If you use a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), where do you get your CGM supplies from?
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Byram – overall they do a pretty good job! Though I usually contact Dexcom directly for technical assistance or replacements.
Medicare is the Grand Wizard with the magic wand who waves it every 30 days (I wish it were 90). Then, magically, the DME / CGM ‘s show up on the front step. Wow! I love magic.😍
I have Medicare, and I get 90 day supplies on my CGM, transmitters, infusion sets and pump cartridges. Perhaps, your secondary insurance may be the problem? You might want to give Medicare a phone call.
Meijer (grocery store) pharmacy with GoodRx is best deal I can find and better than my insurance.
Is Edgepark a DME or an online Pharmacy? I get supplies from Edgepark.
Byram is the absolute worst to deal with. COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT!
I’ve used Byram for years but for pump supplies. I’ve never had a problem with them.
I use US Med for CGM, Medicare.
My secondary insurance company requires that I use “in network” Durable Medical Equipment (DME) companies to get my supplies. The only in network companies that they deal with are Byram and Edgepark. I had very bad luck and service with Byram, so I now get my supplies from Edgepark.
I like to pick up and not wait for a supplier or mail order pharmacy. I can get them earlier and not have to worry about delivery being delayed.
CCS medical (durable medical). They aren’t terrible, better than the last one I had, however if you switch anything up in what you need to order, the AI bots blow a fuse and chaos ensues.
I use CCSmed also. They were shipping 90 days of G6 but only 30 days of G7 now. This is Medicare issue. I picked them because they have a distribution CTR close to me and I usually the next day.
No idea with current insurance, but from 2021 until the end of last month, all my medical supplies (I found out after the order was placed, that included the insulin pump I received in October) was all covered under my pharmacy benefits.
My current insurance says CGM supplies are available either from pharmacy or DME, but pump supplies are exclusively DME, so I now have to find an in-network DME supplier that handles insulin pump supplies, and none of the local DME suppliers handle any insulin pump or other Diabetes supplies!
DME, but I don’t really have an option with my insurance.
Does anybody on Medicare have a supplier they really like. I know the supplier is burdened by a lot of extra requirements from Medicare, but I’m thinking my company could be more on top of it! I finally spoke to somebody higher up and was told I should ask my doctor to send records immediately after every visit (every 3 months) and that should help speed the process a lot!
I have had good success with CCS medical supply.
They have some beauracracy., but overall service has been acceptable.
I’m on Medicare in New York State. Medicare has assigned my account for Dexcom supplies to US MED, a very professional company. Reordering works seamlessly. Good luck.
BC/BS insurance has a CVS-run mail-order pharmacy. I started using them when a local pharmacy refuse to fill my entire amount for an insulin prescription. I moved ALL my t1d supplies to them, and they have been astonishingly good.
Because my T1D developed while I was in the USAF it is considered service connected so my CGM supplies are provided by the Veterans Administration (along with my insulin supplies).
Hi Steve, I assume you have Tricare (I do, I have Tricare East)- which DME company are you using ? I’ve been using Solara (owned by Adapt Health) and have had nothing but problems with them. Thanks for any recommendation, Joanne
Online pharmacy that my insurance (Tricare) uses. Express Scripts.
I’m using an Eversense E3. The CRNP who does the implant provides the supplies needed.
Local but not online mail-order pharmacy…it’s what my endo’s clinic worked out would be the best with my insurance.
i put department store though technically i get through Costco Mail Order
All DME through DiabetesMS.com (Management Supplies) part of the AdaptHealth System. If one outlet doesn’t have it then another will back them up. Been using an AdaptHealth System for about 5 years and it never fails to get Supplies on time covered by Insurance and Medicare!
Only once have they failed me, but it always takes 2nd or 3rd checking .
I’d like to get them directly from Dexcom, but they insist they don’t sell directly.
Until last year when I had commercial insurance I could obtain 90 day CGM supplies either at my local CVS pharmacy. Now with Tricare I have to get them from a DME company via mail and I despise this. I’ve used Solara/Adapt Health & had continued problems, need to find a better DME company that is contracted with Tricare.