
ADCES - 2022
Prevalence of Fear of Hypoglycemia in Adults with T1D: Results of a Newly Developed Screener
Peter, M, Rioles, N, Liu, J, Hguyen, H, Chapman, K, Wolf, W, Perez, M, Poon, J, Mitchell, B BACKGROUND Fear...
Diabetes Distress in Adult CGM Users with Type 1 Diabetes
Background Diabetes distress, a negative emotional experience from having diabetes, has been associated with higher HbA1c. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)...
Psychosocial Impact of Severe Hypoglycemia and Perceptions of Nasal Glucagon in Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
OBJECTIVES To understand emerging adults’ perceived impact of a SHE (in general) and NG on their engagement in social activities...
Healthcare Providers’ Perspectives on Implementing a New Screener for Fear of Hypoglycemia into Clinical Practice
Rioles, N, Peter, M, Liu, J, Chapman, K, Wolf, W, Basina, M, Akturk, H, Perez, M, Poon, J, Mitchell, B...