In the past 7 days, on how many days did you get at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (e.g., brisk walk, swimming, light bike riding)?
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Rain, snow or shine I walk 2-1/2 miles every morning and 1 to 2 mile in the evening with my dog.
I am really pleased to see that so many of us chose “7”. Kudos to you all. I answered “6”. I started going back to the gym this week. I stayed away for 3 1/2 years because of Covid 19. I figured it’s time to get back out there. I’m still running too.
I exercise every day. Some days are more anaerobic (weight lifting) which is really important to support my tendons and ligaments.
On the days I do solely aerobic exercise (running/walking), it is typically for about 1 hour.
My favorite exercise, tennis, involves both aerobic and anaerobic bursts. When I practice or play, I spend at least 2 hours on the court.
I do take one day off a week as I exercise intensely the other 6 days with cycling, weights, hiking and skiing. At age 69, my joints, etc need a rest!
I am getting back to exercise after a long hiatus and am finding it difficult to adjust my insulin and carb needs.
Oh, if you’d asked the question before I hurt my foot, it would have been 5 miles of walking a day! The foot is improving, so will slowly build up to the mileage.
ZERO. I am quite active throughout my day doing everyday things in daily life … walking up and down stairs, tending my garden, grocery shopping, meal prep cooking and kitchen clean up, household chores, working an active part-time job, family and pet care taking responsibilities, volunteer work for special causes … HAH! Are you kidding? I am too busy already and rarely have time to take time for 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise like swimming or bike riding … In my down time I meditate, read, draw or paint, and rest.
I rarely miss a day, and if the weather is bad I use my non-electric treadmill. However, none of my exercise is “brisk” or even moderate. Failing muscle mass and poor balance mean for a leisurely 45 minute walk. As long as I don’t fall, I call it good. Maybe even virtuous. I have learned to view exercise as something that simply must be done for my health, much in the way I have always viewed my insulin injections.
I do some aerobic but mostly Pilates and weights.
Right now I am suffering from low blood pressure, screwed up thyroid hormones and also have severe diarrhea. My best exercise is slowly walking the dog around the yard
I suffer from low blood pressure too. I find that adding salt to my diet helps.
An hour of aerobic exercise every day has been a key part of my routine since I was diagnosed in 1991. I started with an elliptical when I wasn’t allowed to use enough insulin to keep my BG from shooting high after meals and I learned that vigorous exercise could substitute for extra insulin. I now feel it’s essential for good control, decent sleep, and mental well being. I guess you could say I’m addicted.
My dog takes me for a walk every morning!
I realized since the very beginning more that 50 years ago when I was started on insulin that exercise was a matter of life and death and the only way to achieve some sugar control. So that thinking has always prevailed.
I’m 83 now. My exercise has increased throughout my life. I have had set backs for one thing or another but always go back to it.
Right now I do 10-20 minutes of stretches before even getting out of bed, then 30 minutes on my stationery bike, exercising my arms while I pedal.
I dance with hand weights after dinner, and work with a Pickleball trainer twice a week for 60-90 minutes. At times I get myself to actually play games with people that could be my grands. I usually lose though, but I’m working on it. Lol.
Exercise is addictive because it makes you feel so good. So the more you do the betterment you feel. It’s saved my life.
My new goal is to be as active as you when I’m 83! Nice work!
I have a dog. He takes me for walks 2-3 times a day. Some walks are brisker than others but most walks are 30 minutes, but some can be up to an hour.
“Every time I think about exercizing I lie down until it passes” 🤔
JK! I get 15,000 + Steps a day walking the dog, doing yard work, doing chores.
I’ve walked my dogs since my first PIT had cancer surgery (wearing her lampshade couldn’t use the doggydoor), still walk the present pup twice a day, anywhere from 1/2 mile to 2: up to her. The gardening is kind of relaxing, the yardwork I guess is too.
For the past almost 4 days now we have been under air quality alerts. In fact all of Montana is under either red or yellow alerts. So because of being an asthmatic as well as having T1D, I’ve not even been able to go anywhere outside.
I go for a walk every day unless it’s raining hard. It rained all day one day this week so I didn’t go out. My walks almost always involve walking up at least one step street, which my neighborhood has a lot of. The shortest is 60-something steps and the longest is 120 steps.
Every day, baby! This is how I charge my battery.
None. I have a terminally ill aunt in assisted living and a husband who is recovering from a fall. Getting any time for me is very limited. I do yoga and stretching in the mornings. Exercise now is yardwork my husband can no longer do, laundry, cooking, etc.
For a longtime Dr. Cooper ‘s Aerobics book was my bible. I’d get at least 30 points/week jogging 2.9 miles or swimming 48 lengths 3x/week within certain time limits. I also did yoga and weights. But after picking up a persistent Covid-like bug at a gym I got pretty discouraged from doing interval training on the elliptical machine and using Nautilus machines. I’ve become gym-phobic. But at home every morning I do some yoga/Pilates, deep breathing exercise, and meditation for about 25’ before breakfast. About 2 days/week I walk (not briskly) about 70’ to and from stores, credit unions, paying bills, visiting the local library branch, etc. A couple of times per week I do 3 sets of 12 squats alternating w/ 3 sets of 12 push-ups from the kitchen counter. At 79 I’m doing much less gutter cleaning, lawn mowing, digging out blackberry vines, or house cleaning. I’m thinking of hiring someone to do those boring household chores. But will I overcome this gym-phobic phase?