Happy New Year! Have you set any goals related to diabetes for 2021? Tell us in the comments!
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I finally decided to try a Dexcom CGM and my goal is to learn how to change it every 10 days without helpful prompts! I am a 77 year TD1 on a pump.
I’ve been a Medtronic pump user since 1993, but am intrigued by the Tandem pump and additional software to make it closed loop. I’m going to explore moving to it (assuming there is Medicare support for it) as my pump warranty ends at the end of this year.
Since switching from Medtronic to Tandem with Dexcom, I’ve lowered my A1c from 7.3 to 6.1! I want to get down into the 5’s!!!!
Switching from MiniMed to Tandem t:slim x2 with hybrid loop control. Will be trained Jan. 7.
How about “Keep on keeping on”. Last night I made a donation to JDRF which is tripled. So research is pursuing making type 1 to type none! That is a fantastic goal for all of us from babies through seniors.
My goal is to continue to care for myself and others. Learning and sharing information is a part of my lifestyle. A goal is to see the renovation completion of cabins at Camp Ho Mita Koda, a camp for diabetic children.
Not particularly. I take care of my diabetes 24/7/365 first & foremost as a matter of course regardless of circumstances. It is embedded in my everyday consciousness. I consider life with diabetes a hidden blessing and I am grateful that it serves as a guide and constant reminder to live mindfully. Thus, for me, diabetes serves as a tool to keep me on my toes to make healthy lifestyle choices. The inner and outer personal goals I set and affirm for myself are far beyond just caring for and about living with diabetes. However, by taking care of the diabetes self I am able to live more fully to explore and experience all the other dimensions of what life has to offer.
My goal is to let go of some of my struggle to try to control my diabetes so tightly. On the days and nights that I get more alarms, I tend to get frustrated and want to react more calmly and patiently.
Newly on Tandem X2 pump I will gradually adapt it to my habits & needs with a goal of FEWER AGGRAVATING alerts alarms reminders et al. IOW my goal is fostering my tools to serve, not control, me. … and sure, who doesn’t want a lower HBA1c? :–) N.B. at my age & duration i can’t imagine that improving my 6.1 or 6.4 hbA1C to a 5.x something can make any substantive improvement or benefit to my risk of the organ failure/systems degradation side of managing “the complications of diabetes”. Let me know what comparables are out there in the research papers and case histories that may show quantitative results. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I am hoping to lower my A1C from 6.0 to something that begins with a 5! 😎
Survive another year with T1D not killing me, or causing serious complications. After 52+ years of T1D, I want the right to die of something else…. but not COVID…. and dance on the grave of T1D when it is no more. And to convert as many in my practice as willing and who have access to a hybrid closed loop pump. Gamechanger… To see T1D considered high risk for early COVID vaccine access. Though the data shows that T1D increases the risk as much as T2D, CDC lists T2D as definitely increased risk, and T1D as possibly. Shocking- not supported by the science: (1)Associations of type 1 and type 2 diabetes with COVID-19- related mortality in England: a whole-population study. Emma Barron et al, Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2020; 8: 813–22 (2)Risk factors for COVID-19-related mortality in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in England: a population-based cohort study. Naomi Holman et al, Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2020; 8: 823–33 (3) COVID-19 Severity Is Tripled in the Diabetes Community: A Prospective Analysis of the Pandemic’s Impact in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Justin M. Gregor et al, Diabetes Care ahead of print, https://doi.org/10.2337/dc20-2260. Same results, T1D increases risk on same order as T2D if you adjust for other factors like age, obesity, blood sugar control, etc.
My only Goal at this time is to get the Vaccine and Stay Alive. My Tandem CIQ will take care of the rest.
And a simpler goals to T1D exchange- allow posting of images, commenting on posts, and maintain spacing, as were all the case when it was via myglu.org. This posting vehicle seems much more primitive.
My goal is keeping my time in range at or above 80% for the 2021. My last A1C in December was 5.8 and my 90 day time in range was 82%.
My TIR hovers around 80% and my A1c is around 6.5%. My goal is to level out the daily graph of sensor readings. From mountains and valleys to gently rolling hills.
My goals for the is year are better simple in relation to T1D, just living a healer lifestyle in general. Not necessarily just diet or exercise related but holistically. I also agree with another post made, about being able to include pictures and add comments the way myglu.com did.
Trying to survive another year in this depressive state. Hopefully the Covid19 will be resolved which will definitely help in my current state of mind.
More time in range.
I would like to become more conscious on how certain foods effect my glucose as well as be more mindful of my time in range
Get vaccinated! I know, not directly related to T1D, but I thought, perhaps, it is;)
I am so close to my goal weight. I have lost 160 lbs without surgery and I have 10 more to go. This has been a 6 year process and has taken the help of my wife, endo, CDE and cardiologist. So when I say weight loss I mean it. This year is the year I am going to do it.
Hoping to switch pump and CGM brands!
I am going to fight my insurance company harder to get on Afrezza!
I want to eat even healthier, be more active and stay in range more often.
I echo the above comment about eating a more healthy diet and moving more. My job is sedentary, lots of brain exercise but none for the rest of me! I plan to focus on dropping some weight in the process.
Tighter control is always a better thing. I’m in range most of the time, but when things get hectic around here I sometimes forget to bolus. I really have to work on me first so I’m in range all the time. Other than that, I had lost 39 lbs before Covid, hopefully this year will allow us to return to our more normal lives and the 15lbs I put back on will come off, and I’ll continue to lose the weight.
I said “no” because my goal is more general. I just want to keep getting up every morning and engaging with life. I’ve lived with T1 for the past 65+ years and have done my best to live a responsible life with a chronic disease. I hope to continue for a good deal longer. Have a happy, healthy new year!
My only goal is providing care for an elderly relative newly diagnosed with cancer. I’m only in maintenance mode with my diabetes at this point in time
My goal is to be happy and enjoy life. I assume the more relaxed and happy I am the better my blood sugar is or possibly the other way around.
I hope to continue losing weight and I need to do a better job of remembering to bolus before my meals so that I am not playing catch-up so much.
As always, manage/improve my Ha1c. That’s key especially as you age. And now we have the incredible tools like real time glucometers to use.
Keep my BG within range (80-180) for at least 75% of the time.
Try something new. A different CGM and a pump (currently on multiple injections). Exciting!
Happy and healthy New Year to All🥳2021 is the year where I hope to keep my HgbA1c below 7 also hope to stay within 70% in range with my BG. My endocrinologist is very encouraged with my progress and feels I’m not far from reaching my goal. I’ve been a T1D since Feb 2018 so almost 2 years since I was diagnosed. With pandemic and trying to stay healthy and safe along with my family, having an underlying condition makes it imperative that I continue being vigilant.
Getting my A1c < 7%
I will continue to grow my efforts focused on affordability, access, and availability. Far too many people in the US and throughout the world continue to have compromised diabetes health and lives because they do not have access to superb Diabetes Educators and cannot afford the needed diabetes drugs and technologies. 34+ million of us live with diabetes in the US. With the support of family members, friends, and colleagues we are an impressive coalition to significantly improve access and affordability. We must change this dramatically and rapidly. People with diabetes deserve opportunities to live happy, productive, healthy lives! This proper investment in people living with diabetes will save billions in healthcare costs and improve productivity, health, and lives dramatically.
Trying to quit smoking this year failed the last 6 years I’ve been smoking for 35years it’s crazy right
To increase my activity level and lose 30 pounds. M gym’s been closed for almost a year because of Covid concerns.