If you have T1D, has anyone ever misinterpreted your low blood glucose for intoxication?
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I haven’t had many low blood glucose events that severe, so no opportunities for strangers to think that. As for friends and family, they all know I’m sober.
No but as child an intern in ER mistook low bg for high. Parents forced to wait on blood test.
While being stopped for speeding the officer thought I was intoxicated after I started going low and he wouldn’t let me get something out of my purse to fix it. Scariest time thankfully I had someone else with me.
At a random License/Insurance checkpoint while I lived in Alabama, I got stopped and while digging out my license, proof of insurance and vehicle registration, the officer started asking if I had been drinking and wanted to have me pull over to the shoulder of the road for a sobriety check until I showed him my CGM reading and that convinced him that I really did need to pull over, but not for a sobriety check, but instead to treat the low blood sugar I tried telling him the problem was while digging in my glove box for my registration.
I answered NO, but I really don’t know the answer to that question. Who is to know what people are thinking, especially when my blood sugar is low. Most people who know me, know that I don’t drink alcohol. Over the years, I’ve had many episodes where people could have easily assumed that I was drunk. I once came across a T1D on the street, who was tripping and falling all over the place. I suspected that he may be a T1D. So, I asked him if he was T1D. He responded affirmative, so I gave him a bottle of juice to drink. However, he was also intoxicated. I called 911 for help.
Not necessarily drunk. Just didn’t know what was wrong and got upset. Solution don’t let myself get too low. CGM helps.
It has been mistaken for nastiness or bad attitude. (By family members!)
Early 70’s ER Doc only saw my long hair took my low as a result of Drugs I was taking. Duh, thank goodness my LADA Father was with me and convinced the doc that I needed D-50
I answered NO because I don’t drink alcohol of any kind. However, lows look exactly like intoxication or being high on drugs. That’s because low blood sugars are mind altering like the other mind altering addictions. Why in the world are we going for legalizing recreational marajuana all across our land and even parties celebrating being mind altered. Can’t money be better spent on good choices?????
A physician none the less thought I was drunk. His son also had T1D or so he said. My college roommate was livid on my behalf. In the later 80’s. Knock on wood, firist and only time so far. I was really disappointed in a physician for the first time in my life.
It has only happened a handful of times but I have no idea what others are thinking nor do I care. I am doing whatever is humanly possible to keep my s**t together. Wouldn’t be surprised though.
Not that I’m aware of. But when I’m really out of it I don’t remember much. I did have a low in the parking lot of my moms work one time and my mom ended up having to call 911 because they couldn’t get sugar in me to snap me out. When I was hauled off a customer came in claiming they saw someone in labor being taken away by ambulance! Found that sooo funny once I was stable and back home.
Family and others close to me are aware of my T1D and the symptoms low BS can cause and frequently notice I am low before I do.
I answered “Other” because I don’t know but it’s possible.
I did have a car accident and the officers that showed up probably thought I was drunk or on illegal drugs. I felt like I was getting extra “side eye”, but nothing was said to me directly.
I chose other as I do not know. I know that a focal seizure I had on the bus was interpreted as being on drugs.
Empathy and good communication will occur when we can connect our synapses with each other.
Not really, although my partner will accue me of being low when actually, I am just angry after a bad day (I guess PWD1’s aren’t “allowed to get angry”), I just get really really quiet when low – I wish the partner would recognize that!
Nobody that knows me has but I have had lows when out by myself and I know I acted strangely. I’ve even fallen down on a number of occasions. I’m sure people may have thought I was drunk or high (and not my BG high!).
No- but it has happened many times to others!
No, But I was diagnosed at age 9 in 1960 and LOVED the card I carried that said, in gigantic letters: “I am a Diabetic I am not intoxicated.” Then my mom found Medic-Alert necklaces but I always loved my card, especially as a kid!