How did you schedule your next appointment with your main T1D health care provider?
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I scheduled it at the end of my previous appointment.
At a virtual visit
I usually schedule right at the clinic, but since I did a phone appointment this last time (this was my first visit not done in-office) , I made my next appointment over the phone
Arranged at the end of the current appointment.
It’s always scheduled as I leave my current appointment.
Set next appointment at checkout. Also for in office labs
At the end of my appointment yesterday.
Snail mail, though I am informed that a new appointment will be made for me at the current appointment and will be mailed out to me.
I schedule my next appointment at the conclusion of each visit.
So do I!
Well, all of my medical appointments have been cancelled/rescheduled due to the Covid surge.
I always schedule at the time of the current visit. My appointment for this month was made about 6 months ago.
I use to schedule my next appt at the time of an in-office visit. Now with telemedicine appts, after my first visit, someone called me afterward to schedule my next visit. Since then I have had to call to schedule an appt. No one calls me so I have fallen behind in my visits last year.
I make a phone call when it is time for me to make an appointment. 6 month time frame, unless I feel I need it sooner.
Through the My Chart app.
I scheduled for in person since for the last 2 years all I’ve had are tele health appointments, but I’m not sure is going to happen or it’s going to be changed again. It’s not the same.
My next appointment is in person, which will be the first in person visit since COVID started…assuming that’s not changed with numbers going up
I scheduled an appointment through my chart app. I should have scheduled a long time ago. Made appointment in December and can’t get in till May….thankfully, I don’t feel like there is an urgent need to see the endo
My NP always schedules the next appointment and lab work with me at the conclusion of my current appointment. My endo likes to see me and do lab work 3-4 times a year. They’ve had in-person visits since last year.
Scheduled all in person, even through pandemic, but I had to cancel. My husband got COVID through a volunteer job, and I have to wait until he tests negative, then I can test (because it doesn’t make sense any other way). I can meet virtually but without labs, what’s the point? And I won’t go to the lab possibly positive. Then have to find a test site and wait about 5 days for results.
I typically schedule my next appointment at the conclusion of my current appointment. However, I have no issue changing my appointment or even scheduling an appointment via online patient portal.
I try to schedule my next visit while waiting to be called for that day’s visit. Parking is REALLY expensive there, and when my appt is over, I want to get out of the parking garage ASAP, not get back in line to schedule another one. I avoid making visits over the phone as the wait to talk to a live person is lengthy. Sadly, this endocrinology dept prohibits patients from making appts online.
I’m a Maxicare original program (77 Years Old). After my appointment my ENDO. automatically reschedules because of Medicare’s three-month requirements. Easy a simple.
Switched from Kaiser to Blue Shield. Found a GP, but their medical group (LL) is not taking anymore endocrinology appointments. I must look elsewhere. The GP is presently writing script for CGM and insulin, but is not familiar with the products
I see the doctor 2 times a year now and according to the insurance have to have 2 in person visits a year the rest can be on the portal
My provider automatically has me scheduled following our visit; every 3 months.