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What was your most recent co-pay for insulin?
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With BCBS my copay was $75 a month. Last year with no insurgent cost total was $90-ish a month. Through the VA insulin costs me $8 a month.
0 payment. The joy of the UK NHS.
$60 for a 90 day supply.
$35 for one month of insulin pens. Medicare should cover all in my opinion.
because I had reached my out of pocket max for an unrelated operation, I didn’t pay for insulin last year. haven’t purchased any yet this year
$80 for 3 month supply.
Zero co-pay since I have been using an insulin pump.
$60 for 90 days of Humalog and $60 for 90 days of Toujeo. $120 for 90 days or $40 a month.
$38 for a 3-month supply of Humalog for my pump.
I don’t have insurance and need to drive to Canada every six months to buy insulin, which I am still paying $25 per vial.
Zero. Medicare covers insulin as DME if it’s for a pump. It was kind of a PITA to get it set up b/c no one on the Medicare or Pharmacy side seemed to know what the heck I was talking about, and I had no idea how to do it either. I use Walgreens, and the big breakthrough was the discovery that they have an entity called the Medicare Benefits Manager or something like that who has to get the info from your doc. Has to be renewed every time you fill a script, is the other thing. But it works.
The insurance plan has a “maximum out of pocket” limit for any one prescription of $175. I get 7 bottles of Humalog for 3 months. Average out of pocket for each bottle is $25.
6 vials for $110.00 for 3 months
My last insulin purchase was in December when I had original Medicare and a supplement so I paid $0. However, I’ve changed to a Medicare Advantage plan for 2024 and haven’t purchased yet but I believe I will have a $35 co-pay for my 90 day supply. I have to change to Novolog from Humalog but I’m fine with that.
$70 for a box of 5 pens. Doubled from my last refill in November 2023.
Mine was $54. Much better than the >$350 last year. I was also finally able to find a pharmacy that would supply insulin under Medicare Part B.
Thank you Walgreens.
This was for 3 months and new yearly deductible.
Shouldn’t you have specified the number of months? I paid $80 but that was for 3 months, not 1. My copy for 3 months has risen $10 each of the last three years. This year seemed to see the biggest increase in medical insurance copays. On the other hand, piggy-backing on my wife’s great health insurance rather than Medicare, I always max out my copays pretty early in the year, so I can’t really complain.
I get six vials of Fiasp for $75.
I use Medicare Part D, $35, however, because Lyumhev is not on the Medicare formulary I cannot get for $0 because it’s used in a pump.
I paid about USD 25. This will last me over a year.
Per month I pay $35 because that’s what the online savings card allows. I get 3 months at a time, which means my copay is $105.
$120 90-Day.
Levimir skyrocketed to $150 from $50 for a 90 day supply. Looks like they are charging more for whatever is leftover since it is being discontinued.
Copay of $45 is for a 90 day supply of insulin for my pump
Not Applicable as I live in the UK (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) where my insulin costs are paid for via our NHS (National Health Service), which is financed via direct taxation of all working people that earn more than a given amount.
I pay the mail-order pharmacy $60 for a 90 day supply (4 vials) per the contract with my insurance company. I only can choose Fasp or Novolog at that price.
I believe my copay was $70, but that was 3 bottles which lasts me a few months
Once apron a time I was getting 8-9 vials of NovoLog, free. Now with the price of a single vial at $35. I pay $65 for 8 vials. I have not been able to get an answer “Why” from my Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance company.????
I think it was either $1200 or $1700 or ?. I don’t remember precisely, but it’s always outrageously expensive at the beginning of the year.
This was for a 90 day supply!