In the past three years, have you been hospitalized due to T1D?
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I haven’t been hospitalized due to my diabetes in 15 years.
No. I will not go to any hospital to be treated for my t1d. I have been in the hospital for other things and had to sign myself out AMA because they mismanaged my B’s so badly.
Basically, I won’t go to hospital for any reason if I can help it. The mis-mgt of T1D for inpatients is the usual.
Hi certainly understand that. I always get permission from my doctor to self-treat when I have to stay overnight or longer. They can screw me up in a heartbeat, and my DM is hard enough to keep in check without their assistance.
In 56 years have never been hospitalized for T1DM (except initial diagnosis).
Twice last year I went to the ER for IV fluids for dehydration after a bad bout of gastrointestinal flu and the second time I was admitted overnight because my sodium level was too low.
Only time I have been hospitalized due to T1d was at diagnosis. Unfortunately that’s been more than 3 decades. There has been progress on management but I have not seen and cures yet. Hope for a cure doesn’t die but it does run out of time.
I only was hospitalized for T1D when I was first started on insulin, not because I was in any health problem, but to receive training on diet and injections. That was in 1973.
Same for me in 1954! Diabetes must be treated with respect and diligence. That still leaves time for a very fun life!
I was diagnosed in the ICU on 4/7/19 while in a hyperglycemic coma. In for 10 days that time. About 40 more days were due to complications from organ shut down during the coma. Another week or so coming up.
I was hospitalized only at diagnosis and that was 35 years ago. I have had ambulance rides to the ER a few times due to passing out from lows but I was treated and released within hours. Those were all prior to getting a pump.
I said no. I got the flu, couldnt eat or drink, vomiting etc, doctor told me to hospital due to dehydration and unbalanced electrolytes
Although I selected No, I have been hospitalized within the last 3 years, but this was due to COVID-19. (This WAS affecting my blood glucose levels, but not to the extent that I would have needed to have been hospitalized. I’d have dealt with it myself by increasing my basal rates on my insulin pump … as well as boluses, should the need arise.)
I said no, but I did have quadruple bypass surgery. Indirectly related to Diabetes
My last hospitalization due to Diabetes was almost 42 years ago. My next hospitalization for any cause was 38 years later. So no.
I have had diabetic retinopathy surgery done in hospital – but it was a day surgery and I went home after the surgery was completed. The only time I have been hospitalized due to T1D, like many of the other respondents, was when I was first diagnosed 45 years ago.
I’ve only been hospitalized once due to the diabetes, on diagnosis.
Never, not even in the beginning. knock on wood.
I’m gonna knock on wood for you, too! 😀
Between 1951 and 2022, only once in 1996 when the very conservative practices at the time demanded I be hospitalized for 2 days with new Medtronic pump, the first day on saline solution, the second day on real insulin.
Needless to say, times have changed a bit. Now they tell you to go home, watch a half dozen UTube videos, and have a beer. . . . Well, I’m not really sure of that last one. ヽ(ຈل͜ຈ)ノ︵ ┻━┻
I was hospitalized as a result of long-term T1D (59 years tomorrow.) I had a blister on a hammer toe that wouldn’t heal because the scab kept getting knocked off. Eventually it became infected and had to be amputated. That was in 2020 along with the Covid pandemic, a broken shoulder that had to have a shoulder replacement, a broken rib and major back surgery. The amputation was the least of my worries! 😁
I haven’t been hospitalized because of T1d in 35 years
Last time I was hospitalized for T1D was 1996 when I started pump therapy. They had me there because of hypo unawareness and a pattern of severe overnight lows.
But, I would have done just as well (or better) at home… my blood sugar got down to 50 before dinner and I had to go find a nurse… I told her my number and she looked at me like, “Ok, what do you want _me_ to do about it.” (I expect because I looked and sounded like nothing was going on she prioritized my needs below that of other patients. I can understand that.)
I said then, “Can I have my dinner?”
And, more crickets.
So… I went back to my room… changed the settings on the pump… I _think_ (but am not sure) I had some peanut butter pretzels… I must have had a glucose tablet or two, too. And waited for the hospital food to arrive. It took awhile.
But, I did think, “So, why am I here? Oh, yes, I’m here so you can wake me up every two hours so that I can take a blood sugar reading… *sigh”
I have never been hospitalized in 50 years of t1d except diagnosis in 1972, and to start my first insulin pump in 1994.
I answered yes but my true answer is “kind of.” I couldn’t stop vomiting so I went into DKA. I was vomiting for over 48 hours so regardless of having diabetes I would’ve gone to the ER anyways. I was kept longer due to going into DKA.
(Unrelated: Unlike most Type 1s I was NOT hospitalized upon diagnosis. My older sister had had T1D for several years by the time I was diagnosed, so my parents realized right away and I was able to avoid hospitalization. I just went to my sister’s endo (who became mine as well) to get checked out and for prescriptions for insulin, etc.)
Never in 51 T1D years. Lucky I guess.
I answered yes but I’ve only had t1d for 9 months. I was hospitalized at diagnosis in DKA.
Three or four years ago, I got a bacterial infection at the end of a trip to Nepal. If It hadn’t started the day of my return to the U.S., I would probably have taken the antibiotic I had with me for the trip, but it was really for diarrhea, which I didn’t have. The day after our return, I lost control of my blood sugar, which went high. The next day, I experienced cognitive effects. When I couldn’t figure out how to operate my insulin pump (I’m normally a very capable techie, even in my 70s), I went to the ER, believing it was probably diabetic ketoacidosis. It wasn’t, but I still spent pretty much the whole day in the ER while they got my blood glucose stabilized. That was a little before the 3 years of the question, and probably doesn’t count as “hospitalized”, so I answered “no”, but thought I would add the comment. BTW, after the culture results came back, the ER physician had me take the antibiotic I already had with me on the trip, as it was appropriate for the particular bug that caused the problem.
I was never hospitalzed for my T1D except when first diagnosed in 1943. In 1998 I had a triple by-pass surgery because of my heart. I have been on a pump since ’99 and am currently on a Tandem pump, and DexCom CGM. I thank God for HIS watchcare over me all these years. In less than a month I will turn 91!
Last hospitalization was 37 years ago when my 2nd child was born! No diabetes related since high school. (diagnosed at age 9)
I have been to the ER twice in the past 3 years for Glucose readings beyond my meter(s) ranges. I go in, ask for fluids and phenagren, because I have already bolused my max dose of 25 units and not gone down after 2 hours. They release me when my sugars are below 250 and advise me to come back if they don’t continue to go down. One time I was given an additional dose of insulin via IV (3 Units) and was asked to disconnect my pump. Again released when sugar “normalized” for me. Both times, Doc gave me fluids & the phenagren I asked for when I came in, about 2 hours later. Neither time did they test for ketones, although my home strips only said moderate anyway.