On average, how many units of insulin do you typically use in a day?
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146 Lantus Daily
0-200 Novolog Daily
Insulin resistance like me. I use 150 U of fast acting a day via a pump.
MDI. My count included total units of both basal and bolus.
G pencil
On Tandem X2 w/G6 24×7 Sleep Mode, A1c 6.2 as low as 5.4 but No Hypos, T1 for 60 years and used to have 4+ hypos a week
If I eat a lot of carbs – then I total 24 to 27 units a day.
If I eat high protein and fat, I total about 18 to 19 units a day.
Wow! I’m amazed at what an outlier I am (high). It might make more sense if the question included a ratio of insulin to body weight rather than simply the amount of insulin, which, by itself, is not very meaningful. I also wonder if a mix of short and long lasting for those on MDI like me is somehow different than the amount a pumper would use.
Hi Thomas,
I recently moved from MDI (for 35 years) to a pump. On MDI I would need around 110 units per day, on a pump I use 50 to 60 units, so significantly less. I would love an explanation for why this is. I’m 54 and weigh 60kg and have not significantly changed diet, weight or exercise.
I agree with you Thomas, another “wow”. I was amazed at those low figures. I take 48 just basal everyday and 30-40 bolus with meals or corrections. Now I wonder what I am doing wrong
My son, age almost 12, uses about 25 per day.
Usually 50/50 basal/ bolus MDI
Body weight 150 pound or 68kg I took 32 of NPH and 10 of regular from mid-1950’s until first pump use in 1996. Roughly the same for next 10 to 20 years.
Now, for whatever reason, I take about 42 units per day. No significant diet changes. No significant exercise changes (well, maybe less because of age and arthritic infirmities).
Is there any research indicating insulin changes with age? Please, cite the reference. Thanks. 👾
150 U a day, sadly.
I said 51-60 but it’s more like 40-70.