Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I have been diagnosed in the past with Vitamin D deficiency, so have been on doctor ordered Vit. D for many years.
I also have calcium issues and I know the two are connected. At one point, I was diagnosed with osteopenia, but I don’t know if that is still the case.
Hoping all the calcium “horse pills” are doing their job! 🙂
And as weather allows, I take my daily walks exposed as legally possible. I don’t give a S**t what people think about my flabby body or the CGM on my gut. I’ll get my natural Vitamin D production the way we were designed to.
Ha! Over 20 years ago California had a discrete public “clothing optional” beach. Even Seattle has a “Fraternity Snoqualmie” nudist club, again discrete. But my dermatologist told me to wear long sleeve shirts, full length pants, sunglasses and a broad brimmed hat, and SPF 50 sun blocker…even on wintry cloudy days. Every year she checks me for skin rashes and melanoma and so far has found a couple of small ones she removed in the office w/ just local anesthetic.
My endo left the practice she was in, so my last appointment was with the nurse practitioner. It was annual lab time, and she added the vitamin D test. I had never had one before. My level was nearly 0. I saw the labs and bought a bottle of vitamin D. The nurse also sent in a prescription of super dosage D for once a week. I was already taking the others every, so I kept on doing that.
Have been for 20 years when diagnosed with Low D. Large % of population is low. Had read that people with normal D less likely to get COVID and other diseases. My wife, brother and I have not gotten it even though we’ve been exposed many times. We’ve all had our shots as well, but that only affects severity. Who knows. Have been and continue to be a believer in D.
I was deficient in Vit D so I take 1000 units daily. Am just having blood work to see if it is more normal. Have osteoporosis so I take Calcium pills and also get a Prolia shot twice a year. Nine months ago I tripped and dislocated my shoulder. My doc said the fall could have been a lot worse if I hadn’t been taking supplements.
Yes, 2000 IU (50 mcg) D3 daily due to low levels many years ago. My PCP and endocrinologist both monitor my blood levels I think because of problems those with low levels have when ill with COVID. I’m fully immunized and boosted, as is my husband, but he’s got COVID right now.
To my surprise, last year I had a blood test that showed low vitamin D. I don’t remember being tested to vitamin D before. Since then, I’ve been taking a daily dose of D3, 25mcg, 1000IU.
Yes I do, but not because I’m diabetic, because I live in the Pacific Northwest and don’t get much sun. I didn’t know there was any correlation with diabetes and vitamin D deficiency.
I now only get what the daily multi-vitamin provides. At one point I had been taking additional Vit D, only to finally make the connection between doing that and an increasing severe pain and weakness in my hands. It was the only thing new I had added in my life over the previous year – so I stopped taking the additional Vit D, and my hands, quite quickly, reverted back to ‘normal’! For whatever reason, my body can’t handle the additional boost of Vit D.
As prescribed I take 40 mcg/day Vit D3 (200% daily value) in caplets w/ calcium citrate 2520 mg/day (192% daily value) since diagnosis of osteopenia and possible SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder). Up here at meridian 47 degrees north w/ 9 months of
overcast/year and/or drizzle SAD is frequently diagnosed in Seattle residents. Despite 3 glasses of milk/day & weightlifting, etc since age 15 T1D onset, diabetes and genetics resulted in
osteopenia diagnosis in my 50’s. I went from 6’4” to today’s 6’1”. COULD OSTEOPENIA HAVE BEEN PREVENTED IF I’D STARTING SUPPLEMENTING IN MY MID-40S AFTER 30 YEAR TID ONSET? This is the only dietary supplement I take.
I answered “Sometimes”. Aka (when I remember).
I actually do notice a difference in how I feel when I take Vit D regularly. I don’t know if this is related to my T1D, thyroid function (I also have Hashimoto’s), independent factors, all of the above?
Risking TMI… I have noticed that I find my spouse more irristible when I’m taking my Vit D. 😘
Lots of interesting articles in the medical literature about Vit D level correlations with immune function, cardiovascular disease, sex drive, mental health, etc.
Okay I talked to myself into it – just said a daily alarm. 🙂
I live in FLA and ride my bike at lunch for 20 5 out of 7 days usually. I sometimes take it, especially when a little constipated (sorry probably TMI) and it seems to help. I take red yeast rice on advice of Endo because my cholesterol is only slightly elevated and liver enzymes are good. I also take turmeric for joint pain and that DOES work for me.
