When exercising outdoors, do you feel that your blood glucose levels drop more quickly when the weather is hot as opposed to colder temperatures?
Home > LC Polls > When exercising outdoors, do you feel that your blood glucose levels drop more quickly when the weather is hot as opposed to colder temperatures?
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
For me it seems to be a function of how long it;s been since I had the injection. Another impact is how intense the exercise is. However I think this is the thinking around Blood glucose levels, and exercise. along with whaet you ate…
I don’t know, I haven’t noticed. I have more outdoor “exercise” in the summer, by which I mean yard work. And it will make my BG go down, just like any other activity. The only outdoor exercise in the winter is shoveling snow.
I bike to work year round, and I have not noticed any difference due to temperatures. I imagine heat and dehydration could potentially have an effect, but it’s not an issue for me on my daily ride. With all the factors affecting BG level, I hope the weather is not something else to worry about!
Being a senior in my 70s with T1D, I don’t do well in the HOT or COLD because they both seem to cause sugar fluctuations. Now I know why seniors head south in the winter and north in the summer. We diabetics just strive to control and time in range!
My only issue is that, during the summer, I can sometimes attribute symptoms of an oncoming hypoglycemic episode for heat stress. A quick check of my Dexcom usually resolves that.
I think mine drops more in hotter weather only because I spend much more time outdoors then. I stay in a lot when it’s cold. In fact, getting ready to hand mow my 1/2 acre lawn in feels like ‘104’ degree weather here in TX.
I don’t know. I am not fond of hot weather as my body does not seem good as temperature regulation and I don’t often exercise in the heat. I can put more clothes on in the winter, but they have yet to come up with AC clothing….
This body definitely drops when I exercise in general.
I monitor with the CGM. Gave up on feeling an insulin reaction long ago. By the time you physically feel it you are well on your way to an insulin reaction. Hot weather tends to drop my blood sugar more quickly. What I’ve read is because your cardiovascular system is working hard to keep your cool and your vascular system expands to get that job done it absorbs your IOB faster.
I have no idea. I hike in all weathers, 90f to 10f, and usually set a temp target starting one hour before I hike for 2 hours. Sometimes I need a snack and sometimes I do not. There are too many factors for me to tie it to the weather.
When exercising outdoors, do you feel that your blood glucose levels drop more quickly when the weather is hot as opposed to colder temperatures? Cancel reply
For me it seems to be a function of how long it;s been since I had the injection. Another impact is how intense the exercise is. However I think this is the thinking around Blood glucose levels, and exercise. along with whaet you ate…
I don’t know, I haven’t noticed. I have more outdoor “exercise” in the summer, by which I mean yard work. And it will make my BG go down, just like any other activity. The only outdoor exercise in the winter is shoveling snow.
I bike to work year round, and I have not noticed any difference due to temperatures. I imagine heat and dehydration could potentially have an effect, but it’s not an issue for me on my daily ride. With all the factors affecting BG level, I hope the weather is not something else to worry about!
Being a senior in my 70s with T1D, I don’t do well in the HOT or COLD because they both seem to cause sugar fluctuations. Now I know why seniors head south in the winter and north in the summer. We diabetics just strive to control and time in range!
My only issue is that, during the summer, I can sometimes attribute symptoms of an oncoming hypoglycemic episode for heat stress. A quick check of my Dexcom usually resolves that.
I notice a huge difference in the heat. My blood sugar can plummet and I need to be extra careful to not have any IOB.
Usually exercise outdoors in moderate weather. Extremes really anytime I exercise anywhere I rely on my CGM.
I think mine drops more in hotter weather only because I spend much more time outdoors then. I stay in a lot when it’s cold. In fact, getting ready to hand mow my 1/2 acre lawn in feels like ‘104’ degree weather here in TX.
I exercise outdoors by walking the perimeter of the yard, adding laps over time. Live in CA, so no cold weather.
My blood sugar drops quickly whether I exercise indoors or out. Temperature doesn’t seem to matter!
I don’t know. I am not fond of hot weather as my body does not seem good as temperature regulation and I don’t often exercise in the heat. I can put more clothes on in the winter, but they have yet to come up with AC clothing….
This body definitely drops when I exercise in general.
I monitor with the CGM. Gave up on feeling an insulin reaction long ago. By the time you physically feel it you are well on your way to an insulin reaction. Hot weather tends to drop my blood sugar more quickly. What I’ve read is because your cardiovascular system is working hard to keep your cool and your vascular system expands to get that job done it absorbs your IOB faster.
I have no idea. I hike in all weathers, 90f to 10f, and usually set a temp target starting one hour before I hike for 2 hours. Sometimes I need a snack and sometimes I do not. There are too many factors for me to tie it to the weather.
Heat does seem to drop my BG faster when working outdoors. Working in the yard, tends to reduce my stress and so my BG drops rapidly LOL!