When you are sick and running a fever, do you have elevated blood glucose levels?
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Haven’t had any illness except sever idiopathic anemia in 2019. Wasn’t able to eat hardly so just kept checking my glucose. In the hospital thankfully they let me control my doses, I shared my readings and what I was doing so it worked out.
Haven’t run a fever in many years so I’m not sure what my BG would do.
I think the last time I was sick and running a fever was 15 years ago… I don’t remember whether my bG was elevated, lol!
I’m rarely sick with a fever, so I don’t really know.
Yes, it usually happens with the flu, a head cold or sinus infection, and then I have to activate another level of self-care awareness to take care of myself and manage the diabetes in the midst of whatever illness/healing process is going on in my body.
Can’t remember the last time I had a fever. when sick I increase my bolus by 25% due to the reduced activity
I usually feel very good. I had pain in my lower back last year. Hard to say if any difference in blood sugar control since many factors involved like effect of psin medications, eating differently, not being able to move/exercise.
I had to put “N/A” because I cannot even remember the last time I ever had a fever. Probably not since I started wearing a CGM (around 2015). I rarely get “sick,” but usually only catch a cold during the late fall. Call me fortunate. 😏
Exactly my answer too. Last time I can remember having a fever was a case of strep a year or so before I was dx’d.
The last time I got sick enough to run a fever, 13-13 years ago, yes. However, even mild infections, maybe from inactivity can cause a rise.
I never get a fever. Never, even as a kid. The last time I was really sick was January 2018. No fever. I also had no appetite and eating was painful anyway so my BG stayed in range.
Other. I am rarely sick and haven’t run a fever in years so I really don’t know.
I haven’t really been sick for quite a few years.
The thing that seems to affects my BG is lack of movement. If I sit or lay down during the day my BG always goes up. I’ve been T1D for ~45 years and over the last 20 years it seems if I don’t move around my insulin doesn’t do much.
This is so interesting. I answered NA because like so many of you, I haven’t had a fever since 1978 in College. I hope I’m not jinxing myself. The more interesting question is: is there a correlation between having T1D and not being sick? Does taking insulin have anything to do with that? Or do T1Ds on this exchange just to a better job of taking care of ourselves?
I loved your questions. I never, ever missed a day of grade school, junior high, or HS, or even college for sickness, except for flu and sore throats. I learned discipline at an early age: you show up, you do your job, you get on with life. Fascinating research questions all. (>‿◠)✌
I also answered NA because I rarely mount a fever. I wonder if those of us with T1D &/or other autoimmune diseases have feisty immune systems that are sometimes too feisty (attacks our own cells), but also maybe more efficient at fighting viruses. Potential T1D plus side? I’ll take it! 🙂
Can’t say because I haven’t had a fever in so long I can’t remember!
I really haven’t run a fever that I know of since I was diagnosed 48yrs ago so I really dont know. If I just have a cold, I never noticed a difference.
Wow, look at how many of us type 1’s really haven’t had a fever in decades.
I haven’t had a fever since I started HGM in 1980, so I don’t really know.
It is rare that I run a fever. But, all my memories of having a fever included very high blood sugars and temporary basal rates to help get through the fevers.
https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/time-to-redefine-normal-body-temperature-2020031319173 What was once considered “normal” body temperature needs to be reconsidered.
I don’t remember the last time I had a cold or ran a fever. However, as I recall, my BG did elevate a bit. I selected “Yes, sometimes”, because “n/a” would not be as accurate.
I have not been sick or run a fever for over 5 years.
I seldom get sick or run a fever so I don’t know if my BGs get elevated. I do recall having elevated BGs from OTC cold medicine but that was honestly more than ten years ago. I did experience a fever with body aches exactly 12 hours after my J&J COVID vaccine but my BGs were not affected.
I am so rarely sick, I can’t remember the last time I was sick enough to run a fever.