I used to everyday because of where I live (Seattle Area) and because my levels were low, but my nephrologist took my off all my silent except fish oil. My non-D sister also has low levels (lower than I ever did and she lives in southern Oregon) and also supplements daily.
I do not take Vit D supplement. My endo says I eat a balanced enough nutrition-laden meal to not need supplements. My OB-GYN has been pushing Vitamin D. I won’t take the supplements without my endo’s approval.
I answered “Yes” but I do not take it for my diabetes. My mother has Osteoporosis so I was told to take vitamin D with calcium to protect myself. I started this when I was 30 years old.
I was diagnosed with type 1 almost 9 years ago and other than the amount of vitamin d that is in the multi-vitamin I have taken daily, I did not take vitamin d until I had a bone density scan last month which revealed I have osteoporosis. At that time, after doing some research on osteoporosis, I started taking a vitamin d pill each day in addition to the multi-vitamin.
I have been diagnosed in the past with Vitamin D deficiency, so have been on doctor ordered Vit. D for many years.
I also have calcium issues and I know the two are connected. At one point, I was diagnosed with osteopenia, but I don’t know if that is still the case.
Hoping all the calcium “horse pills” are doing their job! 🙂
I have been on a prescription for Vitamin D for the last three years because m levels are so low.
2500 IUs every day!
My answer is yes and my endo was the one who recommended it. He said vitamin D is more of a hormone than a vitamin and is crucial for health.
And as weather allows, I take my daily walks exposed as legally possible. I don’t give a S**t what people think about my flabby body or the CGM on my gut. I’ll get my natural Vitamin D production the way we were designed to.
Ha! Over 20 years ago California had a discrete public “clothing optional” beach. Even Seattle has a “Fraternity Snoqualmie” nudist club, again discrete. But my dermatologist told me to wear long sleeve shirts, full length pants, sunglasses and a broad brimmed hat, and SPF 50 sun blocker…even on wintry cloudy days. Every year she checks me for skin rashes and melanoma and so far has found a couple of small ones she removed in the office w/ just local anesthetic.
take D3 only during winter months
Only bc blood test showed a deficiency. Never took it before last year.
Seasonally – every day in the winter DST months
My endo left the practice she was in, so my last appointment was with the nurse practitioner. It was annual lab time, and she added the vitamin D test. I had never had one before. My level was nearly 0. I saw the labs and bought a bottle of vitamin D. The nurse also sent in a prescription of super dosage D for once a week. I was already taking the others every, so I kept on doing that.
Not because I’m Type 1, but because my blood work showed a low Vit. D level.
I take as part of a daily multi vitamin supplement
Just what’s in my multivitamin
My daily multivitamin contains 25 mcg of vitamin D.
i believe that it is common for people with ti to have low Vitamin D levels.
I get my vitamin d level checked every year so if I dont get sun for an extended period of time, I take a supplement.
Yes, high dose D2 weekly.
Yes, 5000 IE of D3 vitamins daily, during the fall/winter months (Oct-March).
My doctor recommended I take my full weekly dose once per week.
Yes, once a week.
Have been for 20 years when diagnosed with Low D. Large % of population is low. Had read that people with normal D less likely to get COVID and other diseases. My wife, brother and I have not gotten it even though we’ve been exposed many times. We’ve all had our shots as well, but that only affects severity. Who knows. Have been and continue to be a believer in D.
I was deficient in Vit D so I take 1000 units daily. Am just having blood work to see if it is more normal. Have osteoporosis so I take Calcium pills and also get a Prolia shot twice a year. Nine months ago I tripped and dislocated my shoulder. My doc said the fall could have been a lot worse if I hadn’t been taking supplements.
Yes, 2000 IU (50 mcg) D3 daily due to low levels many years ago. My PCP and endocrinologist both monitor my blood levels I think because of problems those with low levels have when ill with COVID. I’m fully immunized and boosted, as is my husband, but he’s got COVID right now.
Have been taking a daily D3 25 mcg supplement for many years.
2000 units every day. I also have just crossed into osteoporosis so it matters.
