Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
SWAG. Most likely steer clear of guac & chips. Hi Fat and Unknown carbs equals frustrating 12 hours. I stay away from Mexican food as it is too high in carbohydrates and makes me crap
Typically I eat only a few chips with guacamole as a mini appetizer before the main meal and use an extended wave depending on BG at start of meal and what else I order to eat. I also look at my CGM screen to adapt and adjust my real time bolus as needed.
I do MDI of humalog, so might eat a few chips before the meal arrives and take 1 shot to cover. You can always bring the chips and guacamole home for future leftover enjoyment along with a box of the meal too. You have paid for this food, so I don’t waste & bring home to the refigerator.
I didn’t read closely enough. My answer is I would not eat it. I hate guacamole. (And I know I am the only person in the world that does.) I misread it as salsa. I only eat one or two chips and salsa if at all, so it’s insignificant. I tend to wait for my meal.
No you’re not! I hate avocados and my BIL has an orchard. I will have some chips, but not many – trying (as always) to lose weight. SInce it is just chips, I do a basic carb bolus.
Darn it, now I’m craving chips and guacamole at 7:30am! Haha. I put “Other” only because I don’t eat them often enough to have a routine. A dual/square wave bolus with CGM monitoring generally works best for me when eating high fat + high carb.
I often do an extended 50:50 bolus 30-60 minutes before main meal and eat a few chips if I’m trending low. I use Humalog in my X2 and find it to be a very slow acting insulin. I find Apidra to act the quickest in my body but unfortunately it occludes the infusion set in my X2.
There are several variables here that make this difficult to predict, that is 1) the actual C value of the chips and other food, 2) the time of arrival of the main portion of the meal, and 3) the amount of fat in the dish, since this will slow down the uptake of carbs. All in all, I would opt for a square wave bolus and check my CGM often. I would assume a high BG in several hours and have to bring it down.
Dining out is a challenge for me, so I bolus after the meal. After getting caught with too much insulin on board because I don’t eat as much as I thought I would, I like to consume first and bolus later.
I voted for the extended bolus, but that was not a realistic answer. The real answer for me would depend on the content of the rest of the meal. I would never make the chips and guacamole the whole meal, so I would never make the insulin dosage dependent on that alone. I would only be a small factor in the plan for the whole meal.
I’d bolus for the whole meal. I usually limit myself to just a few chips, but love the guac! Usually my Mexican food meals are pretty low in carbs otherwise. I order without tortillas or rice. I do usually eat some of the re-fried beans 🙂
I put dual wave but it depends. If my BG was higher than I’d like I’d probably just do a regular bolus. In range, a dual wave, Lower BG an extended/square bolus. I’m assuming the chips would not be my main meal so the dual wave portion would not be for long as I would definitely need another dual wave for the main entree.
Key phrase for me is “at a restaurant.” There I would do as all you experts and experienced folks suggest.
However, for those few lost souls who don’t do “Guaq,” I offer the following redemptions. We make Guaq at home with simply some lime juice and a soupçon of minced garlic.
Then slice either carrots (the long thin way), zucchini, cucumbers, or use Shredded Wheat for dipping in place of chips. Paradise is not really so bad. Really! >;-> 🌴
My comment!? wow… let’s start with your term “a serving”. One of my most disliked bits of supposedly helpful but almost totally USELESS information for a Type 1 Diabetic to be given.
UNLESS “serving” is defined in a specific universally quantified way it is worse than useless. Luckily in 1973 the food industry, with the USDA & FDA established the first voluntary Nutritional Label requirements. Over the next 20+ years they were further defined, improved and MADE MANDATORY.
So for the T1Dexchange to try to gather useful information without stipulating SOMETHING QUANTITATIVE, I lose a little hope in the future of good diabetes management.
If I am eating chips and guacamole, that would mean, I am also fixing to eat enchiladas. With all those carbs and fat, I would definitely take an extended bolus. It would depend on my blood sugar at the time. At 90, I would take a square wave bolus that would give some insulin immediately and extend the rest over an hour. Lower than 90, I would extend the whole bolus. Anything above 130, I wouldn’t be eating the chips and guacamole.
24 percent don’t eat guacamole and chips?What a tragedy!
Through trial and error, I usually bolis once. Mexican meals are high carb so I just on another 25g for chips to the estimate of the rest of the meal.
SWAG. Most likely steer clear of guac & chips. Hi Fat and Unknown carbs equals frustrating 12 hours. I stay away from Mexican food as it is too high in carbohydrates and makes me crap
Typically I eat only a few chips with guacamole as a mini appetizer before the main meal and use an extended wave depending on BG at start of meal and what else I order to eat. I also look at my CGM screen to adapt and adjust my real time bolus as needed.
