In 2023, how many appointments did you have with your main T1D healthcare provider?
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4 appointments.
3. But I have to sell my soul and lie to medicare that the number is really 4. Before the age of 65 I never had to lie about anything. What’s wrong with this picture ¯\_(ツ)_/¯?
We’re with the government and we’re here to help?
I’d probably lie, too, if I could get away with it since 3 of my 4 annual visits are a waste of time. Unfortunately, my supplies providers require my doctor to send them chart notes from the visits and I don’t think my doctor would go along with the deception. This is such a common complaint that I don’t know why the powers that be in setting Medicare requirements continue to ignore it. Could there be a history of massive fraud in funding of unnecessary diabetes supplies?
I do twice a year which is one more than I need to go, in my opinion. The staff said I had to go four times a year for Medicare to cover it but they have learned that is not accurate since my prescriptions are filled with once every six months visit.
Just had 2
I was unemployed for seven months, so was able to only see my PCP once. 🙁
Two with my endo and two with his PA.
3 in person 1 tele
This is a strange question. I would have expected, the possible answers to be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or more than 4; but instead of “more than 4”, we get “more than 5”.
I answered other because my healthcare team is very supportive and I have frequent contacts. We have group visits, where 6-10 patients exchange their experience with a doctor supervision. We have walks where healthcare members walk with a group of patients, helping with management, especially prevention and care of hypoglycemia. We have meetings dedicated to AID systems and experiences. I am grateful for such an extended care.
Hi Gustavo – I love this! Sounds like a great way to build a community around T1D care. ❤️
2023 was a year that health professionals moved to different places across Canada due to very poor federal input and management by the federal government. the Liberals wouldn’t know how to give you a bandaid
Healthcare is not something they care about. I had to change my diabetes healthcare provider tree times because of
poor management. The majority of good diabetes Healthcare professionals left Albert and Canada in disgust
The best diabetes knowledge professional are the Practical Nurses who had to replace the doctors who no longer saw Canada as an asset for diabetics except in Ontario (Treadeau land)
I said 3 but it could’ve been 2.
Video training to go on closed loop system so probably 7 in all
3, 2 by TeleVisit, 1 in Person to get A1c, 60 yrs T1 and A1c in Low 6’s and a First time 5.4 with 0 Hypos for 4+ years until my Wife died in Oct. Now I’m starting a New Life.
I was seeing him every 6 weeks, but I think, my endocrinologist and I, have moved on to every 8 weeks. Maybe I will have less medical debt.
Hi Jen Farley!
Less medical debt is something I also wish for!
Just wanted to let you know I gave a long reply to the pros and cons of the Eversense. I don’t keep up with this site every day and I wanted to make sure you knew that I had responded… but I couldn’t respond to your reply.
Anyway! I’m happy to answer any questions if you have them… just respond to my original post!
Thank you. KarenM6
Had 6 visits with her n 2023 because I was having insulin absorption issues … she took me off the pump for 3 -4 months to allow infusion site scar tissue to heal. She saw me every month during the off pump problem solving phase June, July, August, September. A1C went from 8.1 in June (a rare elevation – it hadn’t been that high in over 20 years) to 6.7 in December.