Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
Wait, we only get to pick only one? All the top 5 for me. Hybrid closed loop has helped in all of these ways. I didn’t know what TIR was untill I went on CGM. I’m waiting for FDA to approve the 780G with a auto bolis capability to take the next step.
My one choice is the elimination of severe hypoglycemic events caused by fluctuating basal needs. My overnight Lows have ended. Hybrid closed loop systems are hame changers.
There have been so many benefits. More time in range. Less highs after meals, way less lows. I can do my chores without severe crashes. Grocery shopping isn’t dangerous anymore. I spend less time on management. I sleep uninterrupted at night- I’m fact my whole family sleeps uninterrupted at night.
Sleeping through the night is my favorite benefit. Last night I must have miscounted my dinner and I was tired so I went to bed shortly after eating. I spiked to 160 (my loop gave me 4 extra units, so that’s how I know I miscounted carbs) & then brought me down and I woke up in the 80s. Without a closed loop I would have had a horrible night of sugar and sleep last night (DIY Loop).
All of them. Tandem’s Control-IQ has eased the burden of glucose management. I now sleep without fear of a crashing low during the night. Grocery shopping and going up and down two flights of stairs for laundry is no longer a hurried rush to complete. High bg spikes after dinner are far less of a worry. It’s made a tremendous improvement in my quality of life.
Tandem Control IQ has done an amazing job for me at night. Virtually no nighttime hypoglycaemic events and 90% of the time I wake up between 5-6.5(90-117). If I’m at all active during the day I must turn it off or it will bolus/basal me into hypoglycaemia.
I use the Tandem with Control IQ and it helps with time in range. I just wish the algorithm was able to me more personalized or learned based on each individual instead of being set. I have found that the algorithm is not robust enough.
Definitely not going super low or as often are probably my biggest advantages having the closed loop system (Tandem and Dexcom). I must add that having the night glucose control (together with adjusting basal rates for the dawn phenomena) have kept me from waking with high blood sugars several days out of the week.
My Tandem with CIQ has lowered my A1c and gives me more time in range and keeps me from going too high and too low while I am sleeping. But the fact that it takes less effort to me to achieve those things is what makes the biggest difference to me. Before I got this pump I felt like my diabetes was a second job that I had to focus on 100% of the time all day every day without time off. Now my pump handles my diabetes in the background and I just live my life.
I answered “N/A” because I no longer use a hybrid closed loop system. I tried one @ two years ago. My blood sugars were all over the place. Every time the system tried to correct for a low, I’d end up going high because it suspended my insulin for too long – – no way to adjust that setting! When I went high, the system over-corrected and I ended up going low. My A1C also went up from a 6.8 to a 7.6. So, I decided to stop using it and try to get my settings straightened out because obviously something wasn’t right.
My settings are good now. In fact, I’ve even had several days where I was 90% in range! Unfortunately, the only way for me to do this is to NOT use a closed loop. The settings that have been approved for them keep my blood sugar too high – my normal is 80 – 100, not 120!
I tried using it when I got my Minimed 670g pump but didn’t like how high it kept me. Currently on the 770g and I will not try again until either the 780 is approved or I move to a different pump company.
All of the top 5, plus less interrupted sleep, and much more comprehensive information about what the pump is doing and why.
Managing a T1D child is SO much easier with HCL, and especially with a DIY system like Loop or AAPS.
-The system is controlled from a mobile phone app with a much nicer user interface than any pump offers.
-Everything is much more configurable – targets, dosing strategy (e.g. below 120 adjust basal rate, above 120 deliver boluses), overrides for activity, alerts and alarms
-ALL the data is visible (both locally and remotely): BG, carbs, boluses, basal rates, active overrides (that can be set to affect basal rate, BG target, ISF and ICR), BG predictions, so a parent/carer can make better informed decisions about treatment when necessary.
-Far fewer interventions are needed as the Loop automatically boluses or reduces basal to keep BG in target.
-When interventions are required, Loop allows you to set overrides remotely, and some branches (FreeAPS-X, AAPS) even let you bolus remotely
Wait, we only get to pick only one? All the top 5 for me. Hybrid closed loop has helped in all of these ways. I didn’t know what TIR was untill I went on CGM. I’m waiting for FDA to approve the 780G with a auto bolis capability to take the next step.
780G with better sensors.
