Sarah Howard
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
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Do you currently use or have you ever used Lyumjev? Cancel reply
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What is this????? You should at least include the answer to this question!!!!!
A new fast(er)-acting insulin, presumably quicker than lispro or aspart (novolog/humalog). Appreciate it if ppl can share their experiences with Lyumjev…
Yes, my endocrinologist is diabetic and on an insulin pump and found much better control with it as it acted sooner. Me, on the other hand, I always have a very slow and long lasting affect with short acting insulin. Even Afrezza (inhaled insulin) would take over an hour to go into effect and then last up to 5 hours. Lyumjev acts the same way. Not sure what it is about my system, but I just have to work with it.
I’d never even heard of it until I saw this question.
No, but I want to try it.
Have no knowledge of Lyumjev.
I had never heard of it until seeing this question.
No and I won’t since I’m allergic to Humalog. Not worth the hives.
For those asking what it is? It’s Humalog for injection only per the website, in two strength’s U-100 & U-200, for adults only.
Just started it yesterday in a pump. I had no luck with Fiasp in a pump, but it did work for bringing down highs when injected. Too soon for definite conclusions, but so far Lyumjev has been fantastic. 95% in range. I’ll need to check the infusion site in 2 days to see if there is any irritation, but everything is great so far. My total daily dose is pretty low, so that may help.
Looks interesting. Called company, rep didn’t know much. Is it okay to put in a pump or not (2 different impressions from comments here). Is it okay to use as a basal insulin (since its fast acting)? If not, can one inject at mealtime and use pump for basal rate (I use Humalog and they are supposedly the same, with Lyumjev having an additional component for fast action).
I got a sample pen from my endocrinologist. I am using an Omnipod pump, but like to have a pen for stubborn highs or a carby meal. Lyumjev works well for these occasions.
I have been using it for about 2 months with Tandem Control IQ pump and for me it is working much better than Novolog or Fiasp. It lowers my BG very quickly and does not seem to stay in my system as long so no lagging lows, time in range has gone up. The only down side is I can feel it going in, and I have had some slight pain/redness at the infusion site, but it goes away and it is worth it for the better control.
‘Never heard of Lyumjev. The only bolus insulin I have ever used is Novolog. I have been on Novolog solely for around 15 years now on my different insulin pumps.
CVS Phamacy won’t order it. Like many things at CVS, you’re a diabetic you don’t need that. Won’t order correct number of test strips, alternative insulin or they create their own Phamacy policy that can harm you.
What is it?
Haven’t even heard of it, will be asking my endocrinologist for a sample tomorrow.
I love this insulin! It works so much faster than any other I’ve used in 40 years of T1D. I use it in my pump with zero occlusions. It does burn a bit when it’s going in, but it is so worth it. I’ll use it for the rest of my life.
My Endo gave me a vial to sample. I’m using it via syringe now and then. Tried it for the first time on TG and felt that would be a true test. Never went over 120 so I was impressed. I’m on the Tandem x2 pump so decided not to give it a try in my pump. I turn off my Control IQ when I take a syringe dose and leave CIQ off for a few hours then resume it again. I use Novolog in my pump. I stopped using Humalog over 15 years ago since it irritated my infusion site. I learned that was due to Zinc in the insulin. I noticed redness at my syringe site with Lyumjev and assumed Zinc was the culprit with this insulin as well. It worked great on Thanksgiving but it didn’t do as well for my cereal breakfast. Maybe nothing works for cereal, who knows. I do feel it is super acting, more so than Fiasp, which I was given a pen to try. It is not pump approved as yet to my knowledge. Not sure if it would be compatible with my Tandem since they have a different dosing method. Technology keeps changing and progressing well. It’s a Blessing for Diabetics at this time IMO.
I tried Lyumjev in my pump only for 3 days. The quick effect was wonderful, but I had severe burning and lasting redness and soreness at the infusion site. I have the same/worse reaction to Fiasp which did NOT show any timing improvement, so I’m back to Novolog in the pump and over 85% TIR so I’m content.