dexcom, and Tidepool
I use the Dexcom G6 mobile app, the Tandem t:connect mobile app and the Glooko mobile app. Glooko has great reporting for number crunching, a food library for carb counting where you can store your favorites and a log for tracking 7 different data points plus a notes field. My endo has access to my data from Dexcom and Tandem but only Glooko allows me to provide the context by using the data tracking for meals, snacks, exercise or notes describing what’s going on like bad sensor, bad site or under estimated the carbs on a new food. There are a boatload of variables in play that affect our T1D management and tracking the ones we know about is a good start to understanding the algorithm that is you.
Minimed Mobile
Other than the Dexcom app, I don’t use any others on my old iPhone (battery life is a problem). But I do use Glooko on my
I use the Tandem t:connect app, along with the Dexcom G6 app. Twenty-four (24) hours, seven DAZE (days) a week.
I use Dreamed Diary as part of a study. It’s been my only experience with all of the above. Currently it is available only to those participating in the study, but I hope it will become more broadly available.
I use the Tandem and Dexcom, Dexcom share apps.
Had a Dexcom and an Apple Watch. So has a lot of data. Now have FSL. Hope the new FSL3 has more features. Tried the MiaoMiao but could never get it to communicate. So big waste of money for me.
Dexcom, Clarity, TSlim, Calorie King
I use Sugarmate, though I have to have the Dexcom app up to feed it; it tracks BG, insulin, carbs, Dexcom sensor changes, Omnipod changes. Also use MyNetDiary(D) version for calculating carbs for meals. Would love to have one app that effectively does it all in one. Yes, I know each of the apps has the capability to track the items, but some are rudimentary at best. How about surveying what people like about each and why, then building one app that meets the common needs?
Tandem pump app, Dexcom, Glooko, Livongo, Calorie King
My Dexcom G6 is connected to my IPhone.
Dexcom, Clarity and My Fitness Pal to calculate carbs
I use Tandem t:connect app on my iMac and Samsung A51 phone. Waiting for Tandem’s new, improved mobile app to be approved for additional Samsung models before upgrading.
I use all of the Dexcom apps, T connect, sugar mate, calorie king. My iPhone is old and needs to be replaced but I’m waiting to find out which phones the new T connect app will work with as you will be able to Bullis from the updated app that will hopefully be released this summer for all Tandem pump users.
InPen and Dexcom
InPen when not on pump, Dexcom and calorie king.
I use Clarity, t-connect, health, tidepool. But mostly the G6 app with apple watch.
I am in the minority, using the Minimed mobile app. It is pretty godd but I have suggested several improvements.
T Connect is the best because I can go back and see what time I gave my last bolus.
SugarMate is a lifesaver as it will wake me when I’m asleep by calling me! Dexcom Follow is how my “sugar babies” keep up with me and then I’ve just downloaded NightScout and need to figure it out. I also use t:connect
I primarily use the Tandem app, as it includes my insulin/bolus info, basal suspension, etc, addition to Dexcom info.
I also love having the Sugarmate app, as it connects with my laptop, and shows my BG number and trend at the top of my screen. Super helpful when I’m waiting before a meal for the initial drop of BG before eating. It’s always there, so I’m not checking my phone screen every 5 minutes!
I like the tConnect app, too. So much easier than having to upload when I have a question or an appointment with my endocrinologist, since it is automatically synced.
I use Nightscout for all my Loop data. My endo goes on Tidepool when I see her. My latest is called Cockpit and I am beta testing it for the developer. I really like it.
I use tidepool, dexcom app, and the tandem x2 app.
I am also a compulsive eater (arrested) so I need to log my foods not just for my carb info, to ensure that I am sticking with my nutritionist agreed to food plan.
Just the DEXCOM app (a great tool!). I wish apps like Samsung health or Google Fit would incorporate the glucose tracking that apps like DEXCOM log.
I use my dexcom app for me and the Dexcom Clarity app for my endo. I also use my Fitness Pal, it helps me track my food, helps me remember what I have eaten and best of all it makes it easy for me to figure the carbs in my food at home and when going out to eat.
I use Clarity and the Dexcom app to monitor BS patterns and the Apple fitness app to monitor movement, etc.
Diabox, G-watch wear, my fitness pal
Dexcom and Clarity on my iPhone; Fitbit Flex 2 on my iPad to track exercise, sleep and weight; and for a while I used My Fitness Pal to track diet on my iPad.
Just Tandem CIQ X2 on my pump for data downloads to my endo, and to review my TIR. I loathe being tethered to my phone for anything other than phone calls, or to text message someone, or to google a quick answer to something.
MyFitnessPal for counting carbs
Dexcom app for sharing with my husband and daughter.
I use Medtronic’s app which allows me to see my sensor data on my phone and it also sends the data to Carelink. I use a third party app which retrieves the information from Carelink and lets me see it on my Apple watch.
I use the DexcomG6 app on my Apple phone. I got an Apple watch so that I could see my glucose numbers on my wrist instead of pulling out my phone all of the time, but my blood sugar number rarely shows on my Apple watch.. It will show a number though when the number is out of range. I’m glad my watch vibrates when my sugar goes low, but it would be nice if I could see the blood sugar number all of the time so I could prevent the low in the first place.
glucose tracking
I answered “no” because while I do have a couple of apps on my phone, I don’t tend to use them unless I am having issues with my control.
I have tried apps for a pump and a glucose monitor, but the graphs and such were of no use. I do better with a logbook. I can see patterns there easily. For example, graphs of blood sugars never showed me that on the day I changed infusion sets, I would always have lower blood sugars than on other days. They didn’t show sugars categorized by how recently an infusion set was changed! But I figured this out myself and what to do. My phone also loses too much battery if I start using apps.
Sugarmate, Nightscout, DIY loop, Tidepool and Dexcom
I love SugarMate! I also loved InPen prior to getting on a pump. Prior to using a CGM and pump, I relied heavily on MyNetDiary to manage my readings, food, exercise and insulin as my iPhone would share most of those datapoints directly into the app.
I use a Tandem TConnect app for my pump/CGM info and Dexcom CGM for sensor management. BEST EVER is the Siri “what’s my glucose” ability on the Dexcom app. Because it is linked to Siri, I pair my phone to my car and with a push of a steering wheel button, I verbally can hear my SG and the trend arrow. VERY VALUABLE. Both apps provide alerts, so I only use TConnect for alerts, but I like the Dexcom Clarity app Sensor trends and data analysis reporting on the most recent readings.