My one choice is the elimination of severe hypoglycemic events caused by fluctuating basal needs. My overnight Lows have ended. Hybrid closed loop systems are hame changers.
Hybrid closed loop systems are game changers. 😁
With Tandem X2 with CIQ I can completely eliminate overnight Lows and resulting Highs from Bounce
There have been so many benefits. More time in range. Less highs after meals, way less lows. I can do my chores without severe crashes. Grocery shopping isn’t dangerous anymore. I spend less time on management. I sleep uninterrupted at night- I’m fact my whole family sleeps uninterrupted at night.
Sleeping through the night without highs or lows has been the biggest benefit of both DIY Loop and Tandem CIQ
Sleeping through the night is my favorite benefit. Last night I must have miscounted my dinner and I was tired so I went to bed shortly after eating. I spiked to 160 (my loop gave me 4 extra units, so that’s how I know I miscounted carbs) & then brought me down and I woke up in the 80s. Without a closed loop I would have had a horrible night of sugar and sleep last night (DIY Loop).
Right now for me it’s not having to stick my fingers 7-10 times a day! There are many more great things about it but that’s my plus!
My answer is really all of the above. Nuff said.
I like the Tandem Control IQ for the reduced mental load.
All of them. Tandem’s Control-IQ has eased the burden of glucose management. I now sleep without fear of a crashing low during the night. Grocery shopping and going up and down two flights of stairs for laundry is no longer a hurried rush to complete. High bg spikes after dinner are far less of a worry. It’s made a tremendous improvement in my quality of life.
Tandem Control IQ has done an amazing job for me at night. Virtually no nighttime hypoglycaemic events and 90% of the time I wake up between 5-6.5(90-117). If I’m at all active during the day I must turn it off or it will bolus/basal me into hypoglycaemia.
All of the above
I use the Tandem with Control IQ and it helps with time in range. I just wish the algorithm was able to me more personalized or learned based on each individual instead of being set. I have found that the algorithm is not robust enough.
Definitely not going super low or as often are probably my biggest advantages having the closed loop system (Tandem and Dexcom). I must add that having the night glucose control (together with adjusting basal rates for the dawn phenomena) have kept me from waking with high blood sugars several days out of the week.
insurance doesn’t cover it
My Tandem with CIQ has lowered my A1c and gives me more time in range and keeps me from going too high and too low while I am sleeping. But the fact that it takes less effort to me to achieve those things is what makes the biggest difference to me. Before I got this pump I felt like my diabetes was a second job that I had to focus on 100% of the time all day every day without time off. Now my pump handles my diabetes in the background and I just live my life.
Sleeping through the night. Due to all of the above.
I answered “N/A” because I no longer use a hybrid closed loop system. I tried one @ two years ago. My blood sugars were all over the place. Every time the system tried to correct for a low, I’d end up going high because it suspended my insulin for too long – – no way to adjust that setting! When I went high, the system over-corrected and I ended up going low. My A1C also went up from a 6.8 to a 7.6. So, I decided to stop using it and try to get my settings straightened out because obviously something wasn’t right.
My settings are good now. In fact, I’ve even had several days where I was 90% in range! Unfortunately, the only way for me to do this is to NOT use a closed loop. The settings that have been approved for them keep my blood sugar too high – my normal is 80 – 100, not 120!
I tried using it when I got my Minimed 670g pump but didn’t like how high it kept me. Currently on the 770g and I will not try again until either the 780 is approved or I move to a different pump company.
All of the top 5, plus less interrupted sleep, and much more comprehensive information about what the pump is doing and why.
Managing a T1D child is SO much easier with HCL, and especially with a DIY system like Loop or AAPS.
-The system is controlled from a mobile phone app with a much nicer user interface than any pump offers.
-Everything is much more configurable – targets, dosing strategy (e.g. below 120 adjust basal rate, above 120 deliver boluses), overrides for activity, alerts and alarms
-ALL the data is visible (both locally and remotely): BG, carbs, boluses, basal rates, active overrides (that can be set to affect basal rate, BG target, ISF and ICR), BG predictions, so a parent/carer can make better informed decisions about treatment when necessary.
-Far fewer interventions are needed as the Loop automatically boluses or reduces basal to keep BG in target.
-When interventions are required, Loop allows you to set overrides remotely, and some branches (FreeAPS-X, AAPS) even let you bolus remotely