On average, how many correction boluses do you give yourself in a day (excluding food boluses)?
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I answered 7-8 a day. I have a self-determined range with 140 considered high. Sometimes, if I don’t have any IOB and I am anywhere from 110-130, I will do a correction. As an example, if I have a 120 bg, I enter a bolus for that reading. I always check the calculation to see what the correction would be with no IOB, and also take into account that I may have FOB (food on board). Most of my corrections are itty-bitty.
Depends on what life with T1D circumstances are for the day. Could be none or one, two, three or more. It comes down to what would my pancreas do if it had functioning beta cells? I use a Tandem X2 with CIQ so I really don’t worry about it too much because the pump algorithm has me covered.
According to my TConnect monthly results, I take roughly 2.571428571428571 correction boluses per day. My Tandem X2 pump, with Dexcom sensor, and Control IQ do almost all of the correction boluses.
I picked other because it depends on what I eat and how fast it digests. If I eat something like pizza, I do and extended bolus and still have to do several corrections over the next 4 to 6 hours.
I am using a closed loop system and there are constant adjustments to my basal delivery; sometimes extra insulin if I am high, other times no insulin delivery if I am low. This works pretty well for me but it is not perfect. For two years I used the Loop software that is not FDA approved (“home built”) and now I am using Omnipod 5.
It all depends on the meal and I don’t eat the same things everyday, especially now that I am retired. If I eat what I want I take 3-4. If I eat like I should, 1-2.
When I’m in Automode, square and dual modes aren’t available so I bolus before eating for carbs and then two hours later for fats and proteins.
I have gastroparesis, so even though I have my doses dialed in pretty well, I have to bolus conservatively for food and then add corrections because my digestion is so unpredictable. CIQ does help but not enough to handle the gastroparesis-induced delays.
Good timing, I happen to seeing my endo later today and this issue is at the top of my list. My carb ratio seems to vary day to day.
I use CIQ but still average about 4 boluses a day. I also need to use small quantities of carbohydrate 2-3 times per day if I move around at all. CIQ does a good job if I sit at my desk all day, eat lightly and don’t move around too much. With CIQ even a 10-15 minute light walk will make me hypoglycaemic without some form of carbohydrate.
My pump and CGM have an auto-correct feature that dispenses insulin when my CGM senses that my sugar is getting high.
My Dexcom control Q is constantly adjusting during the day from giving bolus to stopping Basel. I counted one day and it was over 10.
Now that I am using an iLet Beta Bionic pump, I am unable to do correction boluses as the pump does it automatically. When I was on another pump I gave myself 2-3 corrections per day.
All depends- there are many days with no corrections and then others that may have 1 or 2. Hard to give a definitive answer.
Running Tandem CIQ in Sleep mode requires attention to and dosing for corrections.
I rage bolus as needed throughout the day due to insulin resistance. But chose 3-4 for an average. But on bad days 6+.
me too.
I picked 3 to 4, but that’s not including the multiple mini doses the CIQ app on my pump makes during the day. It definitely varies by what I’m eating and my activities.
My “in range” is 70-130 (compared to the manufacturer’s suggestion 70-180 that’s becoming accepted by many physicians). I don’t need to do many corrections through the day, if I were comfortable to be in that range 70% of the time (the goal?) wouldn’t need to do any. Even if Medtronic’s algorithm does well, I’m more confident in my own experience.
I chose other because i started on the iLet Bionic Pancreas a couple months ago. Yay! My A1C dropped from 10.9 end of December 2023 to yesterday March 5th – 7.5.
Whooo hooo! But you do not do any correction boluses it is automatic.
So many variables this is kind of a nothing question
I suspect that we would not have to give so many correction boluses,if the pumps were able to use their full algorithm. I understand that they give automatically 60% of what the algorithm indicates. I suspect that the lawyers advise them not to use the 100%.
I said 1-2, but it really depends on the day. Cause like every thing else diabetes, it’s never the same.
Some weeks, none; others, 1-2. Weird!
Since I am on an AID system – Loop – and have that set to autobolus for corrections, this question is not relevant for me.
On most occasions, my pump, coupled with my CGMS delivers any correction boluses that may be required.
Rarely, if my insulin infusion set becomes detached or, indeed, blocked, I will give myself a correction bolus of injectible insulin, then allow the pump and CGMS to ‘take back over’.
I put other as the answer may be 0 or it may be 6. Just depends how my sugar levels are on a particular day.
As I stated in the last question, Tandem X2, Control IQ is far too slow!
The AID system does it for me.
I run Tandem’s Sleep Mode 24/7 so the pump’s auto-correction is not active. I have to manually do corrections. About 1-2 per day.