Sarah Howard
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
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Do you have a medical ID set up on your phone? Cancel reply
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I didn’t know that was an option, so I said “no.” But my answer will change to “yes” in a few minutes…
Not knowing how to answer a demanding boolian, yes-no question compelled me to seek further information in Webster’s dictionary concerning “identification.” It yielded the definition “psychological orientation of the self in regard to something (such as a person or group) with a resulting feeling of close emotional association”.
So I checked other
I do have a plethora of ID’s on my phone: drivers license, medicare card, insurance cards, spouse’s marijuana card, and photos of many, many others.
Close emotional association? I save that for words and other human beings. Sigh!
If I did, how would someone unlock the phone without putting my fingerprint on it? Do we want people doing that when we have a card with all of the information in our wallet? I dont know about you, but I already have 100 apps on my phone. I dont need one for maybe a once in a lifetime event. Old technology, a card, is frequently not bad.
Check my answer for medical info on phone.
I answered other, because I wasn’t sure what it meant either. However, I do have an _ICE on my phone. BTW, the underscore was a tip from my 911 dispatcher niece, it puts it alphabetically first in your contacts list. Then I looked at my phone, to see if I could add it. It’s under Settings, Safety and Emergency, Medical info. It’s noted that EMTs can access the info even if phone is locked. AND, I had already put T1D there! So my answer is actually Yes, I just forgot.
Thanks for the tip, Just be cautious when it comes to emergency mode as it shuts off any other apps you have running (at least on Android) Gawd – how much more don’t I know about my phone?
I went all through my phone and could not find the setting needed to set up Medical ID. There was no “Safety” “Emergency” or “Medical” to be found. I have a Samsung A71 5G. Perhaps there is an app?
I found it. I had to go to “Contacts”. Press on my name, and “Medical Info” and “Emergency Contacts”.
You can change my “No” answer to a “Yes” answer now. Thank you.
My phone is locked so I don’t believe a medical person could get to it unless there is some way of accessing medical info without unlocking my phone. Is there something I am missing here?
I had no idea that was possible….what is it?
My iPhone has “emergency” in the lower left corner of the sign in page, that leads to a page with “medical ID” to press, that can be accessed without signing in. I have my information, including DOB, medical conditions, doctors, medications. I showed it to some EMTs in a group at an event (before covid), and none of them were aware of it, so wouldn’t have looked. LOL But, I have found it very useful, having had to change PCP recently and for having list of my medications when I am at the doctor, dentist, eye doctor … And, if I were alert enough, I could tell an EMT or ER to look.
until this question, I had never heard of it on the phone. updated it with the relevant info
I don’t have a phone. Full stop [Period]
Yes and I also wear a medic-Alert bracelet
I just did a search and found that the Medical ID is an iOS feature. I have an Android phone, so it doesn’t include this feature. There are steps to include this information on your phone, but it is not built-in.
Android app is called Safety
Thanks Sherolyn Newell, got my Record Updated!
I checked other: I wear a medical ID bracelet, have an ID metal attached on my purse, and have a 5star alert red button on my Jitterbug Flip phone. I am a senior, living alone with T1D. I also am wearing a CGM Freestyle Libre which I am thankful to have learned 5 years ago.
Never heard of it. I have a medic alert bracelet and carry a list of my meds and health conditions in my purse.
Didn’t know it was possible on the android phone I’m using. I wear a MedicAlert standard bracelet with my name, ID# for MedicAlert records and phone number. The one time EMTs were needed they never looked at it.
Android users, Medical ID is a free app available in the play store. Once you have set it up there will be a icon on your locked screen that doesn’t require the phone to be unlocked to access it.
No but now that I know about it I will set it up today!
Well… You really _DO_ learn something new every day! 🙂
I didn’t know about this option on phones. And, thank you to all of you who have explored and found the app(s) and given the details on how to get there. 😀
I do have a MedicAlert ID bracelet and carry a list of meds in my purse… but, the more the merrier! Whoever is helping me when I’m in trouble, I’ll get them the information they need as best I can. 😀
I had never heard of this before, but apps just drain the battery on my phone, so I avoid apps as much as I can. I will not use this one. These days the AARP, every utility company, every bank, every credit card company, every retail store, every television station and every healthcare insurance provider wants you to have their app. Sorry, but my phone would die with all those apps on it, and I would have no room for what I really want, namely my photos of my children and grandchildren.
I just have a picture that someone posted online set as my wallpaper for both the lock screen (even though I don’t lock my phone) and for the regular screen that I was able to edit to add my info. It has the medical alert symbol on it and says “THIS PHONE IS A MEDICAL DEVICE” above the symbol, then below the symbol it says “Type 1 Diabetic – Insulin Dependent” Then below that it says “My name is” and has my name. Below that it says “In an emergency dial 911 then contact” and has the name of my husband and his phone number on it there.
I like having that instead of an app as that gives all the relevant information and does not effect the battery of my phone.
I’m not even sure what is meant by this question? Guess that means that I do not have a medical I.D. set up on my phone.