If you are an adult with T1D, do you take medication to improve your kidney function? (ACE inhibitor)
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I began taking Lisinopril 2.5mg a few years back because my Endo recommended it for “protection” not improvement as recent studies have shown using it proactively. My kidneys are perfect after 37 years w/ T1D.
Yes, for prevention, a 2.5 mg. dose daily for the past year, after 72 years with Type 1.
My current endo prescribed lisinopril last year. I do not currently have any kidney issues after 35 years with Type 1.
Yes. I’m also taking Jardiance
I do not take anything since my kidneys are fine (so far) after almost 66 years T1.
My doctors told me to stop taking lisinopril when I was planning to get pregnant and told me to not resume it even after I had my son last December. They said if I’m planning to have more children, to not take it. However, if my lab results in February are elevated then I’ll probably go back on it.
I was prescribed an ACE inhibitor more than 20 years ago as a precautionary measure. So far, so good.
Same with me…. no blood pressure problems, just taking mild dose Ace inhibitor for kidney protection for past 20 years.
I take it for BP (5 mgs) not for my kidneys. It seems that there is really no benefit to taking this as protection.
I read many research papers in the early 2020’s saying that taking an ACE inhibitor could actually lead to CKD. I was shocked when I was reading these for my patient.
Although I don’t take a medication to improve kidney function, I do take Lisinopril, a blood pressure, medication which has a protective effect on kidney function.
Lisinopril inhibits the RAAS by blocking the action of Angiotensin II.
I did for a while, but I developed a persistent annoying cough which is one of the side effects of ACE inhibitors.
My doctor is the head of endochrinology and said Lisinipril and simvastanten are standard protocols for Type 1s; after almost 30 years of seeing him, he’s been right so far 😊
I was tried on a variety of low dose ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers for kidney protection. My blood pressure was already on the low (barely among the living) side, so didn’t tolerate well. Prolonged dizziness upon rising. Stopped before starting my family due to fetal risks and was never restarted. That was 14 y ago.
No, my BP is on the low side so my endocrinologist has said no to an ACE inhibitor.
No. Interesting because kidney disease runs through many family members. My father was on dialysis for 12 years. My kidney tests have all been within normal range. But, no, I do not Take any ACE inhibitors.
Generally, I don’t like to take drugs unless they are necesary.
I’ve been taking Lisinopril 40 mg daily for so long that I don’t remember when I began or whether I was ever on a lower dose.
I take it for my BP but I’m aware of it’s benefit to protect the kidneys. I was started on insulin in 1973, plus was wrongly treated as a T2D and not treated at all for at least 6 years before that. So far no kidney problems 🙏 .
I take 5mg of Lisinopril daily to help with my blood pressure.
I’ve been told it also helps in protecting my kidneys.
I couldn’t tolerate ACE inhibitors so I take an ARB.
I do and later developed high blood pressure so I’m taking it for both. The problem that develops is that now and then my blood pressure gets too low and I have to cut back on the Valsartin.
My Dr. prescribed me a low dose of Lisinopril several years ago. I take 2.5 mg. She said it is to protect my kidneys. I asked around about this, and everyone said this is a good idea.
I had a kidney transplant last year after being on dialysis for 2 1/2 years. I probably was on something to improve my kidney function but I don’t remember anything being called an ACE inhibitor.
I have taken an ACE inhibitor before when I had a tooth infection and they gave me antibiotics which made my blood pressure rise. I have the bad luck to experience bad side effects when given antibiotics. Since reverting back to normal, I don’t take it anymore. There isn’t any need.
I did for around 20 years, then I started fainting from hypotension, that was when ACE inhibitor went.
I was dx’d in 1976 and began taking lisinopril in the mid-late 1980’s. So far, I still have good kidney function, even after 46+ years with diabetes. Although my control wasn’t as tight for the first 20 years, in the past 25 years, I been very conscientious about keeping my A1c in the low 6’s. I transitioned from MDI and began using a Medtronic pump in 2011. Since beginning to use the T:slim X2 with Control IQ in October 2020, my last 2 A1c’s were the lowest ever at 5.8 and 5.7. Life is good!
I initially did for about 25 years & then low BP threatened my daily life. So they stopped my ACE.
I have kidney disease but I don’t know if the medicine i have been prescribed ia an ACE inhibitor.
I was prescribed a 20mg dose of an ACE inhibitor in 1986 to protect my kidney function. It was later increased to 40 mg daily because of high blood pressure. Three years ago I was dx with chronic kidney disease that my endo thinks began in 1970 when I had preeclampsia while pregnant with my daughter. I’m still taking the 40mg dose of the same ACE inhibitor with the addition of a 5mg Beta Blocker that was added 15 years ago because of high blood pressure.
Cozaar was originally prescribed in 1993 as a preventive measure concerning a slightly elevated protein clearance at the time. That drug has been taken off the market and caused incessant coughing.
Valsartan is now taken for blood pressure. Kidney function and protein clearance are well within normal range. 💪🏼
I take an ARB, and it is also protective of kidneys.
I am on an ACE inhibitor, but protecting kidney function was not the main reason for me to take it.
I have mildly high blood pressure but I do realize that that condition could fry my kidneys, too, and the ACE inhibitor would help. So, I am protecting my kidneys as a side effect.
I take an ARB bc lisinopril gave me a bad cough
I am not able to take Ace-Inhibitors or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers because I have a severe allergy to them. I get severe bronchospasms. I asked a specialist about this and I was told I lack the gene that would allow me to take it. People have no idea about how having special genes or lack of genes affect us.
Yes, lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril).
Started with ACE, it caused dry cough. Switched to ARB instead.
Yes! Decades ago, my endo recommended a ‘pril’ (ACE Inhibitor), a statin and low dose aspirin to help prevent T1D complications. He read a study that showed the cardiac meds prevented complications by over 90% (if I recall… that’s been a long time ago). After 56 years of brittle T1D, I have no T1D complications and healthy kidneys.