If you use a CGM and share your real-time CGM data with other people, with whom have you shared your live CGM data? Select all that apply!
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I share my data with my diabetologist but he does not check it outside of office visits.
Although I share with my doc I do not believe they review the data until appointments
I do not share “real-time” CGM date with anyone. My Endo gets the info for my appointments after I have downloaded the data onto TConnect.
Same here.
Plus my niece (only relative who lives close by) and a friend who is a trusted neighbor, both since my wife died.
I share it to the Sugarmate app. I find it gives me better trend alerts than Dexcom.
Nobody I know wants my cgm data.
Endocrinologist only. Or mostly.
Except I may occasionally print out fancy colorful graphs & pie charts to educate other physicians such as the GP.
I follow my children and my dad but no one follows me. I do not follow my 16 yr old consistently though, only at school.
At 68 long term T1 52yrs I live alone. Even though my daughter is across the country from me it gives her and I peace of mind. If I don’t respond she can call for help.
Some years ago my istser asked me if she would be able to see my CGM data but at the time it wasn’t possible (Medtronic). Now I would be able to share with her but I don’t because I know she wouldn’t share her Dexcom data with me if I asked. It’s probably for the best as she likes to run high (afraid of lows) and I like to run lower. We’d probably just make each other anxious looking at the other’s numbers.
Getting a CGM soon. But find out my phone isn’t compatible, which means no sharing. Dang! So, I have to decide to purchase a new phone at some point.
I came across the same problem but didnt consider buying a new phone… too expensive a venture. With the Freestyle Libre 2 system, you just get the reader that goes along with the the sensors you’re buying.
You can get the receiver from dexcom also if you don’t have a phone to receive the data.
I haven’t found anyone who wants my data. They may care but don’t want to wade thru all of it. Not even my Dr. wants all of that. They want just their down load at the office.
I share my CGM results verbally with my husband and my daughters, but I don’t share real time data/monitering with anybody else
My doctor does have access to the data and we discuss it during appointments. I don’t think they follow me in real time.
I share it with my Fitbit watch so I can see it easier.
I upload my data to Nightscout, and anybody can visit my site and see it in real time. My wife, children, and occasionally other people, do.
My Endo because no one else would really understand it the way she does. She’s very pleased with the Numbers and so am I, they’re the Best since 1963
Currently my husband and my Endocrinologist. Previously with my neurologist for some completed research, but they still have access.
I share with my husband, and with my doctor’s office.
I answered that I don’t share my real time data. The only time anyone other than me sees my data is when I am at my endocrinology appointments.