How many times in 2020 did you have an appointment with a certified diabetes educator (CDE)?
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I have not seen a CDE in more than a decade. One use to work in my Endo’s office, but not for a long time.
The last time I saw a CDE was right after diagnosis . I haven’t seen a CDE in almost 30 years
This year, four times. Two of the appointments were related to new pump training and downloading a pump management app. When I’ve had specific questions I’ve contacted her thru My Chart and not needed to make an appointment.
I never see a CDE. I only see an Endo 1x a year.
I’ve met up with a CDE 4 times this year … 3 of those times were to do with a new Medtronic pump and CGM, the other occasion was a regular, scheduled appointment.
Same here only see CDE when starting something new. This year it was the libre2 system which I still evaluating before committing to it. When I asked and pressed I was finally told that the sensors cost $200 each. That’s at least $1200 per 3mo supply. Yes I have insurance but I still want to know what things cost.
None for diabetes education. Met via FaceTime with the regional Tandem pump trainer who is a CDE/CDCES for trouble shooting Q&A for the X2 CIQ. BTW CDEs are now called Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (CDCES). In order to qualify, one must hold a current professional license in one of the following professions: as a RN, RD, MD, DO, Pharmacist, PT, OT, LCSW, PhD Psych, or MS in Exercise Physiology. Those that are certified have a wide range of professional experience from being a newly certified beginner on the diabetes educator spectrum to someone who has been doing diabetes care and education for dozens of years.
Have not seen a diabetes educator personally but an educators does lead a support group I sometimes attend. I asked about it once snd was told that I would mot gain any new knowledge. I have a new endo and he wants me to meet with a diabetes educator so I will.
I answered N/A. I’m a pharmacist/CDE so I guess I meet with a CDE every day!!
Met with CDE to discuss Control iQ
I ask my questions to the diabetic NP I see twice a year. I can call their office any time I need help, so after 22 years with type 1, I handle issues as best I can on my own. You become your own Dr,, nurse, educator, physical therapist, counselor and dietician living with this disease. No paid time off vacation days for all the work either.
I haven’t met with a CDE in years other than a virtual hook up last Spring when I switched to a T:slim. Early on in my career I did meet with a CDE several times. Now I rely on my quarterly endo meetings
We tried a couple of years ago but didn’t find it very helpful, except for one that did pump training. She had a child with diabetes, so she was very real and very helpful but the others seemed too academic, like all they knew came from books… and we all know, diabetes affects everyone differently. You can learn just so much from books, and then it’s ‘on-the-job’ training so to speak.
I haven’t had an appointment with my CDE in a couple years. I do call or message her a few times a year, though.
I saw an educator initially 22 years ago, confirmed I understood counting carbs, reading nutritional labels, how to use a measuring cup (she sent me to a diabetic support group but they were to depressing: all the “I’m hungry,” ” I’m tired, ” ” No-one understands… ” Medtronic had me see an educator several times for the 760G closed loop system. Otherwise
Newly diagnosed this year so it for sure has been more than 5 between the initial learning and pump training.
I haven’t seen one for a while. Not since training for use of Tandem.