Do you currently have an unexpired glucagon kit? If so, what kind? If you have more than one unexpired glucagon kit, please select all that apply.
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Pre-mixed Gvoke pen. It works very well, with a little sting. But, my wife is not afraid to use it. She would not use the syringe that had to be mixed first.
YES! I used my Gvoke prefilled syringe last winter when I accidentally injected 10 units of Novolog instead of 10 units of Lantus! It saved me from having to eat 300 grams of carbs all night long.
I have two expired glucagons (powder and liquid mix). I keep one in the house and one in my car. In 2021 my husband gave me an expired glucagon and it worked just fine. Better than not having anything at all!
I have several “mix and inject” e
I have several mix and inject expired kits, I have never updated them because I have never needed them and they are expensive to replace and never covered by insurance.
have never had a glucagon kit in 20 years of T1D nor have I needed one.
We eat low carb/keto so we have no use for the emergency kits. They’re all expired, we don’t even take them with us anymore.
I have three containers of Baqsimi Nasal Spray. 66 years T1.
2-4 powder and liquid mix. All expired more than 5 years ago. Have an rx for the new injectable but have never filled it. I’ve never needed gluten in 49 years.
I have an amazing endocrinologist. Not only does she check my prescriptions every appointment but she asks if my Baqsimi is unexpired.
i said other because I have no idea whether or not it is expired. Never used, and I am not sure that anyone around would know how to use it.
If you get a Gvoke HypoPen, it has all the instructions displayed on the back of the box. It’s a “piece of cake” to use.
Thats just an expression indicating it’s simple to follow the instructions.
Never used glucagon in 33 years of T1DM. In Ukraine, glucagon for people with T1DM has always been too expensive. In case of hypoglycemia, we either manage to take granulated sugar, or paramedics find us (like you) on the street and inject glucose into a vein (if you are lucky and there are no injuries, for example, broken ribs).
60 years with T1D. Before the advent of Baqsimi and G-Voke I used expired glucagon powder/liquid mix kits on myself and they worked just fine. Now I carry a supply of Baqsimi with me at all times, have it handy at home and next to bedside. I can self-administer and it works in 5 minutes to get me back in safe range. I used one vial 6 months past expiration date and it worked just fine.
Going on 58 years of type 1 and NEVER had a prescription for glucagon and NEVER had a doctor or endocrinologist tell me about it or offer me a prescription. I do recall honey being placed in my cheek when I would go unconscious from hypoglycemia as a child and it brought me to fast or orange juice if I was conscious.
I’m have a Gvoke HypoPen. This is my second pen; however, I never used the first one which expired.
Live by myself, who’d use it?
The 2 nasal spray things expired over a year ago. I prefer using 12 grams of sugar in 3 sugar cubes if Dexcom 6 LOW warning is confirmed by One Touch finger stick. Much cheaper and no damage to respiratory system.
Lilly liquid mix for macrodosing.;