When you are traveling away from home for a few days, do you typically take glucagon with you?
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In 51 yrs I’ve never used it. However, with the gvoke auto injector I will be taking that with me on long trips.
Yes, I agree. Gvoke is a game changer, for me. It’s so easy to use.
It all depends. If I’m going backcountry canoeing, then yes (which I answered). If I’m going to my folks for the weekend, then no.
With the dex measuring me and always have some quick sugar, that glucagon is sort of useless. Have never got one in my 35 years
I don’t use it.
I use another carb.
I carry Baqsimi instead. I have had T1 for 64 years and I have used glucagon many decades ago.
Congratulations! I only take it along on cycling trips. My CGM helps me stay aware of my carb intake needs while biking. T1D for 65 years.
I answered NO because I cannot give it to myself. So with the CGM and candy beside my bed and on my person; this works OK for me.
No I have the glucose gel packs or 8 oz bottles of apple juice. I’ve had T1 for 61+ years and this works well for me.
I’ve had a glucagon kit, but I have never used it. In 64 years of TM1, I have managed well with oral glucose sources. Since I do not wander far from civilization, I do not carry glucagon with me. Good control and CGM seem to work to keep me from needing intervention for severe hypoglycemia.
I used to buy glucagon so my husband could inject if I was too far gone to eat or swallow anything but he could never figure it out mainly because the instructions were so tiny! Now that I have Dexcom and Tandem Control IQ, I always manage to keep on top of things, waking or sleeping, so I don’t see that I would never need to have glucagon administered (even if the print instructions were LARGE!)
I don’t see that I would ‘ever’ need glucagon.
It depends on where and what I will be doing.
I haven’t needed a good glucagon injection for about 10 years, but my history with severe hypoglycemia makes me continue to throw it in my overnight bag just in case.
Now that I have Gvoke, it’s easy to have with me.
Not only do I not typically take glucagon with me, but my Type 1 diabetes was diagnosed in September 1991, and I have NEVER had any Glucagon either used on me or prescribed for me. When diagnosed, it was left up to me, then when I moved to Alabama, my Doctors said that the only times I’d maybe need glucagon, I wouldn’t be able to give it to myself so since I lived alone there was no sense in me bothering to get any glucagon.
I have always kept glucagon in my diabetes travel bag, but not ever needed it. I’m getting Baqsimi to have on hand, but with dexcom and tandem pump CIQ, I rarely get very low anyway.
I haven’t used glucagon since 2007. After switching to a insulin pump I no longer have horrible lows from long acting insulin that require an emergency glucagon injection.
Yes. Always. I was at a meditation in nature retreat this past weekend and low and behold, my BG unexpectedly tanked into the nether region of <50 and was sinking rapidly several hours after a long walk in the woods. I used the "emergency" Gvoke I had in my diabetes self-care stuff to quickly recover. And I administered it to myself.
No, in 66+ years living with T1 I’ve never needed to use glucagon. Buying the kits and then throwing them away after they expired was senseless.
Even though I refill it yearly as I was told to have it on hand about ten years after diagnosis, but my BG has only ever been as low as 28 (1.6) and I am still capable of eating or drinking. Hopefully I never need it. My husband keeps it in the cabinet in the front room.
Answer: Sometimes! When I go on vacation, I throw it in my bag. But if it’s a weekend trip or day trip, I don’t bring it with me. It’s usually at home in the closet… That said, I always keep more than enough glucose tabs, glucose gel, and other snacks on me no matter where I am.
Only used it once when I had to have surgery and I went low the morning of and I couldn’t eat or drink anything. I’ve been as low as 19 (only once – learned my lesson after the experience) and stayed on my feet and able to feed myself.
I live alone and have never had glucagon on hand. When I lived at home we had it and never used it. Prior to being on a pump I had a number of overnight lows where I had seizures, fell out of bed etc. Even if I had glucagon there is no way I would have been able to use it on myself. Even the new nasal stuff would have been useless as I had no control over my limbs during those seizures.
Until recently, the answer would have been no. And, since I’ve had a nasal glucagon, I haven’t travelled.
But, I will be traveling soon and I will be taking the nasal glucagon. I had a very bad low recently where it really came in handy. Glucose tablets wouldn’t have been enough or usable with my recent situation. So, my answer is, I will do… but I haven’t yet technically done so.
Candy always with me including bedside and reduced fat potato chips. At work and at the dance studio, enough for everyone, big jars of individually wrapped chocolate in my work station, people stop by to get one and know if my CGM starts beeping to see if I’m OK.
I always have baqsimi nasal spray glucagon in my purse.
I’ve never had glucagon, but I do take fast-acting carbs that can be laid in my mouth and dissolve (Welch’s fruit gummies).