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Currently using Medtronic Guardian 3, moving to Dexcom 6 soon (and Tandem pump). I am actually wearing both the Dexcom & Medtronic at the same time right now. I have restarted the Dexcom twice. I initially inserted the Dexcom on 1/27 and it’s now 2/19. The first day of each restart was unreliable (it read too high) but by the next morning after a calibration it worked great. Whenever I’ve restarted a Medtronic sensor it failed in 2-5 days (but generally worked very well for the first full week so I can’t really complain).
Impressive. Never been able to get more than one restart. And yes, first day(ish) after restart runs high for me also.
I just switched to to Dexcom 6 and Tslim and I have been very impressed with how easy it is to use and how much better it performs
Still with G6 but with an A1c of 5.4-5.6 and almost 0 Hypos I can wait on G7
I’ve used the Medtronic and Dexcom systems. No comparison. Dexcom is much more accurate, for me.
Looking forward to updating to G7 once it is approved for people on Medicare.
I just read that it was approved by Medicare the other day!
still using the Libre2. they haven’t spooled up mass production (their words) on the Libre3 yet. doesn’t seem too smart to me.
My local CVS hasn’t been carrying the Libre 3 but they sent me to a different CVS that does. The Libre 3 has been a great experience for me! I love it!
I don’t think the Libre 2 is a good system., I would like to read some comments about the Dexcom G6 system.
G6 is the most accurate one I have ever used. It goes on much easier than the Medtronic pumps. The tubeless Omnipod 5 integrates with the G6 so my blood sugar has gotten more stable. You can see a reading on your phone any time you want. You can customize alarms for highs and lows. It will even tell you if your BG is dropping or rising rapidly if you want it to. The only mandatory alarm that you can’t change or turn off completely is the one at 55 saying your blood sugar is low. I love the Dexcom G6 and I like wearing it on the back of my arm because of so much scar tissue in my abdominal area from using the metronidazole for 10 years and it could only be in the stomach. I am looking forward to the G7 once Omnipod 5 is compatible.
NOT like Kim, I found the G6 Not acurate. Using it 2 years. At first year it was bareley within the 20% of finger stick. Now year 2 it reads mostley higher than Lab and finger that are almost identicle.. I use it on belly only and NO compression problems involved……… T1D for 70 years !!!
Just ordered G7 for my March 1st delivery. Excited for the half hour warm up feature
Libre 2 has one major problem. According to Abbot, it can only be placed on the back of the upper arm.
Two problems: even with Skin Tac, it can easily be knocked off, and my arm hurts if I sleep on it. I’m a side sleeper and Libre 2 is in the way. Other than those issues, and the fact that my insurance won’t cover any other system, it syncs well with my phone, is easy to use, and accurate according to finger sticks. I don’t understand why Abbot claims it can only be used on the back of the upper. They have chosen not to research any other placement. I would switch if I could. My arm hurts.
wear the L2 wherever you desire….avoid those knockoff areas
Try “painting” SkinTac on the sensor pad prior to inserting – that works very well with my Dexcom sensors. As to the “upper arm only” restriction. I think that device makers have to say things like that since – in Libre’s case (for Dexcom is is the abdominal area) that’s where the FDA test was used. Imagine how long it would take to get things through the FDA review process if they had to test every possible placement site. We’d still be waiting for the very first editions.
Put your sensor on where you would like to wear it. Test it against blood glucometers and if the results are close, there is no need to wear it on the arm if that is not a good place for you.
I started CGM with the MiniMed 530G system with Enlite, other wise known as the “harpoon.” I switched to the Dexcom G4 and I’ve been a Dexcom user ever since. Although I could restart the Medtronic sensors more easily, the Dexcom sensors are much easier to wear and the accuracy has been much higher for me. I’m eager to switch from G6 to G7 sensors as soon as my Tandem t:slim control IQ system is updated to be compatible with it. G7 sensors are smaller with an integrated transmitter and have a shorter (30 vs 120 min) warmup period.
The Enlite sensors weren’t the harpoon, that was the original SofSensors. Enlite is basically the same exact format as the current Guardian sensors.
You’re right LizB! How could I forget anything about the harpoon? And still, we put up with it for the benefits of CGM.
Libre 2 has been working well for me. so have its predecessors. I find it comfortable, and I like placing it on my arm. The idea of devices on my stomach or under pant legs does not appeal to me.
It is accurate and easy.
Medtronic Guardian 4.
After a while on the Guardian (Medtronic) put my first Freestyle Libre3 on yesterday (for costs).
11 years ago I started with the Dexcom 7 plus, then was put a Medtronic pump and Medtronic sensors, which for 4 years drove me crazy. Finally I went back to Dexcom even though at that time I had to pay out of pocket. It was worthy. I’m now on a Dexcom G6 and looking forward to the G7.
Dexcom has continuously improved their sensors and combined with a tandem t:slim makes my life much simpler.
I am currently using the dexcom 6G but not real happy with all the errors I continue to get specially the urgent lows in the middle of the night when I’m not low at all. That being said, the G7 has just been launched so I’m hoping to get the upgrade and that Dexcom has taken care of all the errors of the G6 system
Are the low results due to compression lows? I know I am careful not to lay on an arm when that arm has my G6 on it. I am hoping too that G7 will not have as many compression lows with the sleeker design compared to the G6.
Sounds like compression lows. They seem to have gotten MUCH more sensitive to this over the last couple of years—rarely used to happen for me, now all the time as it’s really hard not to roll over and be on the side with the dex, belly OR arm. One thing the works for me is I’ve moved my upper arm position around to the front of my arm. Was afraid it would be painful–thinner skin there–but it’s fine.
My first CGM system I used from about three years ago was Libre freestyle 1, but it was not on the Irish governments sponsored mediation list, then last October 2022 after a lot of lobbying by the Diabetes federation of Ireland and myself over a four year’s period, the Dexcom G7 was finally listed by the Health Board. So Horray finally success and a win for patience and plenty of lobbying with our politicians and the Government. I am a happy man with Diabetes for over 42 years this year.
I am actually very surprised at how many people use Dexcom compared to Libre as Libre is much smaller. Maybe insurance reasons? I also use a Dexcom as that is what was ordered for me when I first started on it 4 years ago. I ordered a Tandem pump because it worked with my Dexcom.
I imagine So many dont use the
Libre because it does not read and then notify of high or low blood sugars. So it is a pointless for those who are not aware of low blood sugar.
Libre doesn’t work with any hybrid closed loop pumps so that’s probably why many don’t use it, at least in the USA> I know they’re used much more outside the states.
I Will move to Drxvom G7 once it is compatible with the Omnipod 5
I currently useDexcom G 6 but are waiting for G7 to interface with Tandem x2. Too bad that they couldn’t start working sooner
Would LOVE Libre 3 but Medicare has not approved!!