Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I’m using Dexcom G6. I want to use the G7, we’re still waiting for the G7 to connect with the Tandem X2 pump. Unfortunately, I just ordered another supply of G6 sensors. I guess it’ll be a while for me.
Use G7. Absolutely love the 30 minute warm up. As usual Dexcom’s adhesive is not great. Was using over patch. Switched to liquid SkinTac which has been working great. I just dab it on before inserting. Stays on until next sensor change and no unsightly patch
I switched to the G7 when it came out but am now back on the G6. For the G7, the warmup time is only 20 or 25 minutes, the sensor/ transmitter combo is nice, and it’s smaller, however, the connectivity to your phone is not very good, I can’t go into different rooms in my house without it loosing signal. It lost signal all the time. I gave it a good try for 6 months, I think the G6 is much better.
Consider getting the G7 receiver- I’ve been using it with great success, and you can track numbers using both the receiver & your phone =win/win. In my opinion the G7 is SO MUCH BETTER plus according to Dexcom it’s more accurate than the G6.
I have got to lile using the G7 After having it for 8 months now, only about three of them I had to replace after a few days, I got them replaced fairly quickly after i rang in the complaint & said what had happened. Overall a very good working sensor and I am happy so far.
I’m using the G6, and though I usually upgrade when it’s possible, I think I’ll stick with G6 a while longer after reading about the glitches with G7. Aside from the constant worry of not reodering supplies on time, and all the non-medical issues that we have to put up with, I’ve been lucky to maintain an even keel for decades. Literally! Year 70 with T1D is just beginning. Not too shabby when I can still walk to buy all my groceries, and not need to ask for help. I wish everyone could be so lucky, but it does take a certain amount or determination and attention. A good laugh works wonders….along with some help from technology! :^)
Year 70 with T1D is amazing- I just hit the 50 year mark with T1D and it’s been an enormous struggle- although easier & better with the improved insulins & use of a CGM (the Dex G7 + MDI). Congrats on year 70 & best wishes !
I am happy with everything about the G6 except the fact that the receiver touch screen seems incredibly insensitive to touch, specifically near the bottom edge where the “OK” has to be touched to be acknowledged. When I get warnings, I often have to run through them several times to get them to acknowledge receipt and stop repeating. I complained to Dexcom and they sent me another receiver that had exactly the same problem. I can live with the problem since I’m very happy with everything else about this CGM but I don’t understand why that one part of the touch screen is so insensitive, and why they position their “OK” button right there. I wonder if others have had that problem with the G6. I understand the G7 has a better (non-touch-screen) receiver. I much preferred the old G5 non-touch-screen receiver — if it ain’t broke…..
I have the same problem with necessity of having to repeatedly touch “OK” after receiving “Low” warnings. I assume this is built in. So I just ignore until I get the third or fourth warning.
I would switch to the DEXCOM G7, but I am waiting for Tandem to add the software and offer the upgrade. Of course it will mean updating my prescription and verifying Medicare coverage.
Hi Jenny!
Yes, it is exciting!
There are some drawbacks in that it isn’t YET hooked up to the Tandem Control IQ. I am gambling on the fact that it will get set up in the next year or so.
I am _very_ excited also that the sensor is only changed every six months, so far less plastic waste.
And, I am hoping that I get better readings, too.
I’m very lucky to be able to get this device installed. 🙂
Love, love, love my G7. I’ve found it to be incredibly accurate, almost immediately. I find it catches rises and drops quicker than the G6, but I have unfortunately noticed it to have more sensor failure issues, mostly after day 7. Out of the 10 sensors I’ve worn, I have had only 2 last more than 8 days.
I recently switched to G7. Long story short, the G7 has serious issues with connectivity and sensor life. The overpatch is hard to get on properly without help. I’m thinking about Eversense but having to go to a provider to get a new one if it screws up (and it will) is a major minus.
I wish the research questions on T1D exchange would be about food and exercise ideas. real life how to live… and less about market research. I love reading the T1D responses. but I feel like we are being used by pharmaceutical sales companies. Give us more daily questions about living with this every day and I’m sure more of us will reply to the marketing questions!
