Have you (or your loved one with T1D) had LASIK eye surgery to see better without glasses or contact lenses?
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I was warned NOT to have LASIX surgery as it might complicate future cataract surgery.
Every single optometrist or ophthalmologist I have ever seen wears glasses. Why ? Because laser surgery is not 100%. Why would you purposely risk your eyesight, when we already have so many risks ? My non- diabetic ex husband had it done and to this day has halos at night. (Even after a corrective laser surgery years later).
Had lasik in 2004 for terrible nearsightedness and astigmatism and perfect vision for almost 15 years. Zero regrets. Now I’m on the verge of needing glasses again in my early 40s and contemplating a lasik touch up. That won’t fix my slight need for reading glasses but will probably be worth it.
I can’t justify the expense of LASIK myself.
I am 60 years old and having worn contacts for nearsightedness my whole life, 2 years ago I had multifocal lenses implanted to replace cataracts in both eyes. While halos and rings around lights (fresnel lens effect, look at a lighthouse light lens), I find seeing everything up close and far away as a better alternative.
I had LASIK surgery 13 years ago when my twins were 8 months old. My husband did it shortly after. Absolutely no regrets. I still love being able to wake up and not worrying about seeing. I am now almost 50 so I do need reading glasses occasionally but that would have occurred whether I had not done it. I wore glasses/contacts from the age or 12 and my vision went fast. I could not function without one or the other. Somebody said something previously about eye doctors wearing glass. My and my children’s eye doctor wear reading glasses but I have never had one that wore them for nearsided vision. It is not a true statement that they wear glasses because LASIK isn’t safe. Best thing I ever did for myself. Improved my life.
I had approval from my retinal specialist to pursue LASIK, but I couldn’t find a doctor that would perform the procedure for a diabetic.
The idea that I could afford a procedure like LASIK after the cost of insulin, syringes, CGM supplies, doctor’s appointment copays, and other miscellaneous costs associated with diabetes is hilarious.
I was referred for LASIK before it became poplar but wasn’t a candidate. My genetic vision problems are too great.
Haven’t done it yet, but I’m seriously considering it!
At age 68 started Laser and Injections for Floaters from DME. Had Cataract Surgery which gave me 20/25 in my bad eye but then had Vitrectomy for a Hemorrhage. I now only wear glasses for reading.
LASIK wouldn’t have fixed my vision issues. Besides, I had enough laser surgery for the PRP.
No for me but my sister, who also has T1D LADA has had laser surgery for her eyes. She had it many years before she acquired T1D.
Probably not relevant, but I’ve had cataract surgery which allow me under many circumstances to see well without glasses or contacts. No lasix or similar surgery, though.
I had lasik back in . . . 1997?? Around then. Overseas. $3000 for both eyes. Before that, I was -10/-11 diopters. Insane myopia. I’m not 20/20 but close enough to only need reading glasses under poor light and distance lenses when I drive at night (older lasik caused glare, but no worse than contacts.). One of the best decisions I ever made.
I had LASIK eye surgery for my very near-sighted eyes 3 years ago (age 35) and it was the BEST decision I have ever made with my money. I believe it was around $2400 and I no longer need glasses/contacts. Seriously – if you can take the initiative to improve your life like that – DO IT. So glad I did!!!
I’ve worn glasses for 35 years (can’t see without them) and I don’t even consider Lasik since three of my friends had major issues after their procedures and now wear glasses to correct the problems that developed. And as another said, the idea of having the funds to pay for it after buying diabetes supplies is hilarious!
I’m looking to get it done next month, any advice.