Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I chose 5-6 times because I see the Endo 3-4 times a year and my primary care doc twice a year and he generally runs some labs although not the same labs that endo runs. I also have thyroid issues so that’s followed pretty closely plus we check a few other things like my liver panel, etc.
I’m having blood and urine lab done this morning, in about 1 hour. I see the Endo 4 times a year, with blood work before all visits, plus a few for other doctor visits.
3 or 4. But this is a particularly sore spot for me.
In the state of Florida, you used to be able to do handfuls of the standard blood work for 10, 20, or 30 dollars. Now, thanks to our elected representatives, it is illegal to do the work unless it is done by a hospital or hospital associated group, costing $700 to $800 each time.
Thank you so much, honorable and duly elected representatives of we the people, for ensuring 1) medical costs stay high, 2) others benefit, not consumers and, 3) only the well insured and wealthy get good medical care. (>﹏<)
Yeah, my hospital has a list price of $660 for my blood tests. Medicate has negotiated significantly lower rates, and covers it completely after the deductible. My alternative is to drive 60 miles round trip to a lab or my Endo’s office for a 15 minute blood draw.
This sounds like a case of the Hospital lobbyists having more $$ than the lab lobbyist. The Hospitals are trying to recoup the losses from Covid.
I had to answer 9 or more times because last summer I had a heart attack and was in the hospital (ICU and regular) for ten days. “Normally” I would get the blood tests about twice a year.
5 to 6 times a year now, though my endocrinologist has agreed to have her lab work drawn when I have my oncology labs drawn every 3 month’s. Plus my PCP does labs a couple times a year. Now I also have GI labs that need to be done to rule out a lot of thing’s.
I had labs done 5 times in the last 12 months, mostly because my thyroid labs have been off and my endo keeps changing my levothyroxine dose which is starting to really annoy me. I will be going to the lab yet again next week.
I answered 2 but should have answered 4. In addition to yearly blood tests and urine tests I got a lab test for a minor skin cancer (positive) and an endoscopy that revealed I’m gluten intolerant! So no more Imperial Russian Stouts, no more double IPAs. And since most ouzo, whiskeys, etc are made from grains containing gluten, they are out as well. Wines and rum are OK. I could find only one vodka 100% corn-derived. I have yet to develop a taste for cactus liquors, like tequila and mexacato (sp?). My diet is already low carb, so no problems there.
I chose 5-6 times because I see the Endo 3-4 times a year and my primary care doc twice a year and he generally runs some labs although not the same labs that endo runs. I also have thyroid issues so that’s followed pretty closely plus we check a few other things like my liver panel, etc.
I’m having blood and urine lab done this morning, in about 1 hour. I see the Endo 4 times a year, with blood work before all visits, plus a few for other doctor visits.
3 or 4. But this is a particularly sore spot for me.
In the state of Florida, you used to be able to do handfuls of the standard blood work for 10, 20, or 30 dollars. Now, thanks to our elected representatives, it is illegal to do the work unless it is done by a hospital or hospital associated group, costing $700 to $800 each time.
Thank you so much, honorable and duly elected representatives of we the people, for ensuring 1) medical costs stay high, 2) others benefit, not consumers and, 3) only the well insured and wealthy get good medical care. (>﹏<)
Yeah, my hospital has a list price of $660 for my blood tests. Medicate has negotiated significantly lower rates, and covers it completely after the deductible. My alternative is to drive 60 miles round trip to a lab or my Endo’s office for a 15 minute blood draw.
This sounds like a case of the Hospital lobbyists having more $$ than the lab lobbyist. The Hospitals are trying to recoup the losses from Covid.
I have MS as well as Type 1 Diabetes so I get blood drawn frequently.
For my autoimmune issues. (Thyroid. Rheumatology etc )
I had to answer 9 or more times because last summer I had a heart attack and was in the hospital (ICU and regular) for ten days. “Normally” I would get the blood tests about twice a year.
5 to 6 times a year now, though my endocrinologist has agreed to have her lab work drawn when I have my oncology labs drawn every 3 month’s. Plus my PCP does labs a couple times a year. Now I also have GI labs that need to be done to rule out a lot of thing’s.
this is my one frustration with my endo, he does them only once a year. plus it’s usually AFTER an office visit so we never discuss them
I answered 5 to 6 every three months for the endocrinologist it’s required to get Medicare covered diabetic supplies and one for my primary
I used to get it done 2-3 times but since Covid only 1/year
Blood work for both glucose and for cancer treatment. Glucose also tested when blood work is done for cancer.
I had labs done 5 times in the last 12 months, mostly because my thyroid labs have been off and my endo keeps changing my levothyroxine dose which is starting to really annoy me. I will be going to the lab yet again next week.
I have my BG and thyroid tested quarterly. I didn’t count the other blood work I have done unrelated to endocrinology,
I answered 2 but should have answered 4. In addition to yearly blood tests and urine tests I got a lab test for a minor skin cancer (positive) and an endoscopy that revealed I’m gluten intolerant! So no more Imperial Russian Stouts, no more double IPAs. And since most ouzo, whiskeys, etc are made from grains containing gluten, they are out as well. Wines and rum are OK. I could find only one vodka 100% corn-derived. I have yet to develop a taste for cactus liquors, like tequila and mexacato (sp?). My diet is already low carb, so no problems there.
I have also been treated for cancer since November, so lots of blood tests.
I said 5-6. I normally don’t have quite that many draws but I had surgery last year which upped
it a few.