Good point, lis be. On the other hand, don’t you appreciate comments on the disadvantages of products that help balance advertising hype? Reading comments by actual users of G7 have helped me decide to wait for improvements. Hopefully our comments here actually are read by market researchers and our suggestions and criticisms get accurately reported to manufacturers.
Cranky funks happen!
I think that we should be allowed to have cranky funks especially because great ideas can come out of them.
Maybe we need a “I was in a cranky funk when I wrote this, take with a grain of salt please” button? 😀
I also agree wholeheartedly with Wanacure’s comment!!!
G6 with Tandem CIQ and it has been like a CURE! Haven’t Calibrated in over 2 years, don’t need to. In Jan 2023 my A1C was 5.4 Yep!! It has been like a CURE promised almost 60 years ago. So many of my DiaBuddies believed the Promises or MM/M and lost their lives, that hurts so much. Just lost a 38 yo Diabuddie and I don’t know why?? Was it the MM/M Lie? I’m hurting from her loss. :'(
After 18 months of total frustration with Libre 2 I transitioned to the Dexcom G7. Overall very good however I am testing the Libre 3 and I have to say it is at least on pare with the G7 and I greatly prefer the 1 minute refresh which is fantastic for management decisions(for my lifestyle & non pump user). Hard to argue with the % of Dexcom users…nevertheless I feel Dexcom is missing the boat with 5 minute updates.
I’m still using the Dexcom G6 because I use my Tandem pump as my receiver and the G7 doesn’t pair yet with my Tandem. Once they can pair I will switch.
I’m using Dexcom G6. I want to use the G7, we’re still waiting for the G7 to connect with the Tandem X2 pump. Unfortunately, I just ordered another supply of G6 sensors. I guess it’ll be a while for me.
Same for me.
Would love to upgrade to the G7 but it is not yet compatible with the OmniPod 5
Start using it in June
finishing up with the Libre2 now that Libre3 sensors are finally available.
Use G7. Absolutely love the 30 minute warm up. As usual Dexcom’s adhesive is not great. Was using over patch. Switched to liquid SkinTac which has been working great. I just dab it on before inserting. Stays on until next sensor change and no unsightly patch
Medtronic G4 sensor & transmitter
Medtronic guardian 4
Medtronic Sensor 4 with the 780 pump.
I switched to the G7 when it came out but am now back on the G6. For the G7, the warmup time is only 20 or 25 minutes, the sensor/ transmitter combo is nice, and it’s smaller, however, the connectivity to your phone is not very good, I can’t go into different rooms in my house without it loosing signal. It lost signal all the time. I gave it a good try for 6 months, I think the G6 is much better.
Consider getting the G7 receiver- I’ve been using it with great success, and you can track numbers using both the receiver & your phone =win/win. In my opinion the G7 is SO MUCH BETTER plus according to Dexcom it’s more accurate than the G6.
Waiting for Dexcom to get interface completed to Tandem pump for G7. When will this happen?
I’m waiting for this too! I thought it was supposed to be “this summer” but “this summer” is coming to an end…
Currently using Dexcom G6, but changing to the G7 in October with my next order. Can’t wait.
Medtronic Guardian 4, amazing auto bolusing
I’m using a G6 and just got down the process of restarting it. I’ve been getting 20 days out of my sensors.
I have got to lile using the G7 After having it for 8 months now, only about three of them I had to replace after a few days, I got them replaced fairly quickly after i rang in the complaint & said what had happened. Overall a very good working sensor and I am happy so far.
I’m using the G6, and though I usually upgrade when it’s possible, I think I’ll stick with G6 a while longer after reading about the glitches with G7. Aside from the constant worry of not reodering supplies on time, and all the non-medical issues that we have to put up with, I’ve been lucky to maintain an even keel for decades. Literally! Year 70 with T1D is just beginning. Not too shabby when I can still walk to buy all my groceries, and not need to ask for help. I wish everyone could be so lucky, but it does take a certain amount or determination and attention. A good laugh works wonders….along with some help from technology! :^)
Year 70 with T1D is amazing- I just hit the 50 year mark with T1D and it’s been an enormous struggle- although easier & better with the improved insulins & use of a CGM (the Dex G7 + MDI). Congrats on year 70 & best wishes !
