How do you usually bolus for a slice of pizza? If you typically use multiple strategies, please select all that apply.
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I feel like these answer choices are geared to T1s with a pump? I am MDI, I don’t understand the wording of the options. My answer is I would take one shot up front, and more maybe 90 mins later. I don’t know which prewritten answer is actually that.
You make a good point but I think what you are doing with shots is similar to what others are doing with pumps.
I believe “multiple regular boluses, given hours apart” would be your choice.
This is a tough question for me. I have not eaten a commercially made pizza in many years. But, when I did, I did an extended bolus for as long a period as my pump would allow. I was using a Medtronic pump, way back when.
The only pizza I eat now is homemade, on gluten-free pita bread, with pizza sauce, vegetables, and grated, low-fat parmesan cheese. It’s absolutely delicious, low-fat and gluten-free. I just take a regular bolus.
I never eat pizza at restaurants to avoid all that fat. We make our own pizzas at home so I am able to treat them like any other homemade meal.
Pizza is tough to figure out. Now that I’ve switched from a pump to MDI, I’ve found that two boluses are necessary, one when I eat and a second of the same size five hours later. Blood sugar remains fairly stable throughout the post-meal period but my sample size is small. I’ll need another year of experience to confirm.
Very rarely eat pizza but if I do I bolus for the slice but know will need to add bolus a few hours later. On MDI. Don’t eat pizza at night. Can control better at lunch.
I dose for carbs & add 1/2 fat as additional carbs
It’s an art not a science 😂
I don’t often eat pizza but I now take multiple regular boluses, given hours apart.
When I had my older Medtronic pump (670G) I used to use Dual-Wave bolus, but to do that on the newer 780G you need to ‘step out’ SmartGuard, which was picked up by my endocrinologist when we were discussing the data that I upload to the Medtronic Carelink website fortnightly, that he believed that I shouldn’t be stepping out of SmartGuard, but to allow the in-built algorithm to ‘take care of it’.
I rarely eat pizza but when I do I ensure it is thin-crust and since I’m on MDI, I take an injection of Humalog plus Humilin-R (in the same syringe) which functions similar to an extended bolus. This was my Endo’s idea. I do the same on evenings when I’ll be having dinner followed by ice cream, due to the high fat content in ice cream. Note the insulin combo must be injected immediately after they are put into syringe, to prevent them from mixing together.
I get a thin crust pizza with cheese and veggies. The store tells me the caloric span. The terminology of this question isn’t geared to regular doses. The pizza I get isn’t a major carb hit. Cheese and veggies are normal foods for me not exotic — don’t require anything special.
Little bit of everything. Sometime a temp basal change for couple hrs 195% added
I’m an MDI er and use novalog and fiasp so take an equal amount of each and touch it up later if needed but usually not necessary.
Pizza used to be one of my favorite foods! I quit eating pizza out when dx’d ten years ago. Then it was on to cauliflower crust pizza, almond flour/cheese crust pizza. Then my hubby became lactose intolerant and we both gave up pizza and dairy. No prob! In my 65 years I have changed my way of eating many times, eating lower fat and mostly vegetarian works for me. And staying as far away from ultra-processed foods as possible.
I don’t eat pizza often. The grease makes me nauseated.
Depends on the pizza. Thin crust, easy on the cheese and it’s like regular food. Regular crust requires a temp basal for a few hours
“Extended Bolus”, That is, when I remember!
Pizza is one of the foods I bolus early for. If I know I’m having pizza, I’ll bolus the normal dose 30-35 minutes before eating.
I bolus for the whole meal…I mean who eats just one slice of pizza? 8 unit Afrezza then calculate what I need to handle the meal
I think what they meant was that you do a regular bolus and do not use an extended bolus using a pump which gives insulin over a given amount of time. Using afrezza would be a regular bolus unless you also gave additional afrezza hours later.
Recently I ate delicious pizza and bolussed for what I thought would be correct, but my sensor ended. So I was without numbers for 2 hours. In those two hours I went up to 400 and then spen 2 hours getting down again. My how that pizza works on us.
I use a pump and first do an extended bolus (about 50% now and 50% later). In a few hours I will give another regular bolus and possibly another regular bolus a few hours after the 2nd one. Pizza stays in my system a long time.
I eat a “no crust” pizza, cutting down on carbs and fat.
Regular bonus for all carbs, plus 1/3-1/2 of the total dose extended bonus, and then usually multiple correction boluses in the wee hours of the morning. It’s a hassle.
I rarely eat pizza bc the “cost” of what it does to my BG is not worth it to me.
It depends on the pizza crust. If I’m eating my favorite thin crust pizza or “cracker” crust pizza, I can usually bolus for 20 carbs and take a walk after and that’s enough. But if I eat pizza that has a “bread” crust then I will extend my bolus, take a walk and probably follow with several boluses.
My Tandem X2 pump has a limited extended dual wave function, not as good as my old Medtronic 523 pump. Tandem only can extend for three (3) hours. Not good for a New York slice or two (2) of pizza, along with toppings. (Well over 150 carbs) Of course every Pizza Place makes their Pizza different. I stay away from frozen Pizza; they are a ticking time bomb. (At least 72 Carbs per a very small slice.) After 56 years of T1D, yes, I do read labels when available.
Nearly always extended bolus. Right away for carbs in the sauce and/or toppings and the extended part for the complex carbs of the crust. The ‘mix’ (now / extended) is usually 50/50 but can change depending on toppings, amount of sauce and type of crust (thin is less extended carbs than thick crust). More now if lots of sauce or fruit toppings, more extended if low on sauce and thick crust. My pump automatically increases the bolus for the “now” portion for any high bg correction as well.