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ADA - 2021
T1D Exchange Registry: Current Insights on Participant Outcomes
The T1D Exchange Registry was launched June of 2019 to increase participation in research and probe a diverse set of...
T1D Exchange Registry: Current Insights on Participant Outcomes
The T1D Exchange Registry was launched June of 2019 to increase participation in research and probe a diverse set of...
Emotional Impact of Hypoglycemia and Use of Glucagon: Perspectives of People with Type 1 Diabetes
Introduction: Severe hypoglycemia is an ongoing barrier to achieving glycemic targets. Glucagon is an effective, yet underutilized treatment for severe...
Validation of Fear of Hypoglycemia Screener: Results from the T1D Exchange Online Survey
Objective: To examine reliability and validity of a newly developed fear of hypoglycemia (FoH) screener as a practical and actionable...
Factors Associated with Optimal Glycemic Control in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Real-World U.S. Multicenter Study
Background: Management of type 1 diabetes (T1D) involves achieving glycemic targets to avoid complications. However, despite advancements in diabetes technology...
Factors Associated with Optimal Glycemic Control in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Real-World U.S. Multicenter Study
Ebekozien, O, Noor, N, Seyoum, B, Majidi, S, Jones, NH, McDonough, R, Ospelt, E, Sanchez, J, Kim, A, Izquierdo, R,...
“Six Habits”: Quality Metrics to Support Glycemic Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes
Lee, JM, Garrity, A, Hirschfeld, E, Thomas, IH, Rioles, N, Ebekozien, O, Corathers, S Objective: To evaluate the relationship of...
HbA1c trends in the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI) 2017-2020
Ebekozien, O, Noor N, Jones, NH-Y, Alonso, GT, Desimone, M, Izquierdo, R, Corathers, S, DeSalvo, DJ, Gandhi, K, Odugbesan, O,...
Insulin Pump Use and Glycemic Control Among Patients with Type 1 Diabetes: Trends from the Largest U.S. Based Multi-Center Observational Study
Noor, N, Rompicherla, S, Lyons, S, Lee, JM, Gallagher, MP, Indyk, J, Ebekozien, O, Greenfield, M, Clements, M, Alonso, GT...
Factors Associated with Optimal Glycemic Management in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: Results from T1D QI Collaborative (T1DX-QI)
Rioles, N, Polsky, S, Ebekozien, O, Noor, N, Vendrame, F, Basina, M, Weinstock, R Background: The management of type 1...
Insulin Pump Use in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes: Real World Data from a Large U.S. Based Multi-Center Observational Study
Noor N,, McDonough, R, Carlson, E, Mekhoubad, A, Hsieh, S, Demeterco-Berggren, C, Majidi, S, Desimone, M, De-Tutu, S, Obrynba, K,...
CGM Use and A1c: A transatlantic comparison of the DPV Initiative and T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI)
DeSalvo, DJ, Lanzinger, S, Noor, N, Steigleder-Schweiger, C, Ebekozien, O, von Sengbusch, S, Jones, NH, Laubner, K, Maahs, D, Holl,...