How much did you spend out-of-pocket on all of your diabetes medications and supplies from the start of January through the end of March 2023?
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Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I live in Spain, where we have socialized medicine. Our citizens´ taxes pay for my insulin, sensors, tubing, pump, and all medical appointments. I am from the USA but would be terrified to have to move back there because of my diabetes. I mean, that, and all the mass shootings…
Dropped insurance until the end of the year, guessing about $500 for Libre3, insulin pens, strips, and prescriptions. Lower than my copay with insurance? (dropped the pump/CGM combo)
I spent $227, about half my Medicare Part D deductible, on prescriptions. I also had to buy some test strips out of pocket because CVS suddenly won’t refill the prescription. It’s probably some nonsense about Medicare Part B coverage but I haven’t had time to devote to waiting on the phone to try to figure it out.
At least $500. ($105 for 3 vials of Lantus, long acting insulin + $105 for 3 vials of Humalog, fast acting insulin + $127.85 Byram for Dexcom 6 supplies in January and $127.85 to Byram for Dexcom 6 supplies in March
+ cost of surgery for ankle fracture surgery caused by osteopenia & neuropathy in feet, both T1D complications, + pain pills & antibiotics after ankle surgery exceeds $500 total out of pocket costs for T1D January thru March 2023. I forgot cost of crutches and walker and appointment copayments, x-rays. Most of the thousands of $ for surgery and metal implants and screws and overnight hospital stay were paid by Medicare. Do not privatize Medicare.
My Insurance is the best I have ever had! I work for a hospital, I get my meds from their pharmacy. All of my diabetes supplies are covered. My Insulin, my omnipod 5, DexcomG6. I’m very Thankful!
Largest expense is for Dexcom g6 Sensors. Using GoodRX averaging 170 a month. My insurance won’t consider them as preventative. So i have to meet a ridiculous deductible first. DoubleCross of Michigan. They do consider insulin as preventative. I believe it’s mandatory. Fiasp and Lantus each is around 200 for 90 day supply. Can’t complain about that.
How much did you spend out-of-pocket on all of your diabetes medications and supplies from the start of January through the end of March 2023? Cancel reply
Insulin for MDI $210. Iport $60. Needles $10. Dexcom no cost.
Medicare deductible.
I live in Spain, where we have socialized medicine. Our citizens´ taxes pay for my insulin, sensors, tubing, pump, and all medical appointments. I am from the USA but would be terrified to have to move back there because of my diabetes. I mean, that, and all the mass shootings…
So how much are citizens paying in taxes? Just curious how much socialized medicine costs each person/year?
I live in Ontario Canada so pump is covered but not Dexcom G6, insulin and medication. So I spent ~$1,800 during this time period.
Annual Part B Medicare Deductible. $226 in 2023.
Dropped insurance until the end of the year, guessing about $500 for Libre3, insulin pens, strips, and prescriptions. Lower than my copay with insurance? (dropped the pump/CGM combo)
I spent $227, about half my Medicare Part D deductible, on prescriptions. I also had to buy some test strips out of pocket because CVS suddenly won’t refill the prescription. It’s probably some nonsense about Medicare Part B coverage but I haven’t had time to devote to waiting on the phone to try to figure it out.
I spent over $6,000. Ugh and ouch.
At least $500. ($105 for 3 vials of Lantus, long acting insulin + $105 for 3 vials of Humalog, fast acting insulin + $127.85 Byram for Dexcom 6 supplies in January and $127.85 to Byram for Dexcom 6 supplies in March
+ cost of surgery for ankle fracture surgery caused by osteopenia & neuropathy in feet, both T1D complications, + pain pills & antibiotics after ankle surgery exceeds $500 total out of pocket costs for T1D January thru March 2023. I forgot cost of crutches and walker and appointment copayments, x-rays. Most of the thousands of $ for surgery and metal implants and screws and overnight hospital stay were paid by Medicare. Do not privatize Medicare.
My Insurance is the best I have ever had! I work for a hospital, I get my meds from their pharmacy. All of my diabetes supplies are covered. My Insulin, my omnipod 5, DexcomG6. I’m very Thankful!
Largest expense is for Dexcom g6 Sensors. Using GoodRX averaging 170 a month. My insurance won’t consider them as preventative. So i have to meet a ridiculous deductible first. DoubleCross of Michigan. They do consider insulin as preventative. I believe it’s mandatory. Fiasp and Lantus each is around 200 for 90 day supply. Can’t complain about that.
I spent around $500 in Jan to get an InPen which also covered my deductible. I’m on Medicare so generics are covered but not pen needles.
I misread the question. I answered 501-750 but should have said 1-250