Over the past 12 months, how many telehealth appointments have you had with your main diabetes care provider?
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3. And it’s a royal pain in the arse to take 90 minutes to drive each way to a 42 mile appointment. And my age and my eyesight barely allow me to drive anyway. Bah humbug. 🤩
I guessed “1”. It could have been “2”. Not sure. Anyway, from 2020 until the beginning of 2023, almost all of my visits were on zoom. But, this year, I started going back to see my Endo. I’m just not sure when I started.
Since we met virtually over the pandemic and I am fully connected/am capable of uploading any information they may need, we agreed as things opened to do every other in person/virtual. They aren’t a local doc but I prefer their care and am willing to drive as needed, but it is nice to be able to take a break and not worry about it 1/2 the time.
I answered without reading the question thoroughly
My answer should have been “none” by telehealth
I did the same.
Medicare requires me to have appointments every 6 months to keep getting CGM supplies. Getting those appointments has become increasingly difficult. I am so tired of the runaround and excuses and the promises that they are in the process of fixing it.
I have not seen my Endocrinologist in person since the start of the pandemic. All visits by Zoom with uploaded pump/CGM data and blood work.
My private insurance and now medicare require me to vis5my doctors evert 3 months.
None. Over the pandemic I had three virtual Telehealth endo appointments. Bah humbug! No thanks! As soon as the clinic resumed in-person appointments I’ve opted to be three feet away from her instead. Virtual appointments do not include blood pressure checks or getting my heart and lungs listened to with a stethoscope or checking for edema in my ankles. That’s all an important part of every 90 day appointment that I don’t want ignored.
I’ve been having teleappts for a few years now. I prefer them. Less time from my workday, I upload my data every month so the Endo folks know how I am doing. I do get labs drawn n persona every 3-4 months – can’t do that successfully myself!. I monitor my BP etc and I’ve often posted about the lack of respect for patients at the Endo practice I have to use – and I try to avoid the scolding as much as possible.
My endo is not easy to get in to and her first available was later in the day. Did a video visit to avoid traffic. Usually I do in person and prefer those.
1, thanks to COVID.
Though I only lived 5 minutes away from Endo’s office I made 2 Televists of the 3 Medicare will let her get by with because she Follows my Dexcom and suggests changes as needed, Now that I live an hour away the only in office appt will be for an A1c