I do MDI of humalog, so might eat a few chips before the meal arrives and take 1 shot to cover. You can always bring the chips and guacamole home for future leftover enjoyment along with a box of the meal too. You have paid for this food, so I don’t waste & bring home to the refigerator.
I didn’t read closely enough. My answer is I would not eat it. I hate guacamole. (And I know I am the only person in the world that does.) I misread it as salsa. I only eat one or two chips and salsa if at all, so it’s insignificant. I tend to wait for my meal.
No you’re not! I hate avocados and my BIL has an orchard. I will have some chips, but not many – trying (as always) to lose weight. SInce it is just chips, I do a basic carb bolus.
Put your carbs in chips – make the meal fajitas with no wraps.
Darn it, now I’m craving chips and guacamole at 7:30am! Haha. I put “Other” only because I don’t eat them often enough to have a routine. A dual/square wave bolus with CGM monitoring generally works best for me when eating high fat + high carb.
I often do an extended 50:50 bolus 30-60 minutes before main meal and eat a few chips if I’m trending low. I use Humalog in my X2 and find it to be a very slow acting insulin. I find Apidra to act the quickest in my body but unfortunately it occludes the infusion set in my X2.
Yuk! I don’t get it. Guac and chips don’t appeal to me.
I try hard to avoid high fatty foods. But, sometimes fail.
There are several variables here that make this difficult to predict, that is 1) the actual C value of the chips and other food, 2) the time of arrival of the main portion of the meal, and 3) the amount of fat in the dish, since this will slow down the uptake of carbs. All in all, I would opt for a square wave bolus and check my CGM often. I would assume a high BG in several hours and have to bring it down.
I said I wouldn’t eat the chips and guacamole because I have never cared for guacamole and have always passed on it at restaurants.
I try to count all the carbs I think I’ll eat and bolus up.
Perfection doesn’t exist so be prepared to make corrections and monitor your CGM.
This is true for everything.
Dining out is a challenge for me, so I bolus after the meal. After getting caught with too much insulin on board because I don’t eat as much as I thought I would, I like to consume first and bolus later.
My answer is extended bolus because of the carbs and fat. In reality I wouldn’t eat it because I have to limit sodium and potassium.
I voted for the extended bolus, but that was not a realistic answer. The real answer for me would depend on the content of the rest of the meal. I would never make the chips and guacamole the whole meal, so I would never make the insulin dosage dependent on that alone. I would only be a small factor in the plan for the whole meal.
I would not eat the chips but enjoy some guacamole!
I’d bolus for the whole meal. I usually limit myself to just a few chips, but love the guac! Usually my Mexican food meals are pretty low in carbs otherwise. I order without tortillas or rice. I do usually eat some of the re-fried beans 🙂
I put dual wave but it depends. If my BG was higher than I’d like I’d probably just do a regular bolus. In range, a dual wave, Lower BG an extended/square bolus. I’m assuming the chips would not be my main meal so the dual wave portion would not be for long as I would definitely need another dual wave for the main entree.
Key phrase for me is “at a restaurant.” There I would do as all you experts and experienced folks suggest.
However, for those few lost souls who don’t do “Guaq,” I offer the following redemptions. We make Guaq at home with simply some lime juice and a soupçon of minced garlic.
Then slice either carrots (the long thin way), zucchini, cucumbers, or use Shredded Wheat for dipping in place of chips. Paradise is not really so bad. Really! >;-> 🌴
My comment!? wow… let’s start with your term “a serving”. One of my most disliked bits of supposedly helpful but almost totally USELESS information for a Type 1 Diabetic to be given.
UNLESS “serving” is defined in a specific universally quantified way it is worse than useless. Luckily in 1973 the food industry, with the USDA & FDA established the first voluntary Nutritional Label requirements. Over the next 20+ years they were further defined, improved and MADE MANDATORY.
So for the T1Dexchange to try to gather useful information without stipulating SOMETHING QUANTITATIVE, I lose a little hope in the future of good diabetes management.
If I am eating chips and guacamole, that would mean, I am also fixing to eat enchiladas. With all those carbs and fat, I would definitely take an extended bolus. It would depend on my blood sugar at the time. At 90, I would take a square wave bolus that would give some insulin immediately and extend the rest over an hour. Lower than 90, I would extend the whole bolus. Anything above 130, I wouldn’t be eating the chips and guacamole.
I would bolus for the chips, of course, but I don’t eat guacamole.
Using Fiasp and advanced APS – full closed loop no need to bolus for carbs…