Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
T1 is T1… JD means Juvenile Diabetes, which is what T1 USED TO be called. I was diagnosed at 24 years young, and at that time, the Hospital put on my diagnosis that I had “T1D, formerly called JD (Juvenile Diabetes)” and they said in 1991 that what was formerly called JD had been RENAMED as T1D due to their finding that an increasing number of people were being diagnosed with JD even at ages older than 40 years old, which made it totally meaningless and senseless to call it “Juvenile Diabetes” when most frequently diagnosed in people no longer young enough to consider as being juvenile.
I was diagnosed at 14, 69 years ago. It has been an interesting adventure, with nothing more than Graves disease cropping up in the meantime to remind me that my system has its quirks. I knew long ago that respecting the do’s and don’t’s of diabetes was essential (Thank you, Dr. Joslin, Sr.)
Just want everyone to be reminded that it’s not the end of the world. I’ve been lucky, and have tried to be diligent while trying really hard to live life to the fullest. I’m still wishing we had a medical system that didn’t place such a heavy insistence on supporting the drug barons. I know it’s complicated, but even I feel sure that we might have had a cure by now were it not for so much greed. There it is, in my most genteel terms :^}.
Misdiagnosed as DM2 for a few years. New Endo was amazed that I didn’t know I was LADA T1D
I was 55, almost ten years ago. 😔
Diagnosed at 66 making T1 my fourth autoimmune disease. Ah, the ‘gift’ that keeps on giving.
the label T1 has many sub categories of which require different control methods. ie .. as a JD I’m completely different than a LADA
T1 is T1… JD means Juvenile Diabetes, which is what T1 USED TO be called. I was diagnosed at 24 years young, and at that time, the Hospital put on my diagnosis that I had “T1D, formerly called JD (Juvenile Diabetes)” and they said in 1991 that what was formerly called JD had been RENAMED as T1D due to their finding that an increasing number of people were being diagnosed with JD even at ages older than 40 years old, which made it totally meaningless and senseless to call it “Juvenile Diabetes” when most frequently diagnosed in people no longer young enough to consider as being juvenile.
My Dad, myself, two brothers, my eldest son, and his eldest daughter were all dx’ed with T1D before age 2.
Ever tested for MODY?
I was diagnosed at 18.
I was diagnosed at 14, 69 years ago. It has been an interesting adventure, with nothing more than Graves disease cropping up in the meantime to remind me that my system has its quirks. I knew long ago that respecting the do’s and don’t’s of diabetes was essential (Thank you, Dr. Joslin, Sr.)
Just want everyone to be reminded that it’s not the end of the world. I’ve been lucky, and have tried to be diligent while trying really hard to live life to the fullest. I’m still wishing we had a medical system that didn’t place such a heavy insistence on supporting the drug barons. I know it’s complicated, but even I feel sure that we might have had a cure by now were it not for so much greed. There it is, in my most genteel terms :^}.
My son, age 11.5, was diagnosed at 18 mos of age.
Age 4, 46 years ago.
At 42 I was misdiagnosed with T2 and was finally told that I had always been a T1 two years later.
I lived 3 1/2 years as a TYPE2, had to fire the endocrinologist to fix it.
I still think T1D should have a different name.
How about
Insulin Deficient Diabetes (IDD) for T1D
and Insulin Resistant Diabetes (IRD) for T2D
I was 11 years old, my brother was 7 months old and his oldest daughter was 1 years old.
Age 8 in 1962.
I was 23 years of age, just out of the US Navy and that was 55 years ago!
Age 5
I have had T1D for 41 years. Dang, was just called a senior citizen and given a senior discount at a store. I should be glad right. Not feeling it!
I was 13. Worst year ever!
Age 2 1/2