If you wear an insulin pump, how many times in the past month have you had to change your pump site one or more days before the 3-day session was over?
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I think it was twice. One didn’t seem to be working but honestly, if I left it in it probably would have started working. I sometimes run high after a set change. The other time I accidentally ripped it off so that was my fault.
Probably twice. I was typing the tubing out. It got so bad (I had been using both legs) that I resumed using the abdomen in spite of prolific scars and lipoatrophy since 1996. pump usage. 😑🤕🥴
Taking! Expletive deleted spell checker.😖
Much bleeding?
Richard–very little bleeding, most poor adhesiveness.
I don’t wear one anymore, but when I did I routinely changed it every 2 days. When I was first starting out my blood sugars were always higher on the 3rd day, so my doctor rewrote my prescription.
My reservoir only lasts 2 days sometimes 3 if I usually if I go 3 days my BG goes up overall
I put once. I sometime tear them off when I wear them on my legs.
Me too. I like to use my legs but they almost always end up getting pulled off.
I got a bad box of Omnipods and had four of them fail on me during setup or shortly after. Insulet is good about sending replacement pods, but the process takes some patience. (waiting on hold, having to talk to someone directly to give all the batch information etc. Usually about 15-20 minutes) Wish there was just an online form to fill in. Other than the recent challenges, it’s rare that one fails early.
On a 2 day Omnipod change because of bleeding. Had to change it 4 times in a row. Then it won’t record or provide set bolus based on blood glucose and carbs that are programmed. Watching to see if it’s defective.
My normal change is 2 to 3 days. This question is worded badly.
I never have a problem with my insulin pump insertion and I change it every five days.
It’s just a guess but truSteel sometimes I have to change more often but mostly get 3 days.
I often change the infusion set before 3 days -my choice and not because I have to.
23 Year Pumper and when I began it was a “Rule” Steel Sets change on Second Day, Teflon on the Third. But I’ve gone to almost always changing on the Second Day
There should be an “other” option here… If eating a regular diet that includes carbs, I use so much insulin that I must either refill my pump on day 2 or put in a brand new site. A brand new site is a better choice as there are absorption issues that can arise after a refill in day 3, but most time it works ok into day 3 with a refill. Luckily tho on a low carb diet that I am currently on I get safely through all 3 days without a refill, and only have had to replace a site early due to poor placement and it getting ripped out.
I now have to change every 2 days to prevent a 3rd day spike. Still trying to figure out the cause, recent insurance change in insulin brand, no XC sets so trying true steel along with the 90’s. Just another diabetes puzzle 🤷🏼♀️
I agree, this question is not worded well. Are you asking if the pump/pod malfunctions prior to the 3 day required change or do you want to know if we get less than 3 days out of it due to higher insulin needs?
For me, I have to change my Omnipod about every 56-60 hours because I need more insulin and always run out before the 72 hour mark. It is pretty rare for the pod to malfunction and need to be changed early for that reason.
After reading comments I think I am fortunate. I fill my reservoir to 2 ML and get a weeks worth out of it. My A1C is 5.7 and docs don’t like that so I don’t change it more often. I’m LADA for 20 years.
I already change sites every other day.
Beginning last June, I began having insulin absorption issues on Day 3 of my infusion site, no matter where I rotated the site location. Being on Medicare, I only receive 30 infusion sets and cartridges/reservoirs every 90 days unless my doctor can provide documentation of more frequent site changes. (I have been Type 1 since 1976.) It took until August 20 to obtain Medicare approval for site changes every 2.5 days. I have been trying to make my sites last the full 3 days and paying the price with higher BG’s and a higher A1c. I called my Medicare-approved provider, CCS Medical, to advise them that I will be running out of pump supplies before my next scheduled shipment on November 12 (they hadn’t sent me any additional supplies since I had last received them on August 13….my bad for not following up with them sooner despite their assurances when I spoke with them in July and August that they would send extras once the increased frequency received approval. They are sending me extras today to tide me over until the November date of service.) Another skirmish in the battle to maintain good diabetes control.
I went through 2 years of fighting with Medicare and supply companies to get enough infusion sets. It was one roadblock after another. I finally gave up and suffer with lack of absorption, discomfort and infections. I’m going to start the fight again in January.
If I wear the Tru Steels they only last 2 days. I did change those more often. The Varisoft last 3+ days.
Misleading question or answer, perhaps. I primarily use trusteel so I’m supposed to change it every two days. However, I do get does that don’t work, or work for a day or two then have absorption issues, or are painful from the start. I do occasionally use the Autosoft xc or 90 and rarely get 3 days out of those.
What insulin pump or session this question referring to? On a tslim pump and change my pump site every 2 days as per my dr’s rx and because I use tru steel.
Due to a plethora of abdominal scars and a colostomy, plus being 5′ 10″ and 140 lbs, I have limited room on my abdomen for infusion sites. Therefore, i use my autosoft xc’s for 6 days. After 1-1/2 years I’ve had no absorption issues or other problems. After reading these comments I feel pretty fortunate.
Only once in the last month did I have to change my pump earlier than my normal “-” day session. This was because my BG wasn’t responding normally and I needed to remedy all the variables.
I use True Steel infusion sets with a Tandem X2 pump and generally wear them for 3 days. This past month? I had no issues.
I always change my site at 2 days, site irritation occurs early in the 3rd day. Redness, itching, swelling, insulin resistance in some combination prompted me to get a prescription change that allowed me to change more frequently than every 3 days. No recurring problems since the more frequent site changes.
After reading comments I decided to add that I use the T-slim and AutoSoft 90s with 9mm cannula.
Unfortunately, due to allergy/sensitivity to adhesives, tubing and cannulas along with significant scarring from 30+ years of pumping I need to use Tru-steel infusion sets and they require changing every other day if I’m lucky.
Most of the time I damage the insert, which is why I sometimes change after a single day. Today I was in my belly in a crawlspace cleaning mold, while everything is working fine bringing an extra set tomorrow. A little of the tape came loose and I expect it to fail before the task is completed. So when finished I’ll wash up and switch. Otherwise I plan in 3 days pretty consistent.
Since dropping carbs down to about 30 units a day, 2 years ago was at 27, but prior to meal adjustments this spring almost 40 units a day (down to 115-125 grams carbs).
I have to change my infusion sets out every other day due to allergies.