Sarah Howard
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
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Do you (or your loved one with T1D) take a Vitamin D supplement? Cancel reply
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Almost everyday, occasionally I forget
Daily during the winter months
I’m daily because I take calcium chews every day and they include some D as well.
I have had a Vitamin D deficiency so I take it twice daily.
My hubby is pre-diabetic and takes Vit D as he has a severe deficiency but I the T1 do not.
from seattle, yes most days. take D when there is no sun
funny – I was reminded of my weekly dose a minute before I received this question 😉
During the winter or when it is cloudy and grey, I know I don’t get enough sunlight. I was once tested and found to be seriously deficient. At that point I was waiting to and from work and should have had enough.
I take an adult multivitamin daily and figure it has all the vitamin D I need.
Whenever my level of vit d is checked, it is always at a high normal average, even when I don’t take vit d – I think it’s a function of getting outside regularly and after I was 35, I started using a tanning bed once a week in the winter, for whatever that’s worth
Yes, I take a 1000 IU capsule every morning.
MY Vitamin D levels were very low so I am now taking 50,000 units once a week.
I did until recently. My kidney function decreased significantly and my nephrologist wanted me to stop all supplements. I was taking 5000 iu daily for many years.
I was Vit D deficient, so initially started with the super high dose (50,000 iu or there abouts) once weekly. After 3 or so months, I transitioned to 1,000 iu daily. Calcium is also an issue for me and the two go together.
I still occasionally show up as low Vit D even with the supplement and the sunny clime.
Yes- I wanted to take a supplement that matched my high school grade point average.
50,000 mEq weekly when my levels are low. Was on it for several years, then endocrine NP had me stop about 9 months ago because the levels were in range and she didn’t want to overdose.
Primary care found me to be deficient in a routine blood test. Rx supplement; now just an over the counter supplement.
I take a prescription dose of Vitamin D once a week.
I’ve been taking Vitamin D for many years after my blood test showed my Vit D level was low. My endocrinologist checks it every year, I’m taking 50 mcg (2000 IU) daily.
When I lived in NY – very little sun – my vitamin D levels were fine. I moved to Florida – the Sunshine state – and developed a vitamin D deficiency. Was on a very high dose (Rx) for quite a while but am now on OTC daily.
I am T1D and do not take any vitamin supplements. My T2D husband takes Vitamin D supplement due to hyperparathyroidism.