If you wear a pump or CGM, do you usually change your site or sensor around the same time of day?
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That would be nice, it usually change them when they run out.
Since pods are on for 80 hours the time I change them is different every time.
No. I change sites when I get an ‘alarm’ from my pump informing me that it needs doing.
No. I change my site when it runs out and that is always different times. And my Dexcom gets changed around the same time unless it dies early.
It’s pretty much yes for me because Dexcom turns the sensor off 10 days later at the same time the sensor session started. However, if you suddenly have to change out a bum sensor, that can easily change your time of day. My preference is morning.
Although I don’t have a specific routine, I try and change my infusion set at a time during the day where I can catch any anomalies (such as highs due to a bad site location). As far as the CGM goes, I change it at a time where I can count on my glucose level being relatively stable for two hours while it warms up. After meals is not a good time for me because then I’m constantly doing a finger stick to see where I am.
I change the Freestyle Libre when it times out. However, sometimes it quits a few days earlier, and sometimes the sensor comes loose on the arm. I change when it is necessary to do so.
I change my pump site when I’m alerted to less than 20 units. With my G6 it’s usually around the same time every 10 days. If I have t have a MIR/MRA, I try to schedule it for day 10 or toward the end of the 10 days as possible.
This is a yes for CGM which is very regular every 10 days. And a no for pump since I change every 2 days but change at different times due to how much insulin is still available in my pump.
The only one out of the two that would possibly be changed at the same time of day would be the CGM. As for the pump that becomes much more difficult due to the never ending changes potential rollercoaster of sugar levels. So yes on CGM if everything goes well no sensor or transmitter issues and no of the infusion sites. That is why I answered this question with other.
Like many others above, I change the pump cartridge and infusion set when the insulin runs low, and I change the sensor when it quits after 10 days. Time of day varies.
Pretty much the same as everybody else here. The time for the pump site changes, but it’s the same time for the sensor.
My insulin running out and my sensor expiring rarely correlate.
Don’t you hate it when your pump needs changing at 330 am or runs out if insulin While your working. The alarm is so loud.! Lol am trying to learn to find humor. Been in this situation for 10 months. You all give e me hope that survival is possible.
I try to change my CGM sensor in the morning of the last day. That way I can get the “warm up” and 2 calibrations in before I go to bed. If I knock a sensor out I will start a new one right away and get back to my morning cycle as close to the end of the last day that works. I have gotten better wit tape and am more careful not to rub my transmitter against things as I an working.
I’m surprised that so many answered “No” to this question. In my case, at least (Medtronic 670G and CGM), it takes many hours for the new sensor to stabilize, and I try to get it as stable as possible before bedtime. So I do sensor replacement in the morning. And if I can’t do the change fairly early in the day (say, by mid-afternoon), I’ll run in manual mode until the next morning, in order to avoid the high level of sleep disruption that would otherwise occur.
I did not understand this question to mean change them both at the same time of day, though I like ot do that if it occurs naturally. Instead I understood it to mean either or, and the answer is more like “occasionally” than “usually”. I tend to do that in the evening if that works, but I’m retired with little scheduled, so I’ll do it whenever. I tend to know when it’s coming soon and choose a convenient time.
Change my CGM in the morning of day it is due. I try to do it on Sundays so it can stabilize before I work on Monday. I have learned to live with auto mode… Sundays can be rough very different basal patterns
No. My CGM is changed every 10 days on schedule. My pump’s warranty expired, so I’m using it with insulin shots to maintain bg levels. I change each of them as needed.
PS. I am making a request for a closed-loop system pump!!!
No, it’s never exactly the same time. I change my pump set when I’m almost out of insulin and my CGM at different times every 10 days.
I change my cgm every 10 days whatever the time of day it was the last time. If i won’t be home at that time I would change it earlier. But that doesn’t happen much nowadays 🙁 My pump I change whenever I get low on insulin. Or if the pump is leaking!
I change my CGM around the same time every Sunday morning, a slow day, but my pump I change out when it’s empty.
I change my CGM at the same time every 10 days unless a sensor fails. I change pump infusion sets every 3 days at about the same time of day. I change pump cartridges when the current cartridge is empty.
I don’t have any set times. I try not to cane my insertion site right before bed, cause, you know.