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Yes I have an appointment but no I will not be going. My endo was convicted of a felony so is no longer certified. The search begins…
Oh my!
And it’s not like the supply of endo’s is overwhelming! Good luck!!
Go every three months. Make appointment at finish of my appointment.
Yes. Every 3 months, as required by Medicare.
Every 3 months to the day or medicare won’t cover my supplies. So yeah.
My endo books up 6 months in advance. I go every 3 months so I always have 2 booked in advance.
Yes I’m scheduled for the until the end of 2024, I believe. I get the day and time I want this way AND make sure I can see her, as her schedule fills very fast.
Yes, my first appointment is this coming Thursday (11th January 2024) … All being well, I will be attending, assuming, of course, that my health allows it. (My wife believes that I suffered a stroke (CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident) or a TIA (Transient Ischaemic [Ischemic] Attack) on Friday morning as she heard me fall to the floor, but she states that I had a ‘vacant expression’ on my face and I’d pee’d myself. Unfortunately, by the time I’d recovered sufficiently it was a bit too late to summon an ambulance, but she did give me soluble Aspirin, which is the ‘normal’ first action taken when taken to hospital …. over here, in the UK, at least.
Yes because either my insurance or DEXCOM requires a visit every six months, which seems ridiculous to me. It is not as if my insulin dependence is going to suddenly disappear and I’ll no longer require a CGM! So many of these regulations seem designed to keep money flowing to the medical and pharmaceutical establishment with only marginal real health considerations being involved. At least I am fortunate enough to have insurance coverage.
Yes, I have two appointments plus labs scheduled at the urging of my HMO. Endo appointments are very difficult to schedule as needed, so I heeded their warnings. The Medicare requirement for a 90 day appointment definitely needs to be revisited.
I alway hav next 90 visit scheduled before leaving current visit. If 90 day window is missed, Medicare refuses to pay for Required medical supplies : > (
I have one scheduled with a staff in their office.
Next month
My Endo Follows my Dex so can make change suggestions as needed. A1c in low 6’s. first of 2013 I hit 5.4 but I’ve had a lot of stress, wife died in Oct. I plan to have 2 Televisits and 1 for A1c
So difficult to get in, I’m scheduled 2 ahead.
My sole point of contact w/ that doctor left the practice!!! I saw nobody there but her. Zero warning, zero notification of any kind from the practice, am still waiting for it in fact! Until they do so, I have zero interest or desire. They are never, ever to be trusted…
I always have a scheduled appointment with my endo. I go regularly every 4 months. If I’m losing good control of my BGs or have other complications, I go more frequently.
I am scheduled for 4 visits a year at a time – q 3 months. In 2023 I had two extra visits to problem solve insulin absorption issues.
At the end of each appointment they schedule me for my next appointment. I think this is the norm.