If you use an insulin pump, how long have you this brand/model of pump?
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I have used a t:slim X2 pump since Dec 2018 and been happy enough with it.
I know not what kind of balefire the benfactors of brand loyalty perceive. But as a devoted brand loyalists myself, I can swear by the Medtronic pumps of 1996-2015 and the Tandem tSlim X2’s of 2016-2022.
Oh, and I can also swear at them too. I think it’s called a love-hate relationship.
I used Medtronic from the early 1990s until 2010 and I really loved it. Then I switched to Omnipod and I am quite happy with it as well. I can hardly wait for the Omnipod 5 to be released for the public so I can switch to that with the Dexcom (but I will miss my Libre).
I loved my Libre, but love my dexcom even more.
and .NEVER..will
I started with Medtronic (Minimed) pumps in 1993, and have upgraded many times but always stayed with Medtronic. After trying their CGM capability for a while, however, I abandoned it in favor of Dexcom. The Medtronic sensors were too picky and inaccurate and kept me awake all night demanding to be calibrated. As far as pumps go, as I get closer to the end of warranty on my current one I will definitely look into alternatives that are more compatible with Dexcom.
I was on Medtronic pumps for nearly 10 years but changed to the Tandem IQ with Dexcom CGM. I love the capacity to actually set basal rate while still having the semi-closed loop of insulin delivery. Also, the NOT having to calibrate constantly has vastly improved my sleep. Additionally, I feel like the algorithms or whatever it is in the Tandem IQ work FAR better than Medtronic G6. It also allows you to give extra bolus without leaving automode. Dexcom sensors more comfortable and last considerably longer.
I am off pumps after 20 years (Medtronic and Omnipod depending on insurance). It’s been 2 months and I love the freedom. Will be traveling and looking forward to not having to bring so many supplies.
Sounds thrilling to be “unplugged”.. perhaps someday. Meantime I’m finding TSlim (5 mos.) helps keep in range (unless I over/under estimate carbs); I hear Omnipod coming out w/ ability to add/slow down insulin depending on trend picked up from Dexcom CGM, which is the feature I like about the TSlim, minus the tubing..looking forward to trying that when it comes out
Animas Vibe for almost 5 years which is now defunct, accompanied with Dexcom G4 and G5. So I switched to my current Tandem X2 / dexcom G6 and looking forward a potential switch over to whatever is the next best pump in 3 years. From the looks of things that will most probably be the Omnipod with probably a G7, G8 or G9. Time will tell
I used Animas and Dexcom from 2011-2018. Got the Tandem x2 in 2018 when Animas closed down. Love Dexcom and now with upgrades to x2, things have certainly come a long way since 2011.
Come along way since 1961 for me
I had a Medtronic minimed for 10 years and then switched to the tSlim and dexcom g6 for the closed loop system at the recommendation of my CDE who is also a type 1 who had been on a minimed. I’m glad I made the switch I have better control now with the closed loop system.
I have had this Tandem model for almost 4 years, Medtronic for 4 before that, and MDI for 20. The Tandem has been replaced twice and very promptly. Both times because of breakage. TY Tandem. I will be looking to try tubeless for a bit to see if I can do better with that but love Tandem. I do wish though with the algorithms that we could set a lower target of 100, but I think that may be an FDA problem.
I’ve been on Tandem t:slim 2x for 5 years. I’m due for a new one on April and will replace it with the same brand. It does have some annoying alarms but it also has some features not found in any of the other pumps in the market. I found the combination of this pump and the Dexcom g6 pretty amazing.
Before that I had a Medtronic pump, but was much bulkier and worked with the Medtronic sensors which were very inaccurate and drove me insane.
I’ve been using the Tandem, Dexcom combo for years, after starting out with Medtronic. At 82, with 68 years of “experience” with diabetes, I no longer get up every morning hoping for a cure. My insulin dependent labradoodle and I get up in the morning, reckon with pumps and glucometers and syringes, and feel glad that we can still face our Maine winters :*) !
Hi, Pru!
I have been a Medtronic pump and sensor user since 2006. I really hated the Medtronic sensors until my husband started installing the weekly sensor for me. He does a great job and aside from the occasional “blood at site” issue, we are both much happier with the results.
I have been on a Medtronic pump since 1997. When I got my most recent pump in 2015 Medicare was not yet allowing us to get the one with the automated system so have just been using Dexcom and the pump manually the same as I did in 1997. Tomorrow I meet with the Tandem trainer to start my new tandem T slim X2 and I am very excited to finally have a hybrid closed loop system. Time will tell but in following people’s comments about this pump over the last few years it should be great. pump
Switching to a Medtronic 770G on Tuesday from a 630. Haven’t used a CGM but after I retire in a couple of years will have the time to figure all that out and get trained etc.
I have had my current Medtronic 770g for around 8 months but I did the upgrade from the 670. I have only ever used Medtronic, since 2005. I started using their sensors as soon as they integrated with a pump (Sof-Sensors and the 522/722 pumps). They worked great, but the Enlite sensors did not. I went without a CGM for a number of years, unwilling to carry another device with me(Dexcom receiver). When I got the 670g in 2018 I did so only because they said there were new sensors & transmitters. The Guardian sensors have worked great for me. Not sure if I want to switch to Tandem when my warranty is up later this year.
I have been on a Tandem pump with various incarnations of Dexcom since 2014. Prior to that I used a Medtronic system, which was okay at the time until I had a chance to wear a 10 day saline trial with both a Tandem pump and an Omnipod along with Dexcom G4 in 2013 – all the while wearing the Medtronic pump & sensor. What a difference! I impatiently waited patiently for my Medtronic warranty to be over so I could upgrade to a new system and I chose Tandem with Dexcom. It felt like I was reborn!!!
6 months with Tandem along with Dexcom. I starting pumping in 1997 with Disetronic pumps and stayed with that and various updates to Accumulate-Chek Combo until it was a few years out of warranty and difficult to get supplies in the U.S.
Started used my Tandem X2 15 months ago. However, been on a Pump for over 39 years. Starting with a Baxter/Travanol pump then to a Baxter pump, on to Medtronic.
Although I’ve used Tandem brand pumps since at least 2016 (= 6 years), my move to Control-IQ wasn’t possible until March, 2020 (not quite 2 years ago).
I have using tandem for less than a year but I’ve used an insulin pump since 2007.