If you are currently wearing a CGM, where on your body is your sensor placed right now?
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Right now on abdomen. First time in forever. Usually on upper arm.
Inner thighs last the best for me and give me the best readings. It also is not usually in the way for daily activities, playing with my children and I am able to sleep on either side or my stomach without compression lows
currently on right arm. Usually use the abdomen, but will give it a break and use the arms for a couple months. I use the G6 and on my body I find the abdomen the most accurate.
I wear mine on my chest. I move it from one side to the other. It doesn’t get in the way and I get great readings!!
Me too!
CGM and Omnipod in same area to keep track. Bleed a lot so rotating is necessary. Arms heal the fastest, then outer thigh. Not enough area in my abdomen.
Right forearm
Front of upper left arm.
I could answer “all if the above” if it wasn’t specific to “right now”
Underside of right arm, below armpit
Usually wear it on my left arm but now it’s on my left upper back.
Either thigh from the center in. They don’t work very well on my abdomen any more.
it would be interesting to see who has the best results according to body placement of sense… if there would be a difference?
Front of left shoulder. Switch back-and-forth with every change. That way I can sleep on my side and Bluetooth transmission not interrupted by mattress and a pillow
Other. Far Right side of lower abdomen about 4 inches below the waistline.
Is this assuming all brands and manufacturers of CGMs make the same recommendations for site placement of their unique CGM? Well, they do NOT. Would it have been even more helpful to ask what make and model of CGM each voter and commentator is using? The comments suggest some CGM users are NOT following recommended sites advised…but are getting better results. These variations are very interesting to me, but for time being I’m following Dexcom 6 advice, and place each new sensor on different abdominal area.
Note that the manufacturers can only recommend sites used in the testing for government approval. But, for example, they want 1″ of fat for a Dexcom, and I have very few places that have that much fat, so I use sites that were approved in children, like my upper arm.
On the outside middle of my left arm, between shoulder and elbow. I need to allow my right arm time to heal. Because of arthritis in both shoulders I’m unable to reach any areas on my upper and lower back. Abdomen is used for pump infusion sets. Other areas are too scarred from decades of MDI.
I alternate the front of upper arms with abdomen. My Omnipod goes on the back of upper arms. Front is better for no compression lows for me.
I selected buttocks as closest choice. I wear my CGM on the upper hip as that’s where I have the most padding. Stomach always kinks on me. Haven’t tried the arm because I use Medtronic & the tape tends to start looking unsightly.
Mine is in the front of my upper arm.
I always use my arms but mostly use the front/inside. It’s hard for me to insert and tape it down on the back of my arm although I have done that too.
Always on the abdomen according to the manufacturers recommendation.
Left fore arm, after wearing a cgm for 4 years and a pump for 15 you need to get creative with sites!
That’s where I’ve got mine too! 🙂
I wear my Dexcom on the top of my forearm. It’s out of the way, never bumps anything, and leaves my biceps for my Omnipod.
I’m using my arms now almost all the time, rotating back and forth every 10 days. I do this because my arms give me by far the most accurate readings.
Right now my CGM is on my abdomen. This is usually the best place for me. Depending on which CGM I’m using at the time I may use my leg to change things up. I’ve tried using my arm but I always accidentally rip it off.
Below my Moobs (guess that might be called Abdomen but it is higher than that) and I sometimes use my Abdomen for the Infusion Set.
Side of left upper arm.
My CGM is placed on my inner upper right arm, where there is slightly enough fatty tissue (not enough on the back). Next will be my left arm then the right side of my abdomen. These three places are rotated consistently.
On my left bicep
Wear on upper arm – side or back.