How familiar are you with the InPen™ Smart Insulin Pen from Companion Medical?
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This sounds like a market research query. Is there remuneration involved? Raises some questions for me about what these daily queries are being used for. Fine if just to generate engagement, but if the data are used for commercial purposes, or even just research, it would be appropriate to have a disclaimer to that effect. Maybe it’s on the site somewhere and I’ve missed it?
Just started using recently after transitioning from pump to mdi. It’s great for monitoring iob and total usage automatically.
Why don’t you educate us about this InPen Smart Insulin Pen from
companion Medical???? Smart Insulin is what I have been waiting for, do you need a volunteer for a clinical trial?????
It is a smart pen that delivers stupid insulin.
Smart pen? I want smart insulin.
Me too!
This is another repeat question. Still haven’t heard of it.
William raises an excellent question. I did answer that I’ve never heard of this insulin pen, but I do wonder why some of these questions are being asked and what the resulting data is used for.
Agree with the others about the questions. Wish we could ask what may seem like dumb questions but might help others. Like how much insulin does it take to cover my morning coffee? There are no carbs involved yet it definitely has an effect on my numbers.
I have been on MDI for years and have used the InPen for at least the last three. I LOVE it and would recommend that anyone on MDI check into it.
Slightly familiar only because I have seen it demonstrated at diabetes conferences or trade shows. Have not used one.
I use the In Pen and love it. It logs how much insulin is given at different parts of the day (among other things) and I often forget how much and what time. It is nice to see the differences from day to day. It has a great app that produces helpful graphs of insulin usage. In Pen is a great tool for analysis.
Slightly. I haven’t been on MDI in over 30 years, but I try to stay up on all new technology happening in the diabetes world.
I started using it last year and love it! I am using it for my fiasp and its great to see how much insulin I have on board and if I have taken insulin. Sometimes I’m forgetting if I gave a dose and can confirm that I have.
I did a brief search on the InPen, but didn’t learn enough to feel comfortable changing to it from my pump and cgm. If my current devices become too expensive, I might have to seriously consider switching to the InPen. I’d like to know more about it.