Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I have both a Ketone blood meter and urine strips. I generally test if I am high or if I have unexplained nausea, in case of normal blood sugar range ketosis because I take an SLGT-2.
I rarely test for ketones and instead go by symptoms – if my sugars are high and not responding to insulin, I probably have ketones and need to go to the ER. If I’m vomiting and can’t keep anything down, I probably need to go to the ER. In these cases ketones or no ketones doesn’t change that, but no ketones might cause me to second guess myself in going.
For my teenager, ketones may be a sign of a pump delivery issue, so he checks ketones if he has a high bs and unsure of reason (didn’t forget a food bolus, etc) or if any GI symptoms of nausea or vomiting. This has happened less since going on control iq.
Once. BLOOD ketones. And the only reason was because my son’s blood sugar was over 200 for a considerable length of time (which it usually ISN’T). We never use urine strips because we were told that the results are old information and that blood ketone testing is infinitely more accurate and timely. Plus, it’s an actual NUMBER rather than a guessing game of ranges.
I have ketone strips that test urine but they are way past the sell by date simply because I don’t use them often. So are they still good? My Dr. told me test strips for meters don’t go bad, so are these viable for use?
Have the strips. Do not test, hardly ever. Despite my 7 decades of bungie-chord swings between highs and lows (sometimes 400-500), I invariably and with certainty treat any high BG. At times, it will take several hours. But I eventually get it right which is defined as “somewhere near 100.” Good luck to all who try, no matter what the method.
I’ve not had to test my blood for ketones in several months, knock on wood. My Control IQ is such a blessing, once I gave up my need to control all things T1D. Not an easy thing to do, I began on it in late Jan. of this year and was finally able to do so in Sept. I only check for ketones when I have unexplained highs and even an injection won’t bring it down.
I have tested for ketones less than ten times in twenty years and all were negative. My blood sugar sometimes stays in the 300s with no apparent cause. I will change my pump and insulin along with increasing insulin, so there must be something stressful going on inside. Who knows, maybe my brain isn’t happy during those periods with seizures.
I have been a T1D for 51 years and have only tested for ketones when trying to move into a ketogenic diet. Seems counterintuitive but the less carbohydrates I ingest the more steady my blood sugar levels and CGM waveforms are and in a range of 90-140. Anyone else with these results?
I have both a Ketone blood meter and urine strips. I generally test if I am high or if I have unexplained nausea, in case of normal blood sugar range ketosis because I take an SLGT-2.
I never test
I have never tested for ketones in my nearly 32 years with T1D.
I rarely test for ketones and instead go by symptoms – if my sugars are high and not responding to insulin, I probably have ketones and need to go to the ER. If I’m vomiting and can’t keep anything down, I probably need to go to the ER. In these cases ketones or no ketones doesn’t change that, but no ketones might cause me to second guess myself in going.
I have never tested for ketones in my almost 64 years with T1 and I have never been hospitalized for diabetes.
I’ve never tested for ketones in almost 26 years of having T1D. It has never been recommended to me to do so, so it’s not a compliance issue.
For my teenager, ketones may be a sign of a pump delivery issue, so he checks ketones if he has a high bs and unsure of reason (didn’t forget a food bolus, etc) or if any GI symptoms of nausea or vomiting. This has happened less since going on control iq.
Once. BLOOD ketones. And the only reason was because my son’s blood sugar was over 200 for a considerable length of time (which it usually ISN’T). We never use urine strips because we were told that the results are old information and that blood ketone testing is infinitely more accurate and timely. Plus, it’s an actual NUMBER rather than a guessing game of ranges.
I have ketone strips that test urine but they are way past the sell by date simply because I don’t use them often. So are they still good? My Dr. told me test strips for meters don’t go bad, so are these viable for use?
I have not tested in the last month at all. I am in better control of my diabetes thanks to my CGM so it isn’t ever a problem.
Have the strips. Do not test, hardly ever. Despite my 7 decades of bungie-chord swings between highs and lows (sometimes 400-500), I invariably and with certainty treat any high BG. At times, it will take several hours. But I eventually get it right which is defined as “somewhere near 100.” Good luck to all who try, no matter what the method.
Have the strips but don’t test. Haven’t felt the need to.
Haven’t had any Symptoms to speak of in over 30 years – T1 for almost 57 yrs.
I’ve not had to test my blood for ketones in several months, knock on wood. My Control IQ is such a blessing, once I gave up my need to control all things T1D. Not an easy thing to do, I began on it in late Jan. of this year and was finally able to do so in Sept. I only check for ketones when I have unexplained highs and even an injection won’t bring it down.
I’ve never tested for ketones. I’ve always been able to bring any spikes down within two tries. I rarely get sick. Very fortunate.
I have tested for ketones less than ten times in twenty years and all were negative. My blood sugar sometimes stays in the 300s with no apparent cause. I will change my pump and insulin along with increasing insulin, so there must be something stressful going on inside. Who knows, maybe my brain isn’t happy during those periods with seizures.
I haven’t checked my ketones since my pregnancy over 12 years ago! And before that I was a kid last time I checked.
I have been a T1D for 51 years and have only tested for ketones when trying to move into a ketogenic diet. Seems counterintuitive but the less carbohydrates I ingest the more steady my blood sugar levels and CGM waveforms are and in a range of 90-140. Anyone else with these results?
In 50 years I have never tested for ketones.
Never tested for ketones I though the doctor did that when they did the pee test