PRU, working on year 71 now, but … 91 years OLD now and can’t walk to grocery store,,but not because of T1D… I have the G6 and not happy with it !!
I am happy with everything about the G6 except the fact that the receiver touch screen seems incredibly insensitive to touch, specifically near the bottom edge where the “OK” has to be touched to be acknowledged. When I get warnings, I often have to run through them several times to get them to acknowledge receipt and stop repeating. I complained to Dexcom and they sent me another receiver that had exactly the same problem. I can live with the problem since I’m very happy with everything else about this CGM but I don’t understand why that one part of the touch screen is so insensitive, and why they position their “OK” button right there. I wonder if others have had that problem with the G6. I understand the G7 has a better (non-touch-screen) receiver. I much preferred the old G5 non-touch-screen receiver — if it ain’t broke…..
I have the same problem with necessity of having to repeatedly touch “OK” after receiving “Low” warnings. I assume this is built in. So I just ignore until I get the third or fourth warning.
I would switch to the DEXCOM G7, but I am waiting for Tandem to add the software and offer the upgrade. Of course it will mean updating my prescription and verifying Medicare coverage.
I am currently on the G6 but I’ll be going to Eversense next month!!
I had not heard about Eversense before! Exciting!
Hi Jenny!
Yes, it is exciting!
There are some drawbacks in that it isn’t YET hooked up to the Tandem Control IQ. I am gambling on the fact that it will get set up in the next year or so.
I am _very_ excited also that the sensor is only changed every six months, so far less plastic waste.
And, I am hoping that I get better readings, too.
I’m very lucky to be able to get this device installed. 🙂
Love, love, love my G7. I’ve found it to be incredibly accurate, almost immediately. I find it catches rises and drops quicker than the G6, but I have unfortunately noticed it to have more sensor failure issues, mostly after day 7. Out of the 10 sensors I’ve worn, I have had only 2 last more than 8 days.
That 20% that last 10 days is very discouraging.
Thanks for the warning.😎
Medtronic Guardian 4 closed loop system
I recently switched to G7. Long story short, the G7 has serious issues with connectivity and sensor life. The overpatch is hard to get on properly without help. I’m thinking about Eversense but having to go to a provider to get a new one if it screws up (and it will) is a major minus.
I wish the research questions on T1D exchange would be about food and exercise ideas. real life how to live… and less about market research. I love reading the T1D responses. but I feel like we are being used by pharmaceutical sales companies. Give us more daily questions about living with this every day and I’m sure more of us will reply to the marketing questions!
Good point, lis be. On the other hand, don’t you appreciate comments on the disadvantages of products that help balance advertising hype? Reading comments by actual users of G7 have helped me decide to wait for improvements. Hopefully our comments here actually are read by market researchers and our suggestions and criticisms get accurately reported to manufacturers.
Wanacure, I agree with you and want to delete my comment! I was in a cranky funk yesterday. I do find all the comments extremely helpful!
Cranky funks happen!
I think that we should be allowed to have cranky funks especially because great ideas can come out of them.
Maybe we need a “I was in a cranky funk when I wrote this, take with a grain of salt please” button? 😀
I also agree wholeheartedly with Wanacure’s comment!!!
Just upgraded from dexcom G6 to dexcom G7. I love the G7 now so much better
G6 with Tandem CIQ and it has been like a CURE! Haven’t Calibrated in over 2 years, don’t need to. In Jan 2023 my A1C was 5.4 Yep!! It has been like a CURE promised almost 60 years ago. So many of my DiaBuddies believed the Promises or MM/M and lost their lives, that hurts so much. Just lost a 38 yo Diabuddie and I don’t know why?? Was it the MM/M Lie? I’m hurting from her loss. :'(
After 18 months of total frustration with Libre 2 I transitioned to the Dexcom G7. Overall very good however I am testing the Libre 3 and I have to say it is at least on pare with the G7 and I greatly prefer the 1 minute refresh which is fantastic for management decisions(for my lifestyle & non pump user). Hard to argue with the % of Dexcom users…nevertheless I feel Dexcom is missing the boat with 5 minute updates.
I’m still using the Dexcom G6 because I use my Tandem pump as my receiver and the G7 doesn’t pair yet with my Tandem. Once they can pair I will switch.