I have been taking Vitamin D3, 250 MCG (10,000 IU) twice a day for over twenty years.
D3, 2000 mg. I’m old and old people need more vitamin D. 😂
Actually that should say 2000 units, not mg. And I also have osteoporosis.
To my surprise, last year I had a blood test that showed low vitamin D. I don’t remember being tested to vitamin D before. Since then, I’ve been taking a daily dose of D3, 25mcg, 1000IU.
Yes I do, but not because I’m diabetic, because I live in the Pacific Northwest and don’t get much sun. I didn’t know there was any correlation with diabetes and vitamin D deficiency.
i have been prescribed large amounts 2x a month…which i put as “other,” but the answer is YES
I now only get what the daily multi-vitamin provides. At one point I had been taking additional Vit D, only to finally make the connection between doing that and an increasing severe pain and weakness in my hands. It was the only thing new I had added in my life over the previous year – so I stopped taking the additional Vit D, and my hands, quite quickly, reverted back to ‘normal’! For whatever reason, my body can’t handle the additional boost of Vit D.
As prescribed I take 40 mcg/day Vit D3 (200% daily value) in caplets w/ calcium citrate 2520 mg/day (192% daily value) since diagnosis of osteopenia and possible SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder). Up here at meridian 47 degrees north w/ 9 months of
overcast/year and/or drizzle SAD is frequently diagnosed in Seattle residents. Despite 3 glasses of milk/day & weightlifting, etc since age 15 T1D onset, diabetes and genetics resulted in
osteopenia diagnosis in my 50’s. I went from 6’4” to today’s 6’1”. COULD OSTEOPENIA HAVE BEEN PREVENTED IF I’D STARTING SUPPLEMENTING IN MY MID-40S AFTER 30 YEAR TID ONSET? This is the only dietary supplement I take.
I answered “Sometimes”. Aka (when I remember).
I actually do notice a difference in how I feel when I take Vit D regularly. I don’t know if this is related to my T1D, thyroid function (I also have Hashimoto’s), independent factors, all of the above?
Risking TMI… I have noticed that I find my spouse more irristible when I’m taking my Vit D. 😘
Lots of interesting articles in the medical literature about Vit D level correlations with immune function, cardiovascular disease, sex drive, mental health, etc.
Okay I talked to myself into it – just said a daily alarm. 🙂
I live in FLA and ride my bike at lunch for 20 5 out of 7 days usually. I sometimes take it, especially when a little constipated (sorry probably TMI) and it seems to help. I take red yeast rice on advice of Endo because my cholesterol is only slightly elevated and liver enzymes are good. I also take turmeric for joint pain and that DOES work for me.
Patricia–hey! This is a health research web site. There is definitionally no such thing as TMI. Even for psychopathy (ala Doc Martin)
Good to know! I’m pretty sure I’ve shared other personal info on here. I find you all incredibly kind and supportive.
Yes, daily especially because was found to be deficient. Has more than one autoimmune condition, as does a sibling and parent.
Daily does prescribed by my nephrologist. Vitamin D3 plays a crucial role in kidney function.
Interesting cause my nephrologist took me off of mine!!! I’ll have to revisit this with her.
I used to everyday because of where I live (Seattle Area) and because my levels were low, but my nephrologist took my off all my silent except fish oil. My non-D sister also has low levels (lower than I ever did and she lives in southern Oregon) and also supplements daily.
My Endo prescribed once weekly 50,000 iu supplement. Been taking it for over 5 years.
I do not take Vit D supplement. My endo says I eat a balanced enough nutrition-laden meal to not need supplements. My OB-GYN has been pushing Vitamin D. I won’t take the supplements without my endo’s approval.
I answered “Yes” but I do not take it for my diabetes. My mother has Osteoporosis so I was told to take vitamin D with calcium to protect myself. I started this when I was 30 years old.
I was diagnosed with type 1 almost 9 years ago and other than the amount of vitamin d that is in the multi-vitamin I have taken daily, I did not take vitamin d until I had a bone density scan last month which revealed I have osteoporosis. At that time, after doing some research on osteoporosis, I started taking a vitamin d pill each day in addition to the multi-vitamin.
My Endo prescribed twice weekly 50,000 iu (prescription)in 2000. It was switched to once weekly in 2020.