Do you (or your loved one with T1D) have thyroid issues in addition to T1D?
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Taking synthroid due to other medication that affects the thyroid. I expect to stop using that med. My thyroid should return to normal.
My mother and I both have T1D and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Hypothyroidism since age 17.
None of the 3 T1Ds in my family have or had thyroid problems. However, I know that is one of the lab tests done frequently.
Hashimoto’s 15 years prior to being diagnosed TD1
My son (our only T1) does NOT have thyroid issues. I DO. I’m NOT T1. I answered “NO” because I am not T1.
Side note: I highly dislike this question/answer format compared to the old format. This method is definitely NOT as good as the prior. :'(
Had both for 40 years. A lot has changed since my first diagnosis. Just happy to be alive.
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in my mid 20s and had a radioactive iodine treatment. Now hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed with T1D in my early 30s.
I had Hyperthyroidism and I have a malignant nodule on my thyroid. I treated my hyperthyroidism without radiotherapy and it has gone into remission. My Endo verifyed it was malignant and checks the nodule every 6 months with a sonogram. And I agree with Sondra. This is much harder to use. We lost the feature to comment on other posts. My passwors wassuposed to port, but it took me 3 tries to reset it. This was because the password rules weren’t prominently displayed on the password reset page. Im sure others agree. The number of posts has dropped significantly, only 9 other comments at the time of this post. This is a case of newer not being better.
Sorry, it was Jannet, not Saundra. We also lost the ability to edit our posted comments. 😒
I do not suffer from hyperthyroidism. I also dislike the limiting features of this new question and answer page. Not only can we not reply directly to other people’s comments, we also cannot correct our own if we need to.
Dx with Grave’s Disease at age 15. Had surgery then radioactive iodine one year later. Dx T1D at 40.
Yes, low thyroid dx in 2004. T1D dx in 1955. I wish to add my thoughts on the new combined website. The opening page is visually very difficult to follow. I’m hit with too many sections calling for my attention without a navigation guide. Simplify. Rethink User Experience (UX). The ability to personalize my answers is the reason I’ve continued to respond to the questions. The new format makes that more difficult. Placement for my response should be directly after answering the question. The new format didn’t transfer my profile photo or password. Asking me to login before answering a question should not be necessary , since you sent me the email. It’s definitely time for a response from TID Exchange. It’s definitely time for a response from TID Exchange.
Dxed t1d 1974. Dxed graves 1981. Treated with medication for year and it went into remission. It came back in 2002. Medication remission medication remission… finally had radio active iodine in 2013…. now hypo thyroid. F’n auto immune disorders
This new format is NOT user friendly in my opinion. Please find something easier to use.
My thyroid blood test shows slightly overactive, but I don’t have any issues from it.
I was dx with low thyroid when I was about 26 and then dx with T1D when I was 62 I also do not like having to put in my password every time so this is the 1st time I’ve answered a question since the change. Also there is too much stuff before answering the question
I have acquired hypothyroidism. Diagnosed in my early twenties. Everyone family member on my mothers side of the family has had thyroid issues: her parents, her siblings, my maternal cousins, my sibling, ….
I have had hypothyroid for 31 years and type 1 for 5. I take Synthroid and have never had problems. I couldn’t agree more with comments about new format being user unfriendly. I tried to like them but was unable to on my phone. Why can’t a redesigned website keep the interactive features of the previous one?
No one has thyroid issues. I am tested each year but still working well.
I was diagnosed with T1D and Hashimotos syndrome within a year or two of each other. I then was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had a thyroidectomy in 1995.