How many times in the past 12 months did you have your A1c measured by a healthcare provider?
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I have not seen my Endo in person or virtually
How do you get insulin perscribed?
KP tests A1c once per year for all patients, I think. For people w/ TID KP tests for kidney function once per year. Also for nerve damage once/year. Other tests as well.
5 – more than usual because I was pregnant, and more rapid RBC turnover means A1c can change more often (every 2 rather than every 3 months)
I checked 5 also. I had 4 with my quarterly Endo visit and one more with a C-peptide test to prove I was diabetic for medicare. Not that 30 years of BG data wasnt enough. And final I was below 7 for the first time!
I must have appt with provider every 3 months per Medicare rules when it pays for pump & pump supplies.
Medicare allowed Televisits (is that a word?) I did that during the worst of COVID. I finally went into the office 3 mos. ago and am going again in person next week. Never had problem with Medicare for pump supplies or Dexcom supplies. We used the Dexcom estimate for A1C during the “not in person” time and that was good enough.
+12x w A1C Now home test kit.
My appointments have been entirely virtual during covid, so I haven’t had my A1C measured in a while.
I had my A1c checked four times by going to the hospital lab. However, all of my Endocrinologist appointments were telemed, via zoom.
My endo believes A1c tests are useless when I have CGM data that are more accurate but my insulin and supplies provider insisted that Medicare requires A1cs every 90 days. Somehow, my endo won the argument the last time I needed supplies so I didn’t have to make a special trip into the clinic during pandemic times for a test with no clinical value to my healthcare team.
nice !!!
Every 3 months prior to endocrinologist appointment.
I said 3 but it’s either 3 or 4.
Two of the first three times I saw my Endo in the last year. Both A1cs were 6.0. The last visit after looking through my Tandem and Dexcom data, a blood test was not requested.
Mine is checked every time I have an appointment!
By a doc of through a lab? I get it checked quarterly but this doc (who ironically said he normally farms out the TYPE 1’s to a local hospital) tests for the a1C through his office and I get the results while we’re talking. My last doc (a specialist) sent me to a lab.
I don’t do it as often as in the past because I look at my CGM summaries every week. A GMI- glucose management indicator- is better than an A1c because it is specific to you and